
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Yeah gaming on Linux can be frustrating at times. Some games work perfectly out of the box, some don't even start or lag a lot. Especially on Nvidia graphics things get complicated. I'm an AMD user and everything is mostly working fine, but a friend of mine uses Nvidia and he struggles more with driver issues and missing Wayland support.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

If all I did was just office tasks and browsing the web, I'd completely switch to Linux as well. But as a gamer, things start to become complicated very soon. Some games run perfectly fine, some don't run at all. It's hit or miss. That's why I keep Windows around and boot it almost daily. But the situation of gaming on linux is improving currently, so I'm hoping for a bright future...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Signal won't be interoperable with WhatsApp, because that would destroy their whole privacy. And honestly, it's better they aren't. Don't know about other private messengers standing on this topic, but Signal already said it won't happen with them.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 8 months ago (7 children)

I've already switched to Linux partially. My PC now dual boots to Manjaro and Windows. I won't switch completely, but it's great to have such an awesome alternative right there one click of a button away. And the funny thing is that I'm not even the only one amongst my friends to do that. We are now three already and we even game on Linux too.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 8 months ago

Also ich sehe und verstehe deine Beobachtungen durchaus auch, aber ich würde behaupten, dass "militant" und "Mitte" sich ausschließen. Für mich scheint es eher eine laute, rechte Randgruppe zu sein, die immer behauptet sie seien die Mitte. Die wahrhaftige demokratische Mitte der Gesellschaft, das sind die, die wir in den letzten Wochen auf den Großdemos für die Demokratie gesehen haben.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 8 months ago

Ich wohne in der Gegend um Reutlingen und muss sagen, dass ich besonders auch die meisten Dörfer und Landstraßen als höchst gefährlich erachte. Hier sind oft Radfahrer aufgrund mangelnder Infrastruktur auf Straßen unterwegs, die sehr unsicher sind. Außerdem scheint mir gerade die Landbevölkerung massiv überfordert damit, wie man als Autofahrer einem Radfahrer begegnet, ohne diesen zu gefährden. Überholen in der Kurve oder 20cm Abstand zum Rad sehe ich oft und bin einfach froh, dass es zum Glück bisher immer gut ging. Manche Autofahrer werden hinter mir ungeduldig und drängen, wenn ich nicht sofort überhole. Ich hasse das. Wir brauchen dringend eine gute Infrastruktur für Radfahrer, am besten ganz getrennt von vielbefahrenen Autostraßen. Einziges Positivbeispiel der Gegend: Tübingen. Viele Radfahrer und ausreichende Infrastruktur und Radwege dafür.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Hat es die ach-so-nicht-rechte Partei CDU eigentlich inzwischen mal geschafft, diesen Nazi rauszuwerfen? Oder finden die immernoch irgendwelche Gründe dafür, den Clown als Demokraten zu bezeichnen?

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago

I guess your brain implant will probably kill you before the end of your favourite playlist. Just like all those test animals.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

That's a valuable Idea. If I force them to use the secret chats option, then they maybe notice that Telegram is worthless without all the flashy stuff and is not private at all. And it's at least a step forward into the right direction.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I don't think WhatsApp is a good option. Their clients are not Open Source, so it's unknown if they really implement all the privacy features of the Signal client. Also, Facebook and WhatsApp are known to collect every single bit of Metadata they can get, it's really bad. I wouldn't touch it again, under any circumstances. I'm glad that nobody I know uses it, at least inside my circle of friends. Some still use it for outside connections or family members.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

And they have some weird crypto scams running in the background as well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I know, but their server doesn't. And since everyone uses it without the secret chats feature, they could read every message we exchange.


So I'm in a somewhat unfortunate situation. My circle of friends doesn't want to switch to another messenger and we are currently stuck on the worst possible platform for security: Telegram.

The problem is that it is very hard to convince anyone to switch, if they are all perfectly fine and like Telegram. I mean I can get why they like it: The UX and UI of Telegram are amazing and there are well functioning clients available for any platform. It has more features and gimmicks than any other messenger I know BUT it lacks one mayor thing: E2EE. And that's mostly what I care about. The second problem is that I was the person who recommended the switch to Telegram right after WhatsApp was bought by Facebook. I know, that was a bad recommendation, but back then I didn't know shit about privacy or why E2EE mattered. I was just like "Hey, it's not by Facebook, so it must be better". And now everyone I know is there and won't leave.

If - in the hypothetical situation of me setting an ultimatum and deleting my Telegram after that - I wanted to make them switch somewhere else: What messenger would that be? Currently I'm mostly thinking Signal. I know it's not perfect either, it is centralized, and the servers are in the US, but it has a bigger user base already than most of its competitors like Threema or Matrix/Element and it is very easy to set up and use. I'm already a user of Signal, Threema, Matrix, WhatsApp and Telegram (every platform for some contacts, but most of them on Telegram sadly), so having yet another option is not a problem for me, as well as getting rid of one is also no problem. I'd love to delete both Telegram and WhatsApp in this move.

So, in conclusion, what I need is a messenger that has all or most of the following:

  • best possible security (E2EE is minimum)
  • easy to use (no complicated setup, simple UI)
  • already has some users (not too niche)
  • cross-platform and multi-device (should run on Android, iOS and Windows/Web)
  • some flashy dumb features like stickers and so on to keep them entertained

My choice would be Signal. But I am unsure if that is the best choice or if I should just wait a bit and see what all of the new EU laws about messengers and gatekeepers bring to the game and if anything chances with that.


I heard a lot of bad stuff about Brave and their CEO lately and am now unsure if the search engine is any good? Do they censor stuff? Is any data collected? Can it be considered private?

If you'd not recommend it, what are good alternatives and why? I was a long time duckduckgo user before, so anything similar to it or brave search would be great. I'm not into self hosting.


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