[-] [email protected] 6 points 13 hours ago

What's worse? Fighting Doomguy or being the school's principal with Eda as one of your students?

[-] [email protected] 35 points 18 hours ago

Martials are already underpowered enough without forcing them to give up even more of their meagre power.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

I feel like this should be satire, but it never becomes funny and just reads as a poor (and, quite honestly, not very original) attempt at trolling.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

It largely depends on what kind of niche audience you are attempting to reach. I've also faced this challenge (not in writing specifically, but I create mods for videogames and for DnD) and I guess there's no correct answer. Sometimes it's up to luck if people finds you at all.

I don't like compromising my artistic integrity for improved marketability. I'd rather remain unknown but happy with what I create, than making things I don't like. There is an argument to be made about finding a compromise, but I'm not that good at giving up my vision. Of course this doesn't mean that you shouldn't take feedback into account: accepting criticism is the number one step to get better, and I've always been grateful for other people's feedback on what I create. But I want feedback focused on improving what I want to do, not aimed at changing it to make it more preferable to others.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

Lol, enshittification came faster than expected. At least Netflix was successful before the price hike, and then decided to be greedy because their user base was willing to pay.

On the other side of the fence, Xbox Series consoles tanked harder than XOne (which was already a colossal failure) and Game Pass subscribers fell short of corporate expectations every year since its inception. And they decide that this is the best time to double the price of the service? Good luck with that decision, Microsoft.

Who is gonna pay $15/month for a catalog of old games? Old games are already cheap enough that you can buy them directly and still "profit" over keeping an ongoing subscription. And $20/month for day one games? At that price, you're better off just buying the damn game. GP was already hard to justify at its previous price, but this new price point is egregious.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

Great games, I have fond memories of me and my brother playing those flash games.

If you don't want to pay, the Flashpoint Collection already has these flash games and they are fully functional, although I think I'll grab this release to support the dev after all these years.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Wasn't this already confirmed a few months ago?

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago

The Boiling Isles must be grateful that Hooty is on their side. Not even the titans and the archivists combined could defeat him.

On a side note, why so many comics all of a sudden? I can barely keep up! Lol

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

I respect Mark's choices: it's his canon, his story and, by this point, pretty much his world. And I appreciate his attempt to explain why he wrote certain characters a certain way.

While I do respect his choices, however, I don't agree with them. He is comparing early S1 Eda to end series Eda, which are two completely different characters. Since then, Eda took it upon herself multiple times to protect her children (at the end of S1 and S2, for example), and both times Luz went after her to have her understand that she couldn't fight alone.

Heck, the motto of the series is "Weirdos stick together". Owl House was never a battle shounen anime where people fight to become stronger and growing up in the process: it was a series about finding like-minded individuals and facing adversities together, because no matter who you are, you can't face life alone.

Mama Eda allowing Ayzee to fight in the Fight Coven was fine as long as it was cartoon ("fake") violence, but the moment people began cheating, fighting 3v1 against Ayzee (one holding her and the other punching her in the face), and real weapons were thrown into the mix, and now one guy doing that to Ayzee, I feel confident saying that the "real" Eda would not have watched from the sidelines doing nothing.

That being said, I'm not trying to rain on someone else's parade. Sorry if my comments soured the mood a bit around here. I still appreciate Mark for the work he's done in single handedly keeping the series alive, and even with my criticism about this arc, I still have to point out that it has very good art. It's a testament to Mark's skill that he's able to put so much effort into such beautiful panels and release them at a daily pace.

My comments are not about "Mark bad", but I do think that he missed the mark (heh) here, which is sad because, after reading his comics for more than one year by now, it's the first time I feel not only disinterested in them, but grossed out as well. I do think that he did not handle the change of tone from silly cartoon to "adults punching, stabbing and dislocating shoulders of a kid" really well.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

This is what happens when the Paladin needs to choose between using their bonus action to Lay On Hands, or to Smite.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

I very much doubt it will, but still, seeing a grown-up man beating a kid in an illegal fight club does not exactly scream "fun" to me.

Like, sure, it was established since the beginning of this story arc that Ayzee would be fighting in a fight club, but, like, it was cartoon violence, no one was really getting hurt. Ayzee would be bitten by a demon, and it was fun just like watching an anvil fall on Will E Coyote. It was "fake".

But in the last few pages they've been using real weapons against Ayzee, and now this guy does that... It's just... Yikes.

I'll keep reading, but I hope this arc ends soon and we can go back to Ayzee and her friends having fun in the silly magical world and developing crushes.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago


This story arc is making me a bit uncomfortable.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm a huge Talisman fan but I wasn't aware that a new edition was being released, and I thought that others would appreciate the news.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Key points:

  • SDR 5.2 will be made available under Creative Commons.
  • It will release within weeks of the 2025 Monster Manual (which will release February 18th, 2025).
  • It will contain information from all three core rulebooks (PHB, Monster Manual, DMG).
  • It will be localized in all officially supported languages.
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is exciting news for every aspiring game developer! Brackeys, a popular YouTuber who used to make in-depth and very user-friendly tutorials about Unity, is returning after a long hiatus, and will now create tutorials on Godot (for those who don't know, it's a FOSS game engine, but I'm pretty sure that, if you have an account here, you already know it).

Brackeys' tutorials were (and still are) the best tutorials for Unity, and have helped many aspiring devs (some of whom I know personally, and who later made a career out of it). His return, and the fact that he's now chosen to specialize on Godot, is a game-changer (pun intended) for the accessibility of the FOSS engine. Considering the recent Unity debacle, I'm happy that Brackeys will help people jump the ship, and I'm sure it will be instrumental in its success in the future.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Some trailers have been shared here, but not all. This is a list of all 35 announcements from the Triple-i initiative showcase.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Photo by Matt Hatchett from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/trees-2867013/

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If I sort a multicommunity by 'Hot', it will show all posts from community 1, then all posts by community 2, etc... kind of defying the purpose of a multicommunity at all. I solved it by sorting by 'New' instead, but I figured I'd mention it here because it took me a while to notice - I thought people were not making new posts at all, while in fact, it was just displaying all posts by a lowly populated community first.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Dealing with wyrm infestations 1

Dealing with wyrm infestations 2

Dealing with wyrm infestations 3

Dealing with wyrm infestations 4

Dealing with wyrm infestations 5

Dealing with wyrm infestations 6

Dealing with wyrm infestations 7

Dealing with wyrm infestations 8

Dealing with wyrm infestations 9

Dealing with wyrm infestations 10

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Dear Pokémon fan game community,

It is with heavy heart that I announce that the Relic Castle website has been taken down following a DMCA takedown notice.

Relic Castle has always been a non-profit, ad-free, tight-knit community and we pride ourselves in what we have achieved. Members have felt at home, made friends, and even careers with us. It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that the forum part of this community, which was to turn 10 years old this year, has had to come to an end. With over 20.000 members and 65.000 posts, Relic Castle was a home to many of us.

The Discord server is not going anywhere, and the site is still visible as an archive using the Wayback Machine.

Thank you all for being with us this last decade, and thank you for making Relic Castle as awesome and life-changing as it has been for some of us.

Sincerely, Marin (Owner) & Andy (Manager)


FAQ: (will update as we can/want to)
1- The website was backed up and sent to me (Cat) right before it was taken down, so nothing is truly lost.
2- TCPI should not be contacted as it was a third party who is authorized by TCPI to supply DMCAs and looks legitimate to us.
3- The DMCA was on the entire site for using "unauthorized copies of copyrighted material", so different from one game being taken down.
4- What will RC staff do next? Is there a new site or will the Discord be expanded? We don't know right now.
5- Put love into the world today

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A post/comment that was published, say, ten days ago, but edited two days ago, is shown as being published two days ago. Would it be possible to display the date as "10d (2d)" or something similar, to distinguish between the two dates?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Page 1 - Class features (1) Page 2 - Class features (2) Page 3 - Class features (3) Page 4 - Class features (4) Page 5 - Subclass: Blademaster Page 6 - Subclass: Commander Page 7 - Subclass: Green Knight Page 8 - Subclass: Psyker Page 9 - Subclass: War Veteran BackCover and Credits

The Heroic Warrior is a revamped Fighter that shares some similarities with the One DnD version of the class, but replaces the weapon masteries (which I honestly find overly simplistic and boring) with battle maneuvers and additional fighting styles.

The goal is to create a martial class that's simple to use, fun to run over multiple sessions, and on a more equal power level with casters, while also trying not to dilute its "martial" nature with spells-like or arcane powers (such as giving it overly flashy maneuvers).

The four subclasses provided are heavily inspired or directly derived by existing subclasses: the Blademaster is a blend of Battle Master and Cavalier, the Commander is an improved Purple Dragon Knight/Banneret, the Green Knight combines the Eldritch Knight and the Arcane Archer and gives them Pact Magic with third caster progression, the Psyker is a middle ground between the Echo Knight and the Psi Warrior, and lastly, the War Veteran is a mix of Champion and Samurai.

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts; I'll be happy to improve the class following other people's opinions and suggestions.

Full image album (Imgur): https://imgur.com/a/LV0qNcN
Ko Fi: https://ko-fi.com/taverntalesdnd
Online reader and pdf download (MEGA): https://mega.nz/file/6NFkDDSY#rhDGho5JPh--_its_RrBtMIVi8hLrorbHxz02naIn4c

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been working on this one for a while, and I'm happy I've finished it in time for the release of Dune 2!
The Ashworm Dragoon was a prestige class in DnD 3.5, meant as a "mundane" (as in, non-magical) special mount for fighters.
The two main hurdles when writing this class was finding a way to have the ashworm come back to the player in the event of death (most familiar subclasses in the game don't have this problem, as the character has spell slots to heal/resurrect their faithful friend) and balance the burrowing speed of the ashworm (I actually found that the rules are a bit more restrictive than I thought, and I've added a few more to prevent strategies that the players could employ to cheese encounters using their burrowing speed).

Page 1 - class features

Page 2 - companion stat block

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joined 1 year ago