[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

No problem! I am glad I was able to help!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Sadly I have WAY too much social anxiety to organize any of these myself, but my town does have little libraries and pantries, and does do seed swaps and repair cafes, so it can be done! I think the trick for organizing is building a local area community online (maybe the app "Nextdoor??" and gradually warming people up to the idea. Basically, building hype and trust before trying to start it. That also has the benefit of making sure you have built a community to help you run it, rather than trying to do it all on your own.

The other method in my town is just proposing the idea to the town council, then if they like it, they help with the marketing and whatnot because it's good PR for them. I get that's harder in a city, though. You could also try proposing the idea to community boards or community centers.

Sorry I can't be of any real help! The only thing on the list I have done is built a little library.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago
[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

There's actually several problems with most hydro dams that sadly is often completely ignored due to it being "green energy." For example:

  • Disrupting Fish Migrations. The dams can act like walls, stopping annual fish migrations. Though this is sometimes minimized using fish-ladders, often many other aquatic species that can't use the ladders are ignored.
  • Displacing people and wildlife. For example, Lake Minnewanka in Alberta, Canada, has an underwater town that was flooded for a hydro-dam. The spot was also of importance to the indigenous people of the area, as it was seen to be connected to the spirit world.
  • Polluting the Water. By causing higher levels of sediment and algae in the reservoirs. This is called “eutrophication.”
  • Hurting or Killing Wildlife. The released water is often cold and low in oxygen, which can shock and even kill wildlife downstream.
  • Water-Depletion. Reservoirs can cause water-depletion for an area, since still water evaporates faster than the water in a moving river, and the plants consume water to work.

That's why I don't always classify hydro as actually being green energy. There's hope in small-scale turbines making a comeback in a fish-friendly style https://youtu.be/KEsrAmM07fs , as well as updated takes on tidal energy, such as the wave swing. https://youtu.be/mxesgXdw0Zw

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Those are very good points! I especially didn't think of the last one, and it's really important.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Those are all beautiful examples!😍 I absolutely understand why you picked them

Community Ideas (slrpnk.net)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Community centers and libraries are needed and wonderful, but here are some other ideas I love to see:

"Free" cupboards From free little libraries, to food pantries, to tool sheds, and more, these variations on free community cupboards are starting to pop up around the world, and I adore them. Essentially, if you have something you no longer want, you can put it in one of these themed community cupboards so that someone else can use it. Some people are even managing to convince their apartment buildings to put one in their lobby.

Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4

Community Vending Machines

If someone opened a vending machine where people could rent a space inside, it could be great for those who want to sell something, but can’t afford to rent a building. Instead, you can rent that spot inside, and test the market for what you are selling for a lot less risk. Even if you rent a whole unit, it could still be less than the cost of renting a full building with staff.

For an example of this in action, vending machines are being used by farmers who are buying them themselves, so that they can make back more profit than what happens in the store. Due to the demand, there are now farmer-specific machines to buy: such as ones just for eggs

“For every dollar we spend on food, only about 16 cents goes to the farmer. ” Tracie McMillan

While I do understand this brings up the whole “what about store workers” topic again, this system is nothing new for farmers. In many farming communities, you will come across a “honour code” stand, where the eggs or whatever else is at the end of the property, and they are trusting you to leave the correct amount of money for what you take. The vending machines do the same thing, but in a more secure way for the farmers.

Also, remember: the people most utilizing these systems are the ones who could not handle the cost or volume needed to have their products in a store.

So, in my opinion, vending machines could be a great stepping-stone for small businesses if more non-brand specific units were available.

Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4

Swap Meets

Swap: If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange. Collins

Many people today are focused on being hyper-independent; this, however, is not how life has always been for everyone.

Have you ever heard of the term “barn raising?” Barn raisings (aka a raising bee) was when a whole community — especially in 18th-19th century North America — would get together to build a barn or other structure. With so many hands at the ready, they could build an entire barn in a day.

No one would be paid for their work, and the whole community was expected to help. Often, finishing would be celebrated with a feast and dance.

The idea of this is that you help your neighbor with the knowledge that you may need that help in the future.

Instead of taking on every task yourself, you lean on a community to take on some of the load. Here are some examples of how some people are working on this:

🌱 Seeds and Seedling Swaps 🌱

Some communities organize seed swaps, where you have a gathering for people to exchange seeds. This is a great way to swap something you have a lot of for something you have never tried before.

This system is particularly helpful for people who seed save from the previous harvest.

Can’t go with the community option? There are online seed exchanges as well.

Note: in some places, this is illegal. For example, in some of the USA states, patents are held on the seeds themselves. As well as that, there are also laws “intended to protect farmers” from weeds. Some people host these events anyways, while lobbying their local governments to make changes.


🍅 Harvest Exchanges / Crop Swaps / Food Swaps 🍅

While seed swaps tend to happen before the growing season, harvest exchanges happen during harvest times. By then, you will hopefully have produce of some kind from your garden, and if you have extra, you can exchange it with the produce of someone else. For example, if you grow tomatoes, you could leave with some carrots and apples.

This does not have to be on a large scale, either. You could set up a plan with friends where you each grow something different, then plan to swap at the end of the season.

There are also online options f or this as well.

Some of these also expand into finished goods; such as baked food, canned foods, and so on. These are called “Community Food Swaps.” There is are online directories for these.

https://youtu.be/bAmD2VAFSos https://youtu.be/NtVnaN2Yw0Y

👚Clothing Swaps 👚

I hope you are getting the idea by now, but just in case, people gather, and exchange clothes that no longer fit or no longer match their style, for clothes they do need.

Putting it simply, the events have tables (organized by clothing type and size) for you to put your clothing onto. You can go to any table, and grab the clothes you need.

If there are any clothes not claimed by the end of the event, they can be donated.


🧠 Knowledge Swaps 🧠

If you have a skill of some kind, you may be able to swap it for the knowledge someone has on a different subject. For example, if you know how to fix jewelry, that might be worth trading for someone who knows how to mend clothing.

For these, you literally exchange the skills by teaching the other person. Any skill you have, even holding chopsticks properly, could very well be a skill someone wants to learn, so do not doubt yourself.


🛠 Work Swaps 🛠

Just as it sounds: you exchange a job for a job. For example, let’s say you are good at graphics design but need a sink fixed; you could give a plumber the logo they need for marketing, while they repair your sink.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For me, it's hard to describe what an solarpunk building looks like, but this post has some extreme examples. Basically, for me I tend to look for:

  • Designs inspired by nature
  • Lots of color (instead of the grey cities tend to be now)
  • Greenery
  • Designs focused on human happiness, instead of prioritizing what looks most modern
  • Designs that promote a sense of community
  • Eco-friendly focus

Those below don't all hit all of those points, but something about these just seem like they would fit in a Solarpunk story world.

I would love to see what everyone else things of when someone says "solarpunk building." Please show me!

Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Friedensreich Hundertwasser was an Austrian artist, architect, and supporter of protecting the environment. Even his grass-roofed home(not pictured) in 1970 was self-sufficient; running off solar panels and a water wheel. As a blend of both his artistic side and his love for nature, his designs often look like something out of a fairytale, while often having greenery worked in.

“For Hundertwasser, human misery was a result of the rational, sterile, monotonous architecture, built following the tradition of the Austrian architect Adolf Loos, author of the modernist manifesto Ornament and crime (1908). He called for a boycott of this type of architecture, and demanded instead creative freedom of building, and the right to create individual structures.” Wikipedia

Image Source 1 | Image Source 2 | Image Source 3 | Image Source 4 | Image Source 5

“Satellite Set” by architect Javier Senosiain

Image sources (and more info)

Architect Peter Vetsch

Images and More Info

The Termite Inspired Building


How do you cool a building without air conditioning? Using an approach called biomimicry, see how architect Mick Pearce harnessed the ingenuity of termites to design a natural cooling system for the largest commercial building in Zimbabwe.”

Using the technology inspired by a termite mound, The Eastgate Centre in central Harare, Zimbabwe uses up to 35% less energy than other buildings.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I hope it helps! 😊

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

You're welcome and thanks! I will add that to the list with credit to you.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Haha Thanks! I made the section breaks on Canva(free version) so I am not really attached to them or anything, so please feel free to save and use them if you'd like!

Perfect, thanks! I will add those right away with credit to you.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I have never owned carp, but a lot of fish are opportunistic, though have food preferences(so basically, if they are starving, they may resort to eating something, even if they prefer something else). If your setup is outdoors, they may get enough food from wild insects. For example, my mother has a very small outdoor goldfish pond with some real lily-pads, and thanks to the wildlife insects, she does not have to feed them and they are many years old. Otherwise, you could grow your own fish food (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k9xuW2Irck ) or some fish even like certain kitchen scraps.

AH WAIT. 💡 I just remembered a video of a system in Japan where the people of a town wash their produce and dishes in a kabata. It is basically a network of streams going from house to house, and the free-roaming fish there(which I think *might *have been carp) eat all the waste and help keep the water clean. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rwxsjzjDhs I also remember this article being informative (and is where the image is from): http://ihcsacafe-en.ihcsa.or.jp/news/harie/

In regards to your story, haha I am sorry to say it does not sound like I will be much help for that. The science your story is going into is far too smart for my brain, I'm afraid. You sound like a scientist! hahaha.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

No problem! I am happy to share them 😊

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Thanks! I will add Kolourpaint and Standard Notes (with credit), and remove Obsidian

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have been collecting free resources I come across! Know of one not listed? Please share it for everyone 😊

Note: While I have tried most of these, I have not tried all of them. Please do some research before downloading anything.

📸Photo Editing and Digital Art:

💻 Programs:

Character Posers:


🎨 Palettes:


  • FreeTypography: Free fonts for commercial use
  • Creative Fabrica: Free fonts for commercial use (sign-up required. Click “Menu,” then “Freebies.”)
  • Font Base: Free program made to organize and preview fonts (for graphic design)



  • Audacity: Audio editor
  • Craig: a bot for discord that lets you record audio conversations (not sneakily, publicly) for podcasts. It even splits everyone into separate audio files for easier edits.

📖Documents and Writing

🖥️Website Building/Coding/Programing


  • Etymology Dictionary: History and meanings of words
  • Marginalia: search engine that focuses on non-commercial content
  • Text-To-Speech: Chrome Extension for hearing text spoken and seeing it highlighted
  • Dictation: will transcribe audio
  • FreeLearningList: several lists of websites where you can learn for free
  • TinyWow: A website with several different useful tools; such as converting file types, photo editing, and more.
  • Omni Calculator: This website has several different calculators/generators; including a solar setup calculator (tells you how many panels you need), constructions calculators (such as telling you how many sheets of drywall you will need) and more.
  • Food Swap Network: share homemade, homegrown, or foraged foods with each other.
  • Freegle: A free app for either giving away items you no longer want, or finding ones you need.
  • Dimensions: Need to know the average size of something? This website can show you the standard measurements and sizes of many different things.
  • Gramps: Free family tree and research program
  • Frappe Books: Accounting Software
  • iFixit: Look up the repair guides for many different common items
  • Repair Clinic: Enter the model or part number, or problem, and it will help walk you through repairing the exact item you have.

DIY Builds:

  • Awesome Social Robots: How to build a robot companion
  • Open-Sourced DIY prosthetic leg: “With an ever-increasing availability of new technologies, we created an affordable bionic leg that is accessible to everyone.”
  • DIY Open electric drive kit for wheelchairs - alpha v “The present page is a follow-up project done by a group of 3rd year students from Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College where they built a first prototype of an electric wheelchair that will be the basis for future development of an open kit to build electric wheelchairs for cheap. The idea is to keep information open and make the system suitable to use off-the-shelf components.”
  • DIY Talking Smart Glass for the Blind “A pair of talking smart glass, intended to help the visually impaired.”
  • DIY Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0 "An Open Source Solar-Powered Weather Station to monitor Temperature, Humidity, Air Pressure, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall, UV Index, and Lux Level”

📺Media and Entertainment

  • Tubi online streaming platform with ads
  • VLC: a media player that can play pretty much anything
  • inoreader: RSS reader so you can follow your fav websites without ads.
  • Calibre: ebook management
  • Playnite: Video game manager
  • Kodi: Video media manager

Free Books (Legal):

🖼️Public Domain Art

Once something reaches a certain age, it can fall under public domain. This includes classical art (like the Mona Lisa). If they are public domain, you can use them for commercial use or marketing.

🌎 Environmental Protection DIY Plans:

  • Senso: “Senso is a device that detects deforestation using sound analysis detecting machines used to cut down trees and warning the authorities”
  • Project Eel: “Monitoring river water quality based on open-design multi-parameter sonde, built along with QuickFeather and SensiML service.”
  • Stream Research: “Data is power, and with sufficient data we can approach our respective municipalities, and provide them with all the information they need to seek or allocate funding for the preservation and conservation of our natural waterways.”
  • Droncoria: Dronecoria develops Open Source biotechnological tools and knowledge. Enabling large-scale, low-cost environmental restorations through sowing drones and seed enhancement.
Vehicle Repair (slrpnk.net)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I do not know if these have been posted yet, but I thought I would share them just in case

Video Collection (slrpnk.net)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I do not have a balcony, but I thought I would share the videos I have collected in the past just in case they ended up helping someone. I just joined, so I am not sure how/if they can be embeded, so I will just put links.

Also, here is a website that might help.

“If it is a South or West-facing balcony, you’ll have sunshine almost all day, which means you can grow anything. An East facing balcony receives sunlight in the morning, which is sufficient for most greens, herbs, and root vegetables. On the contrary, a North-facing balcony usually remains shady throughout the year, and it isn’t easy to grow vegetables in the shade. However, you can still try lettuce, parsley, peas, cilantro, fenugreek, green onions, bok choy, and mustard greens.” BalconyGardenWeb

The image used was also sourced from that website.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Aquaponics is similar to hydroponics, but makes use of fish to create fertilizer-rich (fish waste 💩) water for the plants to thrive. In turn, the plants help clean the water for the fish.

You can put the pumps and fish feeders on a timer to automate them, and even use fish types people eat for fish farming.

My only ask is that you remember to make the tank nice for the fish. A stressed fish is a dead fish, and way too many aquaponic users just throw a bunch of fish in an empty(no stimulation) and overcrowded tank.

The below videos talk about using the systems to grow food in urban spaces.


“Ever heard of aquaponics? In urban areas, aquaponics helps combat barriers that come with farming in cities, like lack of access to space. “


“There are so many barriers in place when it comes to growing food in cities, but education and lack of access to space are the hardest to overcome. Yemi Amu has dedicated her life as a farmer to solving this problem, by starting the only Aquaponics farm in NYC. Oko Farms in Brooklyn is both a working farm which provides fresh food to surrounding neighborhoods, while also actively engaging the public in education on how to grow food for yourself in urban environments.”


"What's up everyone, in this video i build part 1 of an indoor DIY aquaponics system for my 10 gallon fish tank! I have been interested in aquaponics for a while now and know i wanted to build an indoor DIY aquaponics system early on when i saw the price of most retail aquaponics kits. This DIY aquaponics system was built using all materials found either on Amazon or at local hardware stores and came in under $50 total! "

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Recent research has shown that red nets are more effective than black or white nets in preventing onion thrip damage to crops, reducing the reliance on harmful chemical pesticides by up to 50%. This approach supports sustainable farming by minimizing environmental impact."

From this post: https://scitechdaily.com/the-science-behind-red-nets-a-new-dawn-in-eco-friendly-farming/

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you are looking for a way to both conserve water but also have a healthy garden, an Olla might help.

While surface watering, some of the water will be lost to evaporation, and you may not get the soil damp enough to encourage the roots to spread deeper.

This is when the Olla becomes helpful; made from porous clay, this pottery can be filled with water, which it will then gradually seep into the surrounding soil. While most of it is burred, enough of the neck is out of the soil to fill it.

You can make your own for your outdoor garden using terracotta pots and water-proof adhesive. Simply glue two pots together, and fill the hole on one side. When the glue is set, just bury the pots (with the unfilled hole up), fill with water, and cover the hole with a saucer, cork, or rock.

If, however, you only have indoor plants, you have an option, too! You can get terracotta watering spikes that work in a similar way, but a glass bottle fills it.

While they might not be suitable for all plants, for many plants they are suitable, and can help with your gardening chores.

While they might not be suitable for all plants(such as plants that prefer dry soil), for many, they are.

Images from Permaculture Research Institute

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