[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Wow I love this story, I used to watch that show all the time! I can still hear the theme song as if I just watched it yesterday. That was super cool of them to send you a copy. I hope you still have it!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The second game feels like where they found their footing before leaning into wario with the third game, but I still enjoyed the first because of how unique it felt at the time.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

It's time Nintendo brings back the scary flying mask enemies. Love SMB2!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Hahaha that brings back memories. I definitely remember trying all sorts of jumps that got me killed just to see if there were more secrets like that.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Yes! I loved Warioland as well, what wonderful strange little games lol. I never got a chance to play Warioland Shake it, but I've played all the rest!

I agree I always want more Wario games, we hardly get any! And I can't believe how little they've done with Waluigi. I thought for sure he would get a Smash invite :(

I don't remember much about Wario Land on the gamecube... but if captain toad can have his own adventure game on the switch that's actually pretty good, than so can Wario!

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Does anyone remember the Super Mario Land series for Gameboy? This series was so strange, but I still loved playing them on car rides.

The games felt surreal, it seemed so novel playing a mario game where you pilot a submarine and shoot at enemies, or when giant easter island heads are enemies in the game.

It's kind of funny how Mario has evolved over the years, it doesn't sound so out of place anymore. I'm pretty sure there are Moai statue enemies in Mario Odyssey funny enough.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I agree, it is unfortunate it came to that. I really wanted to keep that community in my feed because there is a lot of content worth checking out from there. Ultimately I operate on a 3 strikes policy, and they crossed it so out they go.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Yeah I just blocked the free and open source software page because of the type of conversations they are having and the amount of people "dunking" on boogeymans like SJWs and "wokeness". Yuck.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Joycons. I actually enjoy using them but the fact that their failure rate is basically guaranteed makes them little more than paper weights. I have 4 sets all with drift. I have a friend who's really into Nintendo and he has a huge collection of joycons because they keep developing drift. At $100 a pop in Canada, I know my friend has spent over $1000 on these things. Myself, I would never buy another pair of joycons from Nintendo.

My experience with joycons has actually made me much more discerning when it comes to buying new controllers, for example why would I buy the xbox elite controller when everyone reports they develop drift? Before joycons I probably would have just bought the xbox elite controller and ended up with a disappointing product.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you, I appreciate comments like this so much. I hope you have a wonderful day.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately it seems obvious that PP and his party will win with a majority government. And as an autistic LGBTQ person who already experiences real hate from people in my small town, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Nope wasps were created by satan. They get super aggro during the start of the fall, they get desperate for food and have no problem attacking humans to get it.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've played D&D pretty casually from time to time, but always as a player and usually just short one shots and not big campaigns.

This year I started feeling the urge to play in a big campaign, and some of my friends were showing interest. I decided why not try my hand at DMing! I went all in, I bought 6 books (DMG, PHG, Xanthars guide, tashas, MM, and MotM) a ton of paint supplies, and some tiles/maps.

And I'm glad I did! We've had four sessions so far and it's going great. We are starting on the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign, and afterwards we will be moving into homebrew, eventually reaching level 12+. I have already started changing a few things from LMoP to fit the homebrew campaign I am planning where the BBeG will be Atropus and its chosen Warlock who is trying to attract the elder evil to Toril.

I didn't have any experience running a campaign, or even painting, but there are so many useful resources on youtube that I feel confident I've got a handle on things!

If anyone has any tips or pointers for a first time DM I'd love to hear them! I am always willing to learn.

If anyone wants to see more of the figures I've painted, heres a couple of pics https://imgur.com/a/1SMF4jr?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is a bit of a vent, I'm sorry in advance. I'm still a little bit triggered honestly. If this type of post doesn't fit for this community I apologize, I don't really have anyone to talk to about this.

Reddit has been pushing me away over the past year, mostly because of how antagonistic people are becoming.

The straw that broke the camels back for me was encountering a user with the "r" word in their username, being used in a derogatory way. I am autistic, and that triggers me based on my past experiences. It's a slur against autistic or ND people, and it violates the reddit content policy that states "Users that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned."

So it turns out on Reddit there is no way to report someone for using slurs in their username. I tried all the other avenues for reporting and nothing worked. I tried to contacting a handful of admins but was ignored over several weeks.

This was all very frustrating for me and I thought I would post about it on the autism subreddit, but I was met with rude responses that boiled down to "Get over it." or "Shut up." I posted on a few other autism related subs and was met with similarily harsh responses. Some of the subreddits actually deleted my post.

I honestly didn't expect that kind of response from other people on the spectrum, and its at this point I realize reddit is unhealthy, regardless of the subreddit.

I have deleted my account and wont look back. I am thankful that a place like beehaw exists, its a shame more spaces online don't try to cultivate a friendly userbase.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Some background - I am diagnosed with autism and it can be hard for me to just "ignore" the awful things people can say to me when I'm online.

The latest thing someone said to me really got me feeling down and depressed. Honestly having darker thoughts because of it.

I have IBS-D, which means there is an insane amount of food I cannot eat - if I do eat the things I cannot, my intestines get shredded and I bleed like crazy. Honestly the list is massive and my diet has basically been chicken green beans and potatoes every night for the past 3 years. I have lost over 60 lbs, and currently weigh 130lbs as a 5.11 male. Doctors have been trying to figure it out but they haven't been able to and say I may just have to live with it.

This person was calling me a monster because I eat meat, even though I have a medical condition that makes my diet extremely limited. Unfortunately meat is one of the only things that agrees with my stomach across the board. I'd like to be vegetarian but I literally will die from malnutrition and weight loss if I did try. I explained this to the user but they didn't care.

I explained my autism to them, and that what they were saying was making me depressed and they just continued with saying how I was a monster and killing myself wouldn't be as bad as killing all the animals I have to "enjoy" meat. They said my condition wasn't an excuse and compared me to the "sexual cycle of violence" of dracula.

This user made me feel really sad and crappy. Afterwards I cried for a while but I don't feel better.

The problem I have is that there are many people online who seem to get pleasure from being awful to others, and it gets to me every time.

Does anyone have any advice for handling these situations online? Often I hear people say you should just ignore these people and move on, but I end up ruminating on what they've said and it can make me feel bad for weeks on end. Sometimes I feel like I should just give up using the internet because of these people.

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