[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

In atleast 3 distros I wanted to add program at start-up, easy peasy on windows , Linux is mess , some has gui for that but these three distorsion HAD ZERO option for it and I still don't know how to do it.

In windows i want to serch for here is program installed, so easy to know and find . In Linux I had to fight multiple terminal commands ( in 2024 no less) and ev n then indid not come across whwre is the program installed

In Linux I plugged in hdd and wanted a program to acess its content, turns out I can't do that without mumbo jumbo or wv n with it Whwre as in windows , inplug it and VOILA! I can access it across anything.

Linux MAY be good at something , but it still sucks for real Common usage.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

You answered all of them , but they are tangent to what point ibam trying to make.

As a SIMPLE TON OR A NEWBIE YSING LINUX ,this is all I can't and won't be doing , using windows is not disappointing because SIMPLY it works , like number 6 first part is easy no . The second part WHY WOULD I DO IT ? FOR 5th you have to use R and gnu plot because libre office is well SHIT at at those , where as excel can do it natively. Wine does not make it better except for few program to be used in Linux, the tool intended to it's work is HALF baked. Please try to do 1 and 2 in zorin and Pop is and see how far it takes to complete the process , If you want I can put I stopwatche and tell you time it took to do it in windows. Not to mention use of HDD , in windows i attach it and VOILA! Its the one I use it ACROSS ANY AND ALL APPS not a single mount -a-B--ë stuff I have to do .

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Revolut, n26 try any bank whicubisbgood in online or the BIGGER names mostly has instant transfer, in my experience its the middle of road banks that are taking time .

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Okay i been this with a lot Linux does not work if you are trying to use it at even likely advance stage

  1. I can't find where exe is
  2. I can't put that exe in start-up of system (tried it on zorin and pop os )
  3. Wine won't open lot of programs
  4. Libre office has came long way but make a doc in libre office and tried to open in word later it's a mess and can't work that for CV
  5. Excel is THE tool to be used in many cases, can't be used powerfully in Linux.
  6. There is need to use terminal multiple times for lot of things Linux is NOT useful, windows might be forcing but it's a ripe operating system. Across all Linux distors even the shell is not same.
[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

In EU, you need to use PayPal at all.bank transferes are instant, banks provide disponible debit cards , you can use Google pay Almost anywhere, which keeps your Privacy. Where is that you NEED to use PayPal in EU?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

And guess what , when I asked what is replacing VPN as part of services, they say they don't know and tried to move me over to 20 eur a month plan. So reducing the service and staying same prices ...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I hate sygic for this, i bought lifetime för my part of World, and now it mails me every day to get subscription. never i will get it, every time i need it i will use cracked one. It was one of the good company, but now its just a nag.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 weeks ago

Okay, zorin os , not complicated part is not true. On any Linux 1., try to find where is program main executable is 2. Put that at startup, so thatbsoftwre starts at login 3. Connect HDD and ensure that it's available in ALL programs , without touching terminal. These things are trivial in windows. Linux or the v n zonrin works out of box if you just want to surf Internet.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Have you tried excel ? Its WAY AHEAD of any excel like thing available as office in wild. Just example vlookup , Power tables , vba are no whwre near in any of the products.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wanted to install jackett and sonarr, they are complicated to use as is, moreover I am using Ubuntu. I am following fuidleine for installing jackett with STUPID command line making it EXTRA difficult. But now I have to change directory ownerships and what nots. I am the ONLY user on this machine. I want to own everything by default I am root I am admin I am user I am all. How do I make this happen instead of sending stupid commands all the time and making using Linux EASY. Before anyone getting on about Security I don't give 2centa about it .I just want to use and install and do whatever I wish.

How do I make this happen Forever, once inför all.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How to sign up services without phone number?

Hello all, recently wanted to signup for temporary permanent legit emailmid in gmail. It was asking me Phone number in process, i tried to use multiple numbers from regular online resources ( more than 30) but nothing worked. I don't want to give my personal phone number in real life to someone's unless Its I want to.

How do I sign up services where phone number is required ? Is there throw away phone number I can get ? Is there way to skip it all together ( not on Gmail for sure ) Your help be appreciated.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello all, recently wanted to signup for temporary permanent legit emailmid in gmail. It was asking me Phone number in process, i tried to use multiple numbers from regular online resources ( more than 30) but nothing worked. I don't want to give my personal phone number in real life to someone's unless Its I want to.

How do I sign up services where phone number is required ? Is there throw away phone number I can get ? Is there way to skip it all together ( not on Gmail for sure ) Your help be appreciated.

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