
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 hours ago (8 children)

Did someone just defect?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 hours ago

This is what I have noticed with almost all of the micro commuter cars. They cost more than a Civic; often significantly more. If they were half the price of a Civic I bet people would be all over them.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

war is always the worst possible option

I'm currently living in a country that was freed from British colonialism via war. I'm damn happy that war happened, I'm damn happy we have our own country.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (6 children)

The fun problem with isolationism is it just allows problems to fester; then you have something much worse to deal with later. You may want to ignore the world, but the world won't ignore you.

Edit: An Iranian proxy has been shooting civilian shipping and civilian crews from all countries for the last year. There are problems one cannot simply ignore.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

Yep! He is pretty popular and does some nice reviews. He generally likes pointing out negative aspects a bit more. But he is one of the more honest and amusing reviewers out there.

He is the same guy that used to do the Zero Punctuation reviews.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Their ability to make nukes has been delayed several times in the past, another delaying action is likely better than letting them get nukes.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 day ago (14 children)

And it was something people were hoping would save the game. But, it's unfortunately more confirmation that Bethesda can no longer produce quality games.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Baldur's Gate 3, good for up to four player coop.

Borderlands 1 & 2, too.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (8 children)

Internet connected devices are a mistake. Not only is there non-existent security updates for the device, it means there is a timer on the life of the functions of the device. If a device cannot function offline, you will have a gimped (or completely dead) product soon.

functions like scheduling a charge will no longer work

Case and point. Why did the device ever need the internet to run a clock? It didn't, but because it was 'smart', now it can't operate a basic time function.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Russia faces a shortage of engineers, turners, and CNC machine operators. The Russian job portal Avito in September received 2,000 resumes for turners, in comparison to 60,000 position openings. For CNC operators, there were only 600 resumes for 18,600 vacancies, despite the alluring salaries.

Those are some awful numbers. You know a large percentage of those few resumes are going to be junk applicants. But with those huge disparity rates, they are probably going to get hired anyway and the businesses are just going to attempt to do their best to get the junk applicants to be somewhat useful.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

On further thought the glow could be from reentry and not from burning rocket motors. So, no I'm not sure.

Currently waiting to see the level of damage and more detailed reports.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (2 children)

From watching the videos, it looks like a ton of low-level missile intercepts. The rocket motors are still active, which isn't what you see for ballistic missiles in their terminal phase.

Probably will be lots of damage due to debris though.


Oil price falls as kingdom prepares to raise output from December


Israel claimed it killed a commander of Hezbollah's missile and rocket array.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Another source with more info:

Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon lost one eye and suffered serious injury to the other when a pager he was carrying exploded on Tuesday


Title (auto translated):

Germany no longer wants armament from Switzerland

A letter from Germany makes a big wave. Swiss companies are excluded from applying for procurement by the Bundeswehr.

Article Contents (auto translated)

A Swiss company wants to participate in a large German tender of 100,000 stationary multispectral camouflage equipment for the Bundeswehr. The catch: The company's production facility must be on the EU territory, it means the tender.

The company thinks a mistake. The European free trade association Efta with Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway was probably forgotten. It is addressed to the Federal Office of Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the Bundeswehr.

This is followed by the disillusionment: the Efta states had not been forgotten. They were deliberately decided in favour of a production facility in the EU. One will not deviate from that.

Letter explains German "Lex Switzerland"

A short time later, a letter from Germany to the Federal Armaments Armour Armour Armament Armours found, which "Le Temps" reported on. The Federal Office, which is under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Defence, wanted to avoid an effect as in the case of ammunition for the cheetah air failure, which is under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Defence. A production facility in the Efta states has been deliberately excluded. The multispectral camouflage equipment was one of the central technologies for the Bundeswehr. In addition, they would have to be able to pass on to a partner country in the event of war.

With the letter to the hickhack between Germany and Switzerland, the German Federal Office referred to around 12,000 shots for the cheetah flight anti-aircraft armor. Germany wanted to pass it on to Ukraine. It had bought it in Switzerland, it needed the country's blessing because of a non-re-re-export statement. For reasons of neutrality, she said no.

The letter is proof that there is a "Lex Switzerland" in Germany: the country no longer buys arms products from Switzerland. Arms head Urs Loher formulated it drastically at "Le Temps": "Switzerland is no longer trustworthy for Germany. In the German parliament, for example, "Swiss Free" is apparently used in the same breath as "China Free."

Parliament has already decided in the Netherlands not to buy any more arms from Switzerland. Similar considerations are also available in Denmark and Spain. It is not yet clear in the VBS whether the German letter is a shot in front of the bow or just the beginning. Civil derivable blame

In the case of the bourgeois parties, the situation ensures mutual recriminations. "We are definitely destroying the Swiss arms industry," says FDP President Thierry Burkart. The left had been working on it for decades with the tightening of the War Material Act. "The SVP is now their enforcer, because with the misinterpretation of our neutrality, it prevents the transfer of defence equipment from European states to Ukraine."

Burkart had submitted a motion in 2022, in which he called for a non-re-export declaration to be completely waived if the delivery to states which were committed to our values. "It has nothing to do with neutrality if other countries want to support each other with weapons that they bought in Switzerland years ago."

The SVP passes the hot potato to the middle. "The damage caused the defects to the war material law," says President Marcel Dettling. "The middle thing about it is due to it with its hat and hott: it intensified the law with the left, but wanted to return after the war has become." Without tightening, the export competence would have remained with the Federal Council. "This policy lacks longevity."

The People's Party had been opposed to an increase in the law, but then had no exception to Ukraine, because it was not prepared to deliver in war zones. "Now we are offering a hand that countries that have purchased armaments in Switzerland may be able to export them again after a period of five years."

The center takes the government to its duty. "The Federal Council may authorise the export of weapons purchased from Switzerland to other countries, based on Art. 184 and Art. 185 of the Federal Constitution," says President Gerhard Pfister. "The general increase in the arms export law still allows this. But the SVP FDP Federal Council does not want to do that." And Parliament has not yet succeeded in finding a solution that was capable of majority.

Pfister counters the SVP accusation with a counter-question: "Why is it now fighting against the deliveries of protective vests for reasons of neutrality, but wants to allow the re-export of weapons?"

The Swiss company now wants to produce in an EU country (


First maneuver kill I have seen by a drone.

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