[-] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Become Genocide Accolades with Hal's light!

[-] [email protected] 35 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

No no, don't downvote this comment people. I too, think more guns should be allowed at Republican rallies. Everyone should be armed there in fact. Then it'll be less suspicious when someone with a rifle climbs a roof in the future.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 20 hours ago

Gotta say, a lot of people here talking a lot of shit about someone who actually had the balls to at least try to do something direct considering none of y'all have taken a shot at it yourselves in Minecraft.

You can't complain about someone failing to do your personal final fantasy when they at least tried to achieve what you haven't.

I'm certain some of you legitimately can't for personal reasons, but if you can and you're not doing it either, you can't complain that they missed skibbity.

After all, as Dr. Doofinshmirtz once said, "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take".

If you're interested in doing more, learn more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHEgHjJvR94

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

If you just leave dough outside you'll have yeast. Yeast is already around you. How do you think best was discovered?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

Yeah but Trump would end support to Ukraine.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Ah, so you plan on no longer paying taxes?

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

I have similar wants. Just a standard house, maybe some land for a bit of gardening, and a workshop to make things. Donate to certain charities and open source projects etc. Travel a bit.

But they're one little thing I'd do that would definitely show I'm rich:

I'd travel to local forest parks around the world, and bury actual treasure. Like a 3 gold bars. In in actual chest too. Maybe every now and then I'd do smaller treasures that are like a fancy sword or platinum ring or just medieval armor. Idk.

Then I'd go to the local university and set up riddles they'll lead to a part of a hidden map, with the map being hidden both throughout the university and maybe online too, depending.

But it wouldn't be a straightforward map. It would be a map to a random house built near the park. And somewhere in that house, would be the final map leading to the treasure.

Why? Because the world could use a little bit of magic adventuring I think. That's something that just doesn't really exist anymore in the modern era, in a way. I feel like finding treasure and going on a treasure hunt is something a lot of people as a kid probably thought would be fun.

And second, university students can always use some money, so they get first dibs too.

Likewise when I die any children I have would have to go to a mini mansion and solve the puzzles in order to get my last will that grants the finder my money.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

BECAUSE pictures weren't common, it was hard to start a new life. If you were an adult and knew no one in the town you arrived at, no one would trust you, give you a job or rent out a room to you. Cause they'd all assume there was a good reason you ran away from the place where people knew you, and there was no way to verify if you were who you claimed to be.

Ummm, people moved all the time. There wouldn't be a reason to assume you were running from something. Have you never read a history book? You could even just be moving to a smaller town in the country side for "fresher air" to help your tuberculosis.

If you had a profession, you needed a letter of recommendation from your former employer or your guild to vouch for you.

Depends on the job, how much starting money you had, and where you're moving too. You could for example say you're moving to set up a chemist shop, especially in the smaller or more remote towns.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

Yeah but back then pictures weren't common and you could just grow a beard, decide your name is now Thames Twice, and move to another town really fast away while still letting your title as chemist, since document verification was really hard to do unless it was for some bigwig (and even then you could sometimes get in). If you really want to sell the act he could learn an exotic foreign language like Swedish and say he studied in Sweden too, but had English parents and that's why he spoke English so fluently. Most of proving why you are cage by showing you could do the skills you claimed you had.

That's why charlatans could live a life of scamming.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

See, the thing is, dead people don't buy as many things as live ones, so extreme capitalism doesn't want to kill you directly either. Slow poison is fine if profitable enough, but fast intentional bullet to their main customer base - not as much.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Yeah but the problem is New Orleans is inside Louis-

Wait did you say more free than anywhere else in the USA?...

I've been to a large amount of states. I don't think you've traveled much.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)
  1. it does not

  2. the crypto bro scam browser I will l would now trust less than Chrome after that whole debacle

Edit: oh and the homophobia too, and I think there's one other thing

Rainbow Trout Plate (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Made this before my mom left back to the states, and had written down the recipe for her.

Cut onions, shallots, sweet onions, and garlic into small pieces. Call

Cut sweet paprika into small pieces separately.

Melt butter in a steel pot on low heat, then add onions, shallots, sweet onions, and garlic to the pot and fry until they sweat. Separate and keep the oil to the side, and put the aromatics back in the pot.

Lower the heat to low, then add smetana, cream of tartar, dill, and a touch of salt, whisking continuously.

Turn off the heat, add a touch of coffee cream to sauce, and continue whisking off heat.

Cut bread loafs and brush them with the oil you set aside earlier, and top them with the cut sweet paprika. Put in an oven preheated to 200°C/390°F and bake until crispy.

Prepare the Brussels sprouts by removing their outer leaves and cutting their ends. Add sesame oil to a small bowl, then add a few drops of truffle oil and 2-4 drops of orange bitters and mix together. Brush the sprouts with the oil mix. Roast in the oven as well, sprinkling some salt on sprouts after they are ready and out of the oven.

Heat a decent amount of rapeseed oil in a pan, and fry fish, flipping only once. Fry skin side first well so it crisps up, then only briefly fry the other side after turning the heat off from the oil.

Plate by adding sauce, and topping it with the fish. Add sauce and bread to the side. You can also garnish the dish with edible flowers.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't usually write recipes or amounts but recently I've been doing some experiments so I've loosely written what I did at least, in case my wife wants to recreate the dish with my help when going through chemo.

Mix crushed garlic and tomatoes with chipotle, paprika, umami, onion, and garlic powders, citrus pepper, mint, and dried basil. Then mix in some apricot puree.

Cut Golden Squash into discs, leaving skin on.

Melt butter in an enameled cast iron pan or similar until hot, then fry the discs until browned.

Lower temperature to medium-low heat, flip discs, then add sauce mix evenly and simmer for a while.

Make/buy raviolis, preferably a pork with some fresh herb or pine nut filling.

When ravioli is cooked, layer half onto a plate.

Then, add a layer of cheese, preferably kerma, gouda, or port salt.

Turn heat off from the pan with sauce and squash. Layer the squash on top of cheese and cover with half the sauce.

Layer the rest of the ravioli, and add the rest of the squash.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I did the line challenge through the ocean (ultra hand only, no zonai devices, 3 hearts, 1 stamina wheel, no items except those found, no armor, y160-y175)

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