Sounds like you might want to learn about firewalls before you get too much further along? I had no idea when I set up my first web server, and the machine got hacked within a week of putting it online. For your purposes you can probably set up some simple rules with iptables, but if you ever get serious about a dedicated firewall (which will need at least two network connections but more gives you better flexibility) then you might want to look at something like OPNsense.
As for conflicting ports, the easiest solution is to move the internal server to a non-standard port that you can remember, but you should also consider putting each container on its own local IP address. Add something like dnsmasq to your pi, and you can add local names for each IP (plus it will handle dhcp for your network). Then in your browser you can type a local name like 'pihole' to access port 80 on that service, or '' to get to the nginx container.
And for pointing your domain name to the right IP... Do you have a static IP address? Unless you are paying extra for it, you almost certainly do not, in which case you need to look for a DDNS service which will track your current IP and update on the fly.