[-] [email protected] 27 points 3 days ago

Worry more about your job than your grades. Create a stable source of income, your degree can wait especially if it's not a traditionally stable profession (medicine, accountant, lawyer, etc).

Exercise and maintain your strength and flexibility. This is super important, more so than the job. Staying healthy early on will save you a lot of money in doctors appointments by the time you hit your late 20s.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Kudos to you for ending the lineage. Yes I totally agree in many cases passive aggression isn't deliberate, but it can be very harmful to those receiving it anyway. I've seen my mother do both. Pointing out the deliberate cases on the spot will also rip off her mask like you say, but in the other cases it's very hard to make her see it. Cue in gaslighting and denial.... Eventually she does come around though but she needs to see the damage to understand she was being aggressive in the first place.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 3 days ago

Yes Newpipe is also broken. It's YouTube messing with their side of things. It started to glitch last week but ever since two days ago it stopped working entirely. Freetube still does the job if I really, really need to watch a video. But I guess I'll wait for a patch and have a YT detox in the meantime.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

I like a variety of genres, I guess two of my easy favourites are Jurassic Park and The Lion King. I'm interested in good stories, with a preference for action and/or animation/ and/or special FX.

My least preferred genres are rom coms as they tend to be cheesy and lack both action and vfx. Also not a fan of gore horror.

If the plot and characters are lame I'll still watch it for the visuals or for the action. But nothing beats a good story.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 3 days ago

It is normal but you may want to keep it in check. It can easily spiral down into depression and you won't notice.

Source: personal experience, 1yr+ unemployed, now seeing a therapist

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

My mother was super passive aggressive. I grew up to consider it normal and it took me a while to see ot for what it is. Just like you describe, her style was a friendly demeanor coupled with acid remarks. And the remarks were absolutely on purpose, I know this because she would often tell me how smartly she gave so and so a comeback and so on, and how they felt ashamed but didn't say anything back at her etc etc.

I was also on her line of fire sometimes, oh boy. It was so tough to recognise it but once I did I stood up against it. Whenever I see people behaving like that on a regular basis I just try my best not to interact with them.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I upvote the comments that I either like, and/or agree with, comments I feel like are expressing my own thoughts in the same manner or better than what I would.

Downvotes are for very wrong answers, rude people, trolls, etc.

Boring comments and comments I disagree with but don't necessarily make me upset get no downvotes nor upvotes.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

I disagree with your opinion, yet I haven't downvoted it.

This is what you think and probably a lot of people share your opinion, and I consider that valid even if I disagree.

I reserve my downvotes for rude people, people who spread misinformation, who really got the answer wrong, or who are trolling or riling people up.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

You're really not into this type of fiction, I get it

[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 days ago

It's the same as any other evolutionary process. Those who survive and reproduce the most carry their genes to the next generation; those who are less well adapted don't reproduce as much and over the generations their genes get removed.

Say you have a bush with berries. Some bushes make sweeter berries than others. Let's say those with the sweetest berries will attract more birds and animals who will eat the berries and scatter the seeds further away. The sweeter bushes are getting more lotto tickets for the next generation, the sour ones not so much. Repeat over time and eventually the sour ones will be gone.

The same can be applied to any other trait. It depends on the pressure of the environment they live in.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

So he was playing like a game of chicken while driving? At that speed? 🤦

So sorry for the victims, that's horrible

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Okay, so I'm shocked and after a while I'm definitely hopping out of the train, presuming no emergency services show up. I don't think I'll last long if dragonflies are that large but I sure will die looking for them

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not experienced with horses. I know many are trained to work for just about anyone. They were used in wars and police still use horses this day and age for crowd control, so I guess they can stomach a bit of violence and chaos. But most domestic animals behave differently with people they're familiar with vs random strangers, so I presume horses would follow suit?

My question is inspired by countless movie/videogame scenarios in which there are a bunch of random horses tied, and a character just picks any, hops on and rides away.

Or, there's a fight, horse owner gets killed and the thief rides away on the horse.

Regarding horse behaviour only, are these realistic scenarios?

How likely is that a horse would resist being mounted by a random?

Wouldn't they be scared or angry if their previous rider just got killed right there?

Is it possible for an experienced person to tell at a glance how obedient a horse is? (How?)

These are my sudden horse questions. TIA

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm wondering if you know about any creators making analysis or historical commentary on film.

The only one I know is Every Frame a Painting, can you recommend others in a similar vein?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not too tech savvy so I appreciate responses in layman's terms.

I have a rough concept of how NewPipe works, (correct me if I'm wrong though!) basically it's a scrapper so it somehow reads the information in YouTube, anonymously, and filters the ads for you.

What I'm interested in knowing is, how does this behaviour look like from YouTube's perspective. Can the platform "tell" that someone is accessing their content but not the ads that should go before and inbetween the videos? Do these views requested by NewPipe count towards the global amount of views a video has? Do content creators still get money from youtube ads with NewPipe views? Do they also get to see engagement data from views (such as which parts are skipped)? Etc etc.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My teeth are in good health and I take good care of them, yet I always get this plaque buildup no matter what I try.

I've tried different brushes, toothpastes, and flossing methods to no avail. Mouthwash is too harsh on my mouth and peels my skin off so I avoid that.

I haven't tried waterpicks or electric brushes yet. Did you? Did they work for you? Have you succeeded in preventing plaque and if so, how???

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What the title says. Sure, it's gentle on the environment, but it doesn't remove soap scum, grease, grime etc anywhere nearly as effective as other products. I also doubt its efficiency as an antibacterial compared to say alcohol or most detergents.

There, I've said it.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It happened to my car last week, it got towed to a mechanic and I'm yet to hear back. I don't know a lot about cars, so I'm hoping I'll learn something here and be able to tell if the mechanic tries to rip me off.

The car is a small hatchback automatic Hyundai Getz, 2009, serviced regularly. I've had it for 6 years with no major issues until about a year or so.

Five days ago I was driving through the city for at least 40 minutes when suddenly, while waiting at the lights, the car shook and for a moment I thought it would stall. I stopped on a side street, waited 20 minutes and resumed my journey.

About an hour later I'm on the motorway and it shakes again. I stop on the shoulder, wait, but it's not a safe area. I start again, only now I have the check engine light on my dashboard blinking. I manage to take an exit and my car stops on its own, the oil and battery lights now visible too. Fortunately there is no traffic here so I wait a minute, start again and park it on the shoulder.

Roadside assistance arrives, the mechanic looks at it and finds nothing wrong with it other than a fuel sensor which is an issue I've had for several years now. We get it towed to a mechanic but they were closing shop by the time I arrived. Before closing the shop mechanic says that at a glance he doesn't see anything, but notes the oil looks very clean.

I've never had the car shake like this. The last time it failed me was early this year, when it overheated during a very hot day, but it didn't shake. I've had the thermostat repaired since as well as a minor coolant leak.

Congrats, you've read this far. Thoughts?

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Well I'm craving something in this genre but I'm a bit overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time. So many titles and yet I'm not sure what to read. Maybe you can help?

I'm looking for something in a high fantasy setting. I'm not too keen on heavy politics and war driven plots (though, I can read that ). What really gets me is interesting characters, good action and magical creatures.

I've loved anything Discworld and I've also enjoyed the First Law books by Abercrombie.

I'm finding that Tolkien, Sanderson and George RR Martin appear on every fantasy list I come across, so if you do recommend something I'd appreciate it be something other than that.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Preferably an active one? Thanks

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I keep seeing it on my random feed suggestions and this is using NewPipe, so it has nothing to do with my actual YouTube activity (I think. Nothing there is stuff I'm interested in, with very few exceptions). So I've ignored it first, then I watched like two and was super confused. Wtf. These videos have millions of views and I don't even understand the name or what's the appeal.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm looking for easy-to-listen-to fiction audiobooks. Something I can tune in while doing other stuff without getting distracted.

I find some authors have styles that are a bit more sophisticated than others. The more thought-provoking, the more difficult I find to enjoy an audiobook while doing something else. I catch myself stopping whatever I'm doing to pay attention to the book, which is not what I want.

So for example I've found The Witcher books very easy to listen to, it wouldn't matter if I missed a few seconds and I never found myself stopping to ponder about the text itself. The narrator was great too. Also bonus points as it was a long saga of books.

In contrast I would never want to listen to a Terry Pratchett book while doing something else. He's probably my favourite English author but I find he's too much of a genius, and my poor brain wouldn't be able to digest it all if I'm not giving it my attention 100%.

I hope this makes sense?

How's your experience with audiobooks?

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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