My right leaning friend just found out what really happened January 6th a month ago...
Interesting. For reference, I use more than that most months, but I live in Texas and it is very very hot.
The privatization/defunding/enshittification of public services in favor of alternatively paying directly to large corporations, typically offering less value, will eventually lead to the workforce not being able to complete globally. You'd think that would be enough for them to be smart enough not to do that, but instead, they will just outsource the jobs to elsewhere.
2000kwh a YEAR? Do you live in 70° weather year around and have all gas utilities or what?
Jello and marshmallows aren't vegan for WTF reasons
I'm hoping for him to drain votes from Trump first
They will just double down for a while. Eventually, they will pretend they never supported any of it.
Wow! I didn't notice it before this comment
Yeah. The prompt was something like
"Write a synopsis for a superhero movie starring Low-Poly-Man who has the ability to lower resolution and readability. "
He'll figure it out...eventually.