submitted 9 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Danielle Smith, a white supremacist supported christofascist who has talked about putting progressive politicians, "in the cross hairs" can choke on a fucking horse dick.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

What are the rules for the handgun and pipe bomb?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

Not an expert but I did a quick Google search, read the actual rules, and called out your misinformation. Stop moaning and move on.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

You think she doesn't know?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Which is why the government is banning then.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I'm not an expert but I can Google and I can read and it's important to be accurate when you're taking about firearms. Stop moaning and move on.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago

You said, "wilderness types" which suggests that anyone who is in the wilderness can get an ATC. That is absolutely untrue. Your being in the wilderness must be a requirement of your job for you to even apply for an ATC.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

And yet mass murders and military and murder fetishists prefer military style weapons. Why is that? Why do those types choose guns based on how they look instead of how they work?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

82% of Canadians supported the changes to the firearms regulations. 66% currently want stronger gun control. I'm not, "gatekeeping" anything. I'm discussing the reasons for what's going on. Labeling anyone who says anything you don't like a, "gatekeeper" or a Fudd diminishes the value of anything you have to say.

Why don't you instead try to explain why you need the prohibited version of a firearm instead of the functionally identical non-restricted version?

Or try to explain why you don't want to use the exact same prohibited firearm if it's coated hot pink?

The gun lobby makes such a big deal about banning firearms based on their looks. Explain why looks are your criteria for selecting a firearm.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It’s highly unlikely that most people will ever encounter any scenario like that. That’s true. But that doesn’t make it a bad idea to be prepared.

It is an EXTREMELY bad idea. The chances that you're going to kill someone you love goes up dramatically when you have a gun in your home. You're not making yourself and your family safer you're making it FAR more likely that they will be a victim of gun violence.

Do you grind up your hotdogs so that you won't choke on them? Do you wear a life jacket in the bathtub? Have you stripped your bed of bedsheets? Do you wear a bee suit when you go outside? It's highly unlikely that any of those things are going to happen to you, too.

This is a riduclous argument. Literally worthy of ridicule.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

If you think you need a gun for self-defense in Canada you shouldn't have a gun. You're more likely to choke to death on a hotdog, to drown in your own bathtub, to die from entanglement in your own bedsheets, from being stung by a bee, or by being trampled by a cow than you are to be killed with a gun by someone you don't know if you're not involved in the drug trade or organized crime. In fact, you're FAR more likely to be killed by or to kill someone you love if you have a gun than you are to be killed by a stranger.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)


Did I say the word, "assault"?

... do the same thing with a wooden stock...

And yet they don't. That's because responsible, non delusional gun owners don't load a bunch of guns and thousands of rounds of ammo into a trailer and take it to a "peaceful" protest.

If you're buying a gun for how it makes you feel then you shouldn't be buying a gun. I've owned guns continuously for 40 years. My 15 year old son just completed his CFSC with an overall score of 98 out of 100. We are gun people. I'm not anti gun by any stretch of the imagination. I'm very much anti the wrong people owning guns and people who stockpile military style weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition are the wrong people.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apparently Polievre's grievance politics don't play very well to an audience with actual grievances.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Remember that these are the guys who said that they were preparing to fight UN and/or Chinese troops who might invade Canada?

Now their lawyer says that they were used for hunting? Was she taking about the pipe bomb or the handguns?

I don't see a single trigger or cable lock in that photo. Was the ammunition stored in a separate locked container?

These guys should never be allowed to own a firearm again based solely on the UN/China delusion. These types of violent collective fantasies are extremely dangerous and they absolutely should be disqualifying.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is nothing to worry about. The only schools likely to choose as a result of this problem are ones where Doug Ford's wealthy family, friends, and donors own adjacent properties (like they do at the Ontario Science Center.)

Billions and billions of dollars of graft but buck a beer and lower gas taxes.

Deleted (www.cbc.ca)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This guy is seriously delusional.

Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

"But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


"I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

Deleted (www.cbc.ca)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This guy is seriously delusional.

Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

"But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


"I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

Deleted (www.cbc.ca)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This guy is seriously delusional.

Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

"But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


"I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

Deleted (www.cbc.ca)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This guy is seriously delusional.

Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

"But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


"I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This guy is seriously delusional.

Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

"But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


"I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Other right-wing accounts variously reacted by describing the move as Orwellian, lamenting the death of free speech and even contemplating leaving Canada for good.

Oh no. Not that. Please no.

<Tee hee!>

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is the replacement controller I built for the wheelchair lift. The controller itself is in the middle. The four board on the left and right are a testing harness. The red and black wires are 24VDC and the green and white ones TX and GND for monitoring with a terminal program on my notebook (puTTY).

Without the test harness it looks like this.

I was trying to squeeze a LOT into the BID box that I'm using for this project. I had to stack boards to get everything in.

The bottom most board is a standard bottom board for the BUD case. It has holes along each side for 2.54 screw terminals and pluggable screw terminals. I'm only using that board to mechanically connect the project to the BID case and for the screw terminals. I almost always use pluggable screw terminals because they're awesome. I can unplug four plugs instead of unscrewing 36 screw terminals and trying to keep the wires straight.

There are two top boards. The one on the left carries four relays which turn the negative logic of the Darlingtons into positive logic for the lift. They send 24VDC out to the contactors that run the motors and the door lock. The other small board at the rear has two safety relays which switch power coming in through a bunch of safety switches out to the battery relay and the main contactor.

This is what it looks like assembled into its BUD case.

This is all built around an Arduino Nano with a program that I wrote in Great Cow BASIC.

Frankenduino! (lemmy.ca)
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm working on replacing the Schneider SmartRelay on an Atlas Vista 613 wheelchair lift that I bought for my dad. The Atlas technician agrees that the SmartRelay is probably shot and the replacement is $1,000 wholesale. I built a replacement using an Arduino Nano, a UNL2803A Darlington array, a switching 7805, a bunch of Zener diodes, and a handfull of Schneider industrial relays.

Unfortunately, I let the smoke out of my very last Nano and needed to keep the project moving. So...I took a small piece of protoboard, an Arduino ProMini 168, and some jumper wire and created this Frankenduino. It's the same pinout as the Nano with none of the nice supporting stuff like an ICP port, USB, voltage regulators, etc. It will keep the development moving while I'm waiting for the 10 Nanos I have on order to arrive.

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