
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 71 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Yes, unfortunately. You can see a dozen versions of it, and sadly, it's not the only time he kissed her like that on national TV.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (72 children)

Maybe you don't want to hear that your chosen is a pedo. But seeing as you won't accept anything that didn't come directly from his mouth that we have video evidence of, I went with something you absolutely can't refute.

So now you're stuck defending incest, while I get to point out all the pedophile shit he did.

You know you don't have to debase yourself like this.

Really, is this guy worth it?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

"Bloom said the Doe she had received multiple threats.[52]"

per the wiki. So we kind of do know why.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (75 children)

Maybe you don't have kids, but parents don't talk about their children that way. It's not like she turned 18, and a switch went off in his brain and he decided he wanted to fuck his own daughter. This man took her to a party with Epstein. There's photos.

And just for the record, Alabama, it would be wrong even if he did wait til she was 18.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Are democrats the ones sending death threats to judges, prosecutors, jury members, children who were raped on Epstein's Island and now Army attendants? Hell, the parents of of the kids who were murdered at Sandy Hook had to deal with death threats and people accusing them of being crisis actors for a decade thanks to fuckers like Alex Jones.

It's telling that you found the need to defend this type of activity. It seems... unamerican. Cowardly.

Might be time for a long look in the mirror and ask yourself where you went wrong. You can still turn back.

Is this who you really want to be?

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

The last two months have been a goddamn rollercoaster.

It almost makes me wonder if we really are in a sim and someone is just pressing buttons to fuck with us and see what we do.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I lived in Korea for a while and the biggest difference is how our cities are set up from the get go.

Korean cities are dense. NY dense. Buildings generally go up instead of out. Shops on the base floors, but also a lot of commercial buildings with 5+ levels of shops.

You generally don't have to walk more than a mile in any direction to get anything you need at any hour of the day, even in smaller satellite cities. There's usually at least a corner shop or two within a few hundred feet of your apartment entrance.

Subways are generally within a 10~15 minute walk. That connects you to anywhere in the greater Seoul area. Cabs are plentiful, you can hail one down on any major street in minutes if not seconds if you're in a hurry. The cities are designed around walking. Wide sidewalks, overpasses everywhere, and the density makes it so anywhere you go feels a bit like walking in an outdoor shopping mall would in the US. You can't walk more than a quarter mile without hitting another cluster of shops.

The area I lived in probably had a 100+ shops in a 2 mile(?) radius and it was a smaller city in the outskirts of Seoul called Buchun. Everything from smaller corner stores to chain restaurants & Korean versions of multi-story Walmart/Costco etc. I'm guesstimating a bit, but I never walked longer than 30 minutes to get to anything I needed.

Sure, you can drive, but walking works just fine. No one NEEDS a car if you live in a city in Korea.

The high speed rails just complements all this infrastructure to connect the cities. We don't have any of the other stuff necessary to really make this work the same way. That last mile is the killer. If you need to drive to the rail, ride it, get off and find another car to your final destination, most folks would just opt to drive the whole way. Especially if you also factor in the return trip, or the need any degree of flexibility.

In the US, high speed rail would almost function like a plane. In Asia, it's more like... one part of a comprehensive public transportation system.

I live in Austin in one of the expensive areas considered to be 'walkable', but the closest bagel shop from my house is still a 10 minute walk away. If I want to get to the breakfast place I like, it's 20 minutes from my front door. Only thing I pass in between those two are a bunch of tattoos shops and I think a yoga studio, and some architect firm. Oh, I guess we have a few food trucks now too. They're usually closed in the mornings when I walk anywhere.

The rest of it is just houses. If I wanted to get to the downtown rail station, it's a 30 minute walk and I have to walk under the highway and get accosted by homeless folks on occasion. (Most of them are cool, there's a few that are not).

Oh, and there's no shade anywhere and it's Texas. Five months out of the year we hit 90~100+ degrees and you'd need a change of clothes by the time you get anywhere you're going.

American cities are just not designed for it. We have everything spaced too far apart.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, but they got rid of those, didn't they? Elon is going full throttle in the OTHER direction. I mean, clearly one is worse than the other. I'm sure from a money perspective, it didn't make sense to shut down /The_Donald. Elon would LOVE to have that crowd.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I mean I agree, I didn't like what they were getting up to, that's why I'm here, but as bad as Twitter? Comon. Have you heard Elon lately?

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