
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago

Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Just finished the story mode. It’s Steam Deck Verified, so it runs and plays well, and it’s easy to play with a controller because it has a bit of auto-aim/aim correction.

I did enjoy it. Not a must play by any means, but it does add to the lore of the Alan Wake series. If you are a fan of that game series, I recommend playing this. And if you aren’t, you probably should play the other games in the series. 😉

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Erikoista tässä on se, että tuo OL2:n roottori hajosi viime vuonna samoihin aikoihin. Toivottavasti nuo keksii syyn noille rikkoontumisille. Vähän huono tahti tuollain yks roottori per vuosi, jos niiden valmistamiseen menee useampi vuosi.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

This is a Bluetooth issue, not Linux or Deck specific. When microphone is enabled on a headset, Bluetooth will switch to a different audio codec. That codec supports one output channel (microphone) and one input channel, so it will be mono audio. The sound quality is good enough for audio calls but not for anything else. The only thing you can do is to disable the microphone. Or, you can do what people have done for couple decades now: complain at Bluetooth Special Interest Group until they improve the standard.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Peerless Assassin isn’t much more expensive. I have it on my Ryzen 5700x, and it’s never audible. At idle my PC is pretty much silent and while playing games GPU and case fans hides any noise the PA makes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

This diet is based on Dr. Roy Taylor’s research on Type 2 Diabetes, and its reversal. He and his team noticed that people with T2D have fat in their liver and pancreas. They confirmed this with a new MRI imaging technique that they developed. Regardless of body weight, if you have fatty liver/pancreas you have T2D or at least pre-diabetes. But, if your liver and pancreas are healthy, you can be overweight and not have T2D.

They call it the twin cycle hypothesis. Google it up, but short is this. If fat builds up in your liver, it starts a cycle that among other things causes the liver to send fat in to your pancreas, which starts another cycle in the pancreas, which feeds the liver’s cycle. As the pancreas gets more and more fatty, the insulin producing beta-cells begins to de-activate, which leads to T2D.

They wanted to test whether this hypothesis is true, and if so, is T2D reversible. How to do that? Their T2D test subjects must loose weight. What’s the fastest way to do that? Extreme caloric restriction.

They put their subjects on a diet consisting of 4 doses of meal replacement formula per day (800kcal/day). Their subjects noticed that it’s actually quite easy to stick to that diet after couple days.

The results of their studies is that if people loses enough fat to free their pancreas from fat, their pancreas can heal and return to normal, reversing T2D. But, there is always a but. If T2D has been going for too long (over 6 years in their studies), too many of the beta-cells have died, and full reversal of T2D is not possible.

Note: Extreme caloric restriction is very dangerous if you are on T2D medication. Do your own research and talk to your doctor. I tried to use correct terms so it’s easy to check the things.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

En itsekään mikään asiantuntija ole, mutta yksi ero polttoaineissa ainakin on sen puhtaus ja väkevyys. Aina kun maaperästä louhitaan jotain ainetta, niin se ei koskaan ole puhdasta, vaan siinä on vääjämättä seassa erilaista muuta maa-ainesta. Louhittu uraanimalmi käy läpi useita prosesseja, joilla uraani saadaan erotettua muusta aineesta (tätä kutsutaan rikastamiseksi), ja muutettua reaktorille sopivaan muotoon. Valtaosa luonnossa esiintyvästä uraanista on sen isotooppia uraani-238:aa, joka ei sovellu ydinpolttoaineeksi. Uraani pitää väkevöidä reaktorille sopivaan väkevyyteen, eli siten, että siinä on oikea määrä uraani-235:ttä.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

This is a good point. Black PSU and motherboard might stand out too much in that light, white-ish case.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I agree with this. Could easily save $200 buying some older and lower spec components. CPU choice is probably because of the iGPU, but there are other cheaper CPUs with iGPU. I don't think the use case is going to require more computing power in the future, so I don't know if future proofing is really necessary. If the use case changes some few years from now, you need to buy new components regardless of your choices today. Save some money now and put it towards a future upgrade.

16GB DDR4 is enough. That's about $40 off. SSD is pointlessly big for the use case. 250GB might be enough, but even 512GB would be a bit cheaper.

CPU could be downgraded to something a couple generations older. Motherboard can also be downgraded, unless that one has some important features. That saves at least $150 total.

PSU is a complicated question. Cheaper would be enough, but you might lose money over time in your electricity bill. That's kind of difficult to calculate.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

Ozempic's maker is just trying to protect Americans from the harmful side effects with the unconscionably high price.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (14 children)

Depending on your needs, virtual machine might be the easiest solution.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

There's a bug with the side buttons. After you long press a side button, the next short press won't do anything. Kind of annoying.

Their "brand-new UI" isn't much of a change. At least, I haven't noticed any significant improvements. Toggle buttons are now rectangle, instead of the rounded pill shape, and some icons are different. I think they changed the system font, but I changed it back.

Dark Mode in Neo Reader is an improvement, except that I don't use that app. Quickly tested it, and it doesn't seem to invert images, so you won't see them in dark mode. Systemwide dark mode would have been a significant UI improvement. Hopefully they'll come up with one some day.

The best improvement I have noticed is the new anti-flicker feature. When using "speed" refresh mode (I think it's called "balanced" on other devices), the display flickered annoyingly if there was any animation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Loose-leaf tea steeped in a gaiwan, which ever tea leaves I happen to have.

I am so oversensitive to caffeine, that I tend to lose my sleep if I drink even a cup of coffee a day. So, if I drink coffee, I prefer decaf. There are some good decaf coffees nowadays.


Olkiluoto 3:n vuosihuolto päättyy päivitetyn aikataulun mukaan 28.4.

Syynä kahdeksan päivän lisäaikaan ovat vuosihuollon aikana löytyneet uudet viat ja tarkastuslaitteiden tekniset ongelmat.

Saa nähdä saako ne tuon käyntiin OL2:n huoltoon mennessä. Tämän hetkisen tiedon mukaan OL2:n huolto alkaa samana päivänä kuin OL3:n huollon pitäisi loppua.


Olkiluoto 3 -laitosyksikkö (OL3) irrotetaan sähköntuotannosta lauantaina 2. maaliskuuta huoltoseisokkia varten. Sen arvioidaan kestävän noin 37 vuorokautta.

Yhteensä erilaisia töitä on OL3:n huoltoon suunniteltu noin 1 900 pitäen sisällään noin 6 500 työvaihetta. Vertailun vuoksi esimerkiksi OL2:n vuosihuolto pitää sisällään noin 550 työtä, joissa on yhteensä 1200 työvaihetta.

OL3:n osalta vuosihuollon merkittävimmät työt ovat polttoaineen vaihdon lisäksi suojausjärjestelmän ennakkohuoltotyöt, automaatiojärjestelmiin tehtävät ohjelmistopäivitykset, suojarakennuksen eristysventtiilien tiiveyskokeet sekä paineistimen varoventtiilien huollot.

Olkiluoto 2:n (OL2) polttoaineenvaihtoseisokki alkaa 28. huhtikuuta ja kestää noin 11 vuorokautta. Viimeisenä laitosyksiköistä vuorossa on Olkiluoto 1 (OL1), jonka huoltoseisokki alkaa 12. toukokuuta ja kestää noin 16 vuorokautta. Kaikkien vuosihuoltojen pitäisi olla valmiita 28. toukokuuta.


Some quotes from the article:

For Control 2 and codename Condor, all publishing, distribution, marketing, and other rights licensed to 505 Games revert to Remedy with immediate effect. 505 Games will continue as the publisher of Control through a transition period ending December 31, 2024

The maximum purchase price for the transaction is approximately EUR 17 million

This transaction will enable us to negotiate better deals for current and future Control games. We can now weigh up the options between self-publishing and a new publishing partner for Condor and Control 2. At the same time, we are in a better negotiating position than before as Control is an established brand and Alan Wake 2 has been successful.

Control [...] has sold over 4 million units

Condor and Control 2 have both progressed well in recent months and we expect these projects to reach their next development stages during the first half of 2024.

*Condor is the codename for a co-op multiplayer Control game.


Amazon updated the browser in Kindle e-readers with software version 5.16.4 last November. Check the Kindle E-Reader Software Updates page to see if your device has that version available.

Previously, the browser was almost useless, because it didn't support many of the features websites use nowadays. The new update significantly improves the browser, and it actually manages to display most pages correctly. Unfortunately, Kindles' hardware is quite lacking. Paperwhite 11th gen is so slow that while webpages work correctly, many of them are unusable because of the poor performance.

Has anyone tried the new version of the web browser yet? Have you found any websites that you like using on your Kindle? I tried Lemmy, but of course that's one of the websites that doesn't work. There are no errors, it just doesn't show any posts.

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