
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago
  • I think I might hate iOS even more than Windows, though.

This is why iPads frustrate me so much these days. The hardware is more than capable of running a decently powerful OS, but Apple are insistent on crippling them with a big version of iOS. iOS is fine on an iPhone where the limited screen size means I have no particular desire to do anything too complicated, but the same restrictions on an iPad feel like Apple don't really know how to reconcile what the device can do with not wanting to pull customers away from Macs. I was unexpectedly gifted a 6th gen mini last week which is in front of me as I type and which I'm not entirely sure what to do with.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Yes, they really do. There were a few years of fuckups and questionable decisions, but by and large the devices they make are absolutely solid.

I have a 2011 MacBook Pro at home that's running Monterey via Opencore as well as if it was still supported. Until recently I was using a 2015 MBP that was absolutely faultless. I now have an M2 Air that may have some issues down the line that haven't come to light yet, but it seems unlikely. I have two Mac minis at work, a 2011 and a 2014 that are still absolutely capable for the level of work I ask of them. I'm typing this on one of them.

In terms of iPhones/iPads; I've had 7 iPhones and 5 iPads over the years, and the only hardware problems I've experienced with them have been of my own doing (broken screens, water damage, etc...).

So yeah, the 2016-2019 MacBooks had shitty keyboards and questionable I/O decisions, but otherwise the hardware was absolutely top tier.

And with Apple you can’t choose and pick like with PC. When they decide to try silly things like the touch bar you are stuck with them for years.

This is kind of a weird argument. You can't choose which keyboard you get with any laptop.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago (9 children)

All of this stuff makes me sad. As a long(ish)-time Apple user, it's been sad to see them go full throttle into hyper-capital mode. They're literally the wealthiest company on the planet because they've spent the past twenty years figuring out how to nickel and dime their customers. Hell, even when I bought my first MacBook back in '07, the guy in the Apple Store suggested getting the RAM upgrade elsewhere because Apple prices were ridiculous even then. Everyone knows they didn't go with soldered RAM and storage for the performance gains...

But they make incredible hardware, so I tolerate all that shit, making me complicit in the fuckery.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I won't feel bad for them. Survival of the fittest, isn't it? And I, on my new 25k SirVelo am the fittest, as evidenced by all the KOMs I have. (Which is all of them).

Those KOMs will only be broken by me on next week's 25k SirVelo.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It would seem that none of their dental surgeries are doing very well, so they have to actually work rather than fuck about online.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Saw an article by David Frost in the Torygraph earlier. I genuinely can't imagine having the energy to get so irate for money about such inane shit.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

opting for the hard copy

I'm in the middle, downloading lossless music to put on my iPod.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago

Any new tech that emerges should be viewed as either "How will they use it to scrape all my data?" or "How will they sell this to the military?"

Or both.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

The Tories.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Yeah, fuck this guy. I like Anti-Flag, and Justin did some really good acoustic stuff a few years back, but I guess they’re now added to the pile of music I won’t listen to any more.

It’s a shame for the other guys, but their response was solid.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I saw my wife playing this years ago, and always fancied having a go, but never got around to it.

So a few months back we got it going so it could stream to our Apple TV and off I went. Spent a few weeks playing it in the evenings and having a nice time.

Then Ubisoft put out an 'update' to it, that broke it completely. A massive update for a ten year old game. Cunts.

So I guess I'll never finish it, because fuck Ubisoft.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

In theory, any MP3 player / DAP that can have music loaded onto it by drag and drop could work with your iPad (assuming you have the means to connect it, of course).

But there are a number of things to consider.

Firstly; storage. Obviously, your iPad doesn't have expandable storage, so depending on the size of your collection, you might run out of space. Using the same method you'll need to connect the player to your iPad, you can hook up an external drive of some description. Files should be able to see it (as long as it's formatted to exFAT or FAT). From there, using Files you can simply drag from one place to another.

However, this doesn't allow you to change metadata or anything. There are apps you can download that will allow you to do it, but it can be a pain in the ass if you've got quite a bit of music.

Finally, there's where you get the music from.

If you buy from somewhere like Bandcamp, then you can download directly to your iPad, though they don't make it easy. You can't buy from iTunes because the app won't let you open them in Files. Torrents are obviously out, so is CD ripping, as there are no CD drivers for iPad that I'm aware of.

So while it's entirely possible to run a DAP with just an iPad, it's kind of a pain in the arse, unless you already have a ready supply of music and it's either already tagged well, or you don't really care about that sort of thing. As others have suggested, it might be just as easy for you to pick up a cheap PC. It doesn't need to have any bells and whistles, just the ability to store music and have some way of managing the library.


This is wonderful.


This is magnificent.


Morning Champions, and welcome to another week!

What's floating your boat right now?

For me, having spent a massive chunk of yesterday sat in the sunshine in the garden playing No Man's Sky, I'm rocking the 65daysofstatic soundtrack.

I've been a huge fan of this band for a good number of years now, but kinda missed this when it came along, because I wasn't then able to play the game for whatever reason. There was a part of my brain that told me that there was no point listening, as I'd be missing much of the context, which turns out to be a load of bollocks. It's a great record on its own terms.


Three years ago my wife and I got three pet rats. A little over a year later, we added two more, and for a brief moment had a lovely little mischief of five happy boys.

Then we lost one of the new babies in a freak accident after he got injured during a scrap, then, a few months after that, the first of the original trio left us, and so on, and so on, until today, when the last of the new babies, who was now just over two, passed away.

And as much as I try to focus on the happy times, watching them boing about on the sofa, or stealing snacks from us, or just snuggling inside the hood of my jumper and falling asleep, it’s really hard to reconcile that with their short little lives.

We recently adopted a pair of 6yo cats, and while they could feasibly spend the next 10/15 years with us, there’s always that nagging doubt that they’ll suddenly develop an incurable illness, and we’ll lose them too soon.

But that’s all kinda worth it when they’re asleep on your lap, purring away. Or in the case of the ratties, boggling and bruxing.

Sorry if this is a bit maudlin; I’ve just buried Wilbur in the garden, and I miss my little toast-stealing friend.



Good piece here from Jason Snell, and I have to say, I get exactly where he's coming from.

I tried to do the iPad-only thing, and was evangelical about it for a good year or so, but in the end got tired of having to figure out workarounds when iPadOS got in the way, trying to do things I knew a Mac could do without complaint. iPads are cool and all, but ultimately they're not (to me) an essential device.

Which left me thinking about whether or not I could justify even the price of the cheapest model. And I can't. Not any more.

Mostly for me it comes down to the gulf between what I see an iPad being capable of, and what Apple envision it to be. To my mind, if it has the same processor as a MacBook Air, then it should be able to run macOS as well as a MacBook Air does. But Apple is more concerned about product lines eating into each other's profits than it is about making a great device that can do anything.

At a stretch, I might consider an iPad mini to use for browsing the web, reading articles and such, but despite how hard I railed against people claiming that iPad was only a device for media consumption, I kinda agree with them now.


I got a 15" M2 a couple of months back and have been consistently impressed with just how capable this thing is. So with games like No Man's Sky finally making their way to Mac, I figured I'd dip a toe in and see what it can do.

In short, I’m blown away.

Sure, it’s not going to be challenging the PC Master Race any time soon, and no Serious Gamer™️ will be using one for any pro Call of Duty tournaments, but damn if this thing isn’t a capable device for the casual and patient gamer.

Over the past few days I’ve finally been able to play Red Dead Redemption, after absolutely falling in love with RDR2 last year. I bought the original for my PS3, which promptly yellow light died on me about fifteen minutes in, so I’ve never actually played it.

But now it’s available for Switch, and there’s a perfectly capable Switch emulator for macOS (called Ryujinx, if you’re interested), I’m able to play it. And it runs damn near perfectly. With vsync off, I’m getting around 50fps, with the GPU peaking at about 95°.

Now, many would say “so what? You’re talking about a 13 year old game”, and that’s true, but this is a fanless machine. That kind of performance on any game would be impressive a few years ago.

I’ve also put some time in to No Man’s Sky (the new Mac-native version on Steam), which my Mac handles like a champ. An hour of NMS used about 15% of my battery. An hour on my old 2015 MBP would have used three times that. And going back to emulators; it runs Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD from the PS3 without any major glitches and a decent frame rate.

In theory, the same kind of performance should be available from the 13” M2 Air. So for £1k you can get a MacBook that does all the good Mac stuff as well as be a solid little portable gaming device. You can’t argue with that.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Thought I'd see if there were any likeminded individuals around.

This is three of my small collection that I have with me at work. The 4G Classic (left) is modded with 64gb, the Mini is 128gb, and the 7G Classic is currently in need of storage and battery. My plan for that one is to give it 512gb and as big a battery as I can squeeze in there.


Had a hankering to listen to this yesterday, and have probably spun it a dozen times since then. It's an utter, utter belter.


As per the title, I downloaded this game, have added it to my Gatekeeper exemption and disabled SIP and all that, and even though it's added to Steam as a non-Steam game, all I get when it loads is a message saying "Steam not found, please start through Steam client".

Does anyone have any ideas?


I loved the first season because I'm a huge fan of Pratchett and Gaiman, so was a little nervous that the next series, with no source material to adapt wouldn't hit the mark. But then I saw that Neil had asked John Finnemore to help him write it, and that sealed it for me. No one could replace Terry, but John Finnemore comes damn close.

Anyway, season 2 is wonderful, with some beautiful little references to Pratchett's Discworld. Also, I'd gladly watch Sheen and Tennant together in anything.


Any day when I don't have to use my AK is a good day.


Morning Champions!

Here's our weekly music thread. What are you obsessing over this week? What's new on your horizon?

Drop some links and share the love.

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