Yup, that's what google told me. It removes some of the bad stuff that might be in the water
joined 9 months ago
Maybe boiled water, like water that has been boiled and is now cooled off again
There's also a bigger one selected in the middle
Yeah will see what I can do once it starts complaining
Which one is it? The one I have still has an overflow/nozzle cleaning sponge that bricks the printer when it's full
But normal windows doesn't really do what you tell it to do
I don't really understand what you mean by that
How do you define "actual leaders"?
I think the meme is referencing people that say both sides of the political spectrum(in the us) are equally as bad and not the actual political spectrum
For some points there isn't even a discussion to be made like with the extermination of homosexual and trans people
Huh, interesting TIL