joined 8 months ago

captured in Kursk region: "Thank you for liberating us from Putin's regime! Slava Ukraini!" https://t.co/nMlXypcB5A» / X https://x.com/albafella1/status/1823334728134439036




The arrival of F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine has sparked considerable debate and speculation. While official confirmation is still pending, various semi-official sources suggest their presence. This has led to a range of opinions, from skepticism about their effectiveness to concerns about their age. This article aims to clarify these issues and provide a comprehensive analysis of the F-16's capabilities.


The news of European countries supplying Ukraine with F-16 multirole fighters ignited both expert speculation and public debate last year. Various theories emerged about how the aircraft would fare against Russian Air Force (VKS) forces, given their respective capabilities. Many analyses have focused on comparing aircraft specifications, often with biases and simplistic conclusions. This article addresses these issues by comparing the F-16 with Russian counterparts and examining the real implications for air combat.

Core Issue or Event:

Contrary to the dramatic predictions, the use of the F-16 will not involve classic dogfights. Instead, its role will be more functional, and comparisons based solely on technical specifications are inadequate. The article evaluates the F-16's performance in context, including radar capabilities and the implications of its technology.

Analytical Report:

Russian aircraft that might face the F-16 include the Su-27/30/35, Su-34, Su-57, and MiG-29/31/35. While the F-16 is a lightweight fighter compared to some of these Russian aircraft, it is not entirely outclassed. Notably, the radar systems on Russian planes often have similar performance metrics when adjusted for the radar cross-section (RCS) of the target. For example, the F-16's radar cross-section (1.2-5 m²) is significantly smaller than that used in the radar specifications of Russian aircraft.

The F-16A Block 15, which Ukraine is set to receive, is an older version but features the APG-66(V)2A radar, which is effective against targets with an RCS of 3 m². This capability allows the F-16 to detect Russian aircraft at distances where they are less visible on Russian radars.

Additionally, the F-16's electronic warfare capabilities and faster data processing give it an edge in detecting and engaging targets. The arrival of Saab 340 AEW&C aircraft, equipped with advanced radar, will further enhance Ukraine's ability to leverage the F-16's strengths, providing significant situational awareness and targeting support.


The F-16AM, despite its age, is a valuable addition to Ukraine's air capabilities, offering a balance of effectiveness against Russian aircraft. When paired with advanced early warning systems like the Saab 340 AEW&C, the F-16 can operate with increased effectiveness and safety. While not an invincible solution, it represents a significant enhancement in Ukraine's aerial defense.


#F16 #UkrainianAirForce #AirWarfare #RussianAirForce #MilitaryAnalysis #Aviation #DefenseTechnology #Saab340AEWC #CombatReadiness





In the UK, anti-migrant riots have erupted following the publication of fake news by the disinformation site Channel3 Now. This incident has led to significant social and political consequences, warranting a thorough analysis.


In July, following a tragic event in Southport where three girls were killed, Channel3 Now released false information about the suspect, identifying him as a "17-year-old Muslim refugee Ali Al-Shakati." In reality, the suspect was Axel Rudakubana, a Cardiff-born Briton with Rwandan parents.

Channel3 Now, which was originally launched in Izhevsk in 2012 as a YouTube channel for car enthusiasts, was rebranded in 2019 to disseminate disinformation through English-language articles.

Core Issue or Event:

The fake news quickly gained traction, amassing 27 million views due to viral spread and social media bots. The story was picked up by both Russian accounts and anti-migrant activists, including Tommy Robinson and Andrew Tate. As a result of the resulting riots, over 39 people were injured.

Analytical Report:

This case highlights the dangers of disinformation in the age of social media and its ability to provoke significant social unrest. The spread of fake news not only distorts reality but also exacerbates social tensions. The protests triggered by false information reflect the susceptibility of society to manipulation. Experts in information security emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to combating disinformation, including public education and stricter control over news sources.


The incident with fake news on Channel3 Now underscores the importance of tackling disinformation in contemporary society. Measures need to be taken to enhance media literacy and ensure transparency of information sources to prevent similar crises in the future.


#Disinformation #AntiMigrantProtests #FakeNews #Channel3Now #InformationSecurity #MediaLiteracy #UK #SocialUnrest #SituationAnalysis


Антимігрантські заворушення у Великій Британії через фейкові новини: Історія дезінформації та її наслідки


В Великій Британії спалахнули антимігрантські заворушення після публікації фейкових новин на дезінформаційному сайті Channel3 Now. Цей випадок викликав значні соціальні та політичні наслідки, які потребують уважного аналізу.


У липні цього року, після трагічної події в Саутпорте, де загинули три дівчинки, сайт Channel3 Now опублікував фальшиве повідомлення про підозрюваного. Публікація називала його «17-річним мусульманином-біженцем Али Аль-Шакати», в той час як справжнім підозрюваним виявився Аксель Рудакубана, британський громадянин, народжений у Кардіффі з родини з Руанди.

Channel3 Now, який спочатку був запущений як YouTube-канал про автогонки в Іжевську у 2012 році, перетворився у дезінформаційну платформу в 2019 році. Після переформатування канал почав публікувати англомовні статті, що поширюють неправдиву інформацію.

Суть проблеми чи події:

Фейкові новини, поширені на Channel3 Now, швидко набрали популярності, отримавши 27 мільйонів переглядів завдяки віртуальному поширенню і ботам у соцмережах. Зазначене повідомлення було підхоплене як російськими акаунтами, так і антимігрантськими активістами, такими як Томмі Робінсон і Ендрю Тейт. В результаті спровокованих протестів та погромів постраждало понад 39 осіб.

Аналітична доповідь:

Цей випадок демонструє небезпеку дезінформації в епоху соціальних мереж і її здатність викликати значні соціальні потрясіння. Поширення фейкових новин не тільки спотворює реальність, але і загострює соціальні напруження. Протестні акції, що спалахнули внаслідок фальшивої інформації, свідчать про вразливість суспільства до маніпуляцій. Експерти з інформаційної безпеки зазначають, що боротьба з дезінформацією потребує комплексного підходу, включаючи просвіту населення і посилення контролю над джерелами новин.


Випадок з фейковими новинами на Channel3 Now підкреслює важливість боротьби з дезінформацією в сучасному суспільстві. Необхідно вжити заходів для підвищення медіаграмотності та забезпечення прозорості інформаційних джерел, щоб запобігти подібним кризам у майбутньому.


#Дезінформація #АнтимігрантськіПротести #ФейковіНовини #Channel3Now #БезпекаІнформації #Медіаграмотність #ВеликаБританія #СоціальніЗаворушення #АналізСитуації


В июле, после трагедии в Саутпорте, где погибли три девочки, этот сайт выдал ложную информацию (https://t.me/agentstvonews/6804) о подозреваемом, назвав его «17-летним мусульманином-беженцем Али Аль-Шакати», хотя настоящим подозреваемым оказался Аксель Рудакубана, родившийся в Кардиффе (Великобритания) у родителей из Руанды, христианской католической страны.

Channel3 Now, который представляет собой часть сети дезинформации, был изначально запущен в 2012 году в Ижевске как YouTube-канал любителей автогонок. В 2019 году канал был переименован и начал публиковать англоязычные статьи для распространения дезинформации.

Новость быстро набрала 27 миллионов просмотров благодаря вирусному распространению и ботам в соцсетях. Сообщения были подхвачены (https://t.me/agentstvonews/6804) как российскими аккаунтами, так и антимигрантскими активистами, включая Томми Робинсона и Эндрю Тейта. В результате погромов пострадали более 39 человек.



В этом видео рассмотрим 15 причин, почему не стоит поднимать свой VPN или Proxy сервер. Узнайте об основных подводных камнях и проблемах, с которыми вы можете столкнуться, а также рассмотрим альтернативные варианты для защиты вашей приватности в интернете.


#VPN #Proxy #Кибербезопасность #CyberYozh #ИнтернетПриватность #VPNСервер #ProxyСервер #ИнтернетБезопасность #Анонимность #VPNПодключение #ProxyНастройки


Понимание всех аспектов и рисков, связанных с созданием собственного VPN или Proxy сервера, поможет вам принять более обоснованное решение о защите вашей онлайн-приватности. Возможно, стоит рассмотреть другие, более безопасные и удобные варианты для обеспечения вашей интернет-безопасности. Подписывайтесь на канал CyberYozh, чтобы не пропустить новые видео по теме кибербезопасности.

📹: 15 причин, почему не стоит поднимать свой VPN / Proxy сервер

👤: CyberYozh

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В этом видео мы подробно рассмотрим 15 причин, по которым не стоит самостоятельно создавать и управлять своим VPN или Proxy сервером. Узнайте о возможных проблемах, которые могут возникнуть, и рассмотрите альтернативные способы защиты вашей онлайн-приватности. Видео будет полезно всем, кто хочет лучше понять риски и преимущества различных методов обеспечения интернет-безопасности.

Адресная аудитория:

Это видео предназначено для пользователей интернета, которые интересуются кибербезопасностью и приватностью, а также для тех, кто рассматривает возможность создания собственного VPN или Proxy сервера. Будет полезно как начинающим, так и более опытным пользователям, желающим узнать о подводных камнях самостоятельного создания серверов для защиты своих данных.

Сообщите, если нужно внести изменения или дополнения!


Прокремлевские каналы в Telegram и кремлеботы в соцсети X (бывший Twitter) начали распространять видео с писательницей и антифашисткой Катрин Гиммлер, обратил внимание проект «Блокировщик ботов». На видео внучка брата рейхсфюрера СС Генриха Гиммлера якобы реагирует на инициативу по возвращению молодых украинцев из Европы на Родину и призывает «не отдавать украинцев кровавому диктатору Зеленскому». Сама Гиммлер, отвечая на вопрос «Агентства», назвала ролик подделкой.

Детали. Видео смонтировано из кадров с Гиммлер, архивной хроники времен Третьего Рейха, видео с главами МИД Украины и Германии Дмитрием Кулебой и Анналеной Бербок, а также другими немецкими политиками. «Цитата» Гиммлер приводится в титрах, которые наложены на ролик.

▪️«Цитата»: «Это насильственное перемещение свободных людей из мест их проживания под юридически оправданным предлогом. Ранее мы уже видели подобное в истории, когда людей переселяли насильно против их воли. Сейчас это происходит с украинцами по распоряжению их собственного правительства. Именно такие бесчеловечные процессы когда-то начались и в Германии. И мы все помним, к чему они привели».

▪️На самом деле, Гиммлер не делала такого заявления, сообщила писательница «Агентству». «Что бы там ни было написано, это, скорее всего, подделка», — написала Гиммлер в ответ на сообщение редактора «Агентства» по электронной почте.

▪️В Telegram видео опубликовали 28 каналов, среди которых «Шейх Тамир» (421 тысяча подписчиков), «Юрий Подоляка» (63 тысячи) и «Раньше всех. Ну почти. Спецоперация» (35 тысяч).

▪️В Х видео опубликовали два бота из сети «Матрешка» (1, 2), участники которой распространяют информацию, комментируя твиты друг друга (подробнее — здесь). Один бот сопроводил видео комментарием: «Писательница и антинацистка Катрин Гиммлер поддержала решение МИД Германии не высылать украинцев с просроченными паспортами и выступила против Зеленского».

Контекст. Украина, которая сейчас остро нуждается в свежих силах на фронте, на прошлой неделе понизила призывной возраст до 25 лет. Кроме того, Киев пытается вернуть обратно в страну молодых украинцев. На прошлой же неделе МИД Украины распорядился ограничить оказание консульских услуг за границей украинцам призывного возраста.

▪️О готовности помочь вернуть мужчин призывного возраста в Украину заявили министры обороны Польши и Литвы. В то же время власти Германии заявили, что не будут высылать из страны военнообязанных украинцев. Во вторник вице-премьер Украины по евроинтеграции Ольга Стефанишина заявила в интервью изданию Deutsche Welle, что власти не будут принудительно возвращать граждан страны из Евросоюза.

▪️Видео, продвигаемое кремлевскими каналами, использует этот конфликт, чтобы сформировать негативное отношение к действиям украинских властей.

Подпишитесь на «Агентство»


[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

UPD: DOI :: Beribit - новая криптовалютная биржа или очередной сайт от мошенников | Since 11 a.m., customers of the crypto exchange Beribit have been gathering outside the company’s office in the Federation Tower in Moscow. https://zltmilitary.blogspot.com/2024/04/beribit-since-11-am-customers-of-crypto.html

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Today, police officers "under guard" took out of Moscow City an employee of the Berebit exchange, who had been blocked by the exchange's defrauded clients. They said they were allegedly taking him away for questioning.

Yesterday, the exchange employee tried to escape up the stairs, but on the 52nd floor of the skyscraper he was caught by Berebit victims and returned to the office. A few days ago, Berebit stopped allowing customers to withdraw USDT and then a number of other cryptocurrencies from their wallets. Customers, after waiting a bit, decided that they had encountered fraud, came to the exchange's office in Moscow City and blocked. Earlier VCHK-OGPU wrote that since the summer of 2023 Berebit is controlled by fugitive Ukrainian oligarch Serhiy Kurchenko.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Клиенты криптобиржи Beribit штурмуют офис - Peer Video Club https://peervideo.club/w/kHHJwsHDwCKdWnquuftwXA

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Dear Beribit customers,

We would like to inform you about recent changes in the management of our company. Three days ago, a new team led by the Board of Directors took over the management of the exchange.

During the transfer of management documents, inconsistencies in the balance sheet were discovered.

We are therefore conducting a thorough balance sheet audit covering:

  • Audit of balances on partner platforms, including processing centers, centralized exchanges and cold wallets.
  • Detailed reconciliation of each client's balances, including verification of account transaction history and KYC/AML compliance.

These necessary measures have resulted in a temporary accumulation of deposit and withdrawal requests. We make every effort to process them promptly.

Customers who have successfully passed KYC/AML audit and verification will receive verified status and will be able to use their accounts without restrictions.

For the waiting time, we provide compensation based on the current Central Bank rate.

The estimated time to complete all verifications is from 1 to 15 business days.

We have ambitious innovations in the near future, including the launch of new products. Thank you for your support and patience during this time of transition!

🕯 BERIBIT.com (https://beribit.com/register/tg_news) 📹 Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@beribit) ✅Chat (https://t.me/BeribitRussia) ✅ News2 (https://t.me/BeribitNews)


[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

(1) ✙ Alterego (Midshipman) ✙ в X: «The company will accept customers, as it is a black crypto exchange. - https://t.co/DP9jrCanqA https://t.co/slNb921F0k» / X https://twitter.com/CASBT_OSINT_UA/status/1784177125919998105

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Beribit - новая криптовалютная биржа или очередной сайт от мошенников - честный отзыв и обзор

Торговля криптовалютой позволяет зарабатывать на криптоактивах, кроме того, покупка и продажа может потребоваться для других целей, например, для инвестиций с дальнейшим хранением токенов. Но для этого нужно подобрать надежную биржу, которая будет честно предоставлять свои услуги для каждого клиента. При этом стоит ответственно отбирать проекты, учитывая то, как много мошенников сегодня в сети. В этом обзоре поговорим об одном из молодых проектов, который позиционирует себя, как биржа, предоставляющая большое количество услуг и выгодные условия для клиентов.

Легенда проекта

Проект Beribit позионирует себя, как молодая биржа, предлагающая выгодные условия для каждого пользователя. Проект гарантирует большое количество преимуществ, среди которых на сайте обозначены: Пополнение и вывод средств через партнеров 0%. Вывод средств на банковские карты 0%. Безопасное хранение средств на холодных кошельках. Самая низкая комиссия taker 0.15%/maker 0.10% Круглосуточная работа и техподдержка. И это только несколько основных преимуществ, о которых заявлено только на главной странице. Кроме этого проект предлагает выгодную реферальную программу и другие условия, которые подойдут многим пользователям. Но действительно ли проект работает честно и реально предоставляет услуги или просто обманывает пользователей? Об этом более подробно поговорим далее.

Контактная информация

Среди контактных данных на сайте можно найти: Электронная почта проекта [email protected]. Телеграм https://


[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Beribit: отзывы клиентов о работе компании в 2024 году - Peer Video Club https://peervideo.club/w/6YtjfkjkAQeX4MVAH4YqcC

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Beribit Crypto Exchange – Medium https://beribit.medium.com/


Abstract: This article delves into the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency mining, highlighting alternative projects that offer accessible and affordable mining options compared to Bitcoin's specialized ASIC miners. Projects such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dogecoin utilize GPU-friendly mining algorithms or ASIC-resistant designs, enabling broader participation in mining and reducing barriers to entry for individual miners. The article emphasizes the importance of considering factors such as mining profitability, network security, and project fundamentals when exploring alternative cryptocurrencies for mining or investment. The conclusion encourages further study of these projects and their implications for the future of cryptocurrency mining, with a strong likelihood of uncovering valuable insights and conclusions.

Bitcoin has indeed spawned numerous forks, each with its own set of characteristics and goals. Some forks have introduced improvements or changes to Bitcoin's protocol, aiming to address perceived shortcomings or to cater to specific use cases. However, whether these forks are "better" than Bitcoin itself is subjective and depends on various factors, including individual preferences, technical requirements, and market dynamics.

Some forks, such as Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV, have aimed to increase block sizes to improve scalability and transaction throughput. Others, like Litecoin, have focused on faster block generation times and different mining algorithms. Each of these forks has its own community and supporters who believe in its merits.

However, Bitcoin remains the dominant cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, adoption, and network security. Its status as the first and most well-known cryptocurrency gives it a significant advantage in terms of trust and recognition. Additionally, Bitcoin's decentralized nature and robust network have contributed to its resilience over the years.

Ultimately, whether a particular Bitcoin fork is "better" depends on an individual's priorities and objectives. Some may prefer forks that prioritize scalability or transaction speed, while others may value Bitcoin's stability and widespread acceptance. It's essential to research and understand the characteristics of each fork before drawing conclusions about their relative merits.

Certainly, assessing the "better" option from a user's point of view involves considering various factors like cost, speed, anonymity, and accessibility of mining equipment. Let's evaluate each of these fundamental points for Bitcoin and its forks:

  1. Cost of Transfer Transactions:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin's transaction fees have historically been higher compared to some of its forks due to network congestion and limited block space. However, the Lightning Network has been developed to enable faster and cheaper off-chain transactions for smaller payments.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH): Bitcoin Cash originally aimed to offer lower transaction fees by increasing block sizes. However, its fees can still vary depending on network demand.
    • Bitcoin SV (BSV): Bitcoin SV also seeks to maintain low transaction fees through increased block sizes, but like BCH, fees can fluctuate based on network usage.
    • Overall, Bitcoin forks like BCH and BSV may offer lower transaction fees compared to Bitcoin for certain types of transactions.
  2. Speed of Transactions:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin's block time is around 10 minutes, which means transactions can take some time to be confirmed, especially during periods of high network activity.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH): BCH has a larger block size limit compared to BTC, resulting in faster transaction confirmations on average.
    • Bitcoin SV (BSV): Similar to BCH, BSV aims to achieve faster transaction confirmations through larger block sizes.
    • Both BCH and BSV generally offer faster transaction speeds compared to Bitcoin due to their larger block sizes.
  3. Anonymity:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin's pseudonymous nature means transactions are recorded on a public ledger, allowing for some degree of anonymity, but transactions can be traced back to addresses.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV): These forks inherit Bitcoin's transparency features, offering similar levels of pseudonymity.
    • For enhanced privacy and anonymity, users may turn to privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero or Zcash.
  4. Cost of Mining Equipment:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): As the most established and valuable cryptocurrency, Bitcoin typically requires more expensive mining equipment to compete in its Proof-of-Work mining ecosystem.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV): These forks share a similar mining algorithm with Bitcoin, meaning they also require specialized ASIC mining equipment, though competition might be less fierce compared to Bitcoin.
    • In terms of mining profitability, factors like electricity costs and mining difficulty play significant roles, which can vary across different regions and mining pools.

Considering these fundamental points, users may prioritize different aspects based on their specific needs and preferences. For example, individuals requiring fast and inexpensive transactions might find Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin SV more suitable, while those valuing Bitcoin's network security and widespread adoption might prefer Bitcoin despite its higher fees and longer transaction times. It ultimately comes down to what matters most to each user in their cryptocurrency usage.

To be fair, you have to consider the first top-ten, it's hardly worth relying on 2-3 younger relatives.

I understand your perspective, and I appreciate your desire to explore projects closely related to Bitcoin, both programmatically and ideologically. Let's delve into some projects that maintain a closer kinship with Bitcoin in both aspects:

  1. Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

    • Bitcoin Cash is a direct fork of Bitcoin, created in 2017 with the aim of addressing Bitcoin's scalability issues by increasing the block size limit. It retains many of Bitcoin's fundamental principles, including decentralization, transparency, and permissionless innovation.
  2. Bitcoin SV (BSV):

    • Bitcoin SV, short for "Bitcoin Satoshi Vision," is another fork of Bitcoin that emerged in 2018. It aims to restore the original Bitcoin protocol as envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto, emphasizing scalability, security, stability, and global adoption.
  3. Bitcoin Gold (BTG):

    • Bitcoin Gold is a hard fork of Bitcoin that occurred in 2017. It aimed to decentralize Bitcoin mining by introducing a new mining algorithm (Equihash) that is ASIC-resistant, allowing for broader participation in the mining process.
  4. Litecoin (LTC):

    • While not a direct fork of Bitcoin, Litecoin is often considered a "sibling" of Bitcoin due to its close resemblance in codebase and principles. Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, with the intention of providing faster transaction confirmations and a different hashing algorithm (Scrypt) compared to Bitcoin's SHA-256.
  5. Bitcoin Core (BTC):

    • Bitcoin Core is the original implementation of Bitcoin's protocol and serves as the reference client for the Bitcoin network. It is developed by a group of volunteer developers and maintains a strong focus on decentralization, security, and trustlessness.
  6. Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs):

    • BIPs are technical proposals for changes or enhancements to the Bitcoin protocol. While not standalone projects, BIPs play a crucial role in the ongoing development and evolution of Bitcoin, allowing the community to contribute ideas and improvements to the network.
  7. Sidechain Projects:

    • Projects like Liquid and RSK (Rootstock) aim to extend Bitcoin's functionality by enabling the creation of sidechains, which are separate blockchains pegged to the Bitcoin blockchain. These sidechains facilitate faster transactions, smart contracts, and other advanced features while leveraging Bitcoin's security.
  8. Lightning Network:

    • The Lightning Network is a layer-two scaling solution for Bitcoin, enabling instant and low-cost transactions by creating payment channels off-chain. It enhances Bitcoin's scalability without compromising its security or decentralization.
  9. Schnorr Signatures and Taproot Upgrade:

    • These proposed upgrades to the Bitcoin protocol aim to improve privacy, efficiency, and flexibility. Schnorr Signatures enable aggregation of multiple signatures into a single signature, reducing transaction size and enhancing privacy. The Taproot upgrade enhances smart contract capabilities while increasing privacy and scalability.
  10. Bitcoin-focused Education and Research Initiatives:

    • Organizations like the Bitcoin Optech, the Human Rights Foundation's Bitcoin Development Fund, and academic institutions conducting research on Bitcoin's technical, economic, and social aspects contribute to the broader Bitcoin ecosystem by fostering education, innovation, and collaboration.

These projects and initiatives maintain strong ties to Bitcoin's core principles and objectives, whether through direct codebase lineage, technical enhancements, or community-driven efforts to advance Bitcoin's capabilities and adoption.

Certainly, here are 10 specific projects that involve mining, blockchain, and coins, with mining hardware that is generally cheaper than Bitcoin's specialized ASIC miners:

  1. Ethereum (ETH):

    • Ethereum utilizes a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism similar to Bitcoin, but its mining algorithm (Ethash) is ASIC-resistant, allowing for GPU mining. While GPU mining rigs can still be relatively expensive, they are generally more accessible and versatile compared to Bitcoin's ASIC miners.
  2. Litecoin (LTC):

    • Litecoin also employs a proof-of-work consensus mechanism, but its mining algorithm (Scrypt) is designed to be ASIC-resistant, initially allowing for CPU and GPU mining. While Scrypt ASIC miners exist, they are generally less expensive and more widely available compared to Bitcoin's ASIC miners.
  3. Dogecoin (DOGE):

    • Dogecoin, initially created as a meme cryptocurrency, uses a Scrypt-based proof-of-work algorithm similar to Litecoin. Like Litecoin, Dogecoin mining is more accessible to GPU miners compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  4. Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

    • Bitcoin Cash utilizes the SHA-256 mining algorithm, similar to Bitcoin, but with a larger block size limit. While BCH mining can still be competitive, it may be more accessible to miners with less specialized hardware compared to Bitcoin.
  5. Dash (DASH):

    • Dash employs a hybrid proof-of-work/proof-of-service consensus mechanism called X11. While ASIC miners for X11 exist, they are generally less expensive and more energy-efficient compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners, allowing for broader participation in mining.
  6. Zcash (ZEC):

    • Zcash utilizes the Equihash mining algorithm, which is GPU-friendly and ASIC-resistant. GPU mining rigs are commonly used to mine Zcash, offering a more affordable entry point compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  7. Monero (XMR):

    • Monero uses the CryptoNight mining algorithm, which is designed to be ASIC-resistant and favors CPU and GPU mining. While ASIC miners for CryptoNight have been developed, CPU and GPU mining are still viable options, making Monero mining more accessible.
  8. Ravencoin (RVN):

    • Ravencoin employs the X16R mining algorithm, which rotates through 16 different hashing algorithms. This algorithm is ASIC-resistant and favors GPU mining, providing a more affordable option for miners compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  9. Grin (GRIN):

    • Grin utilizes the Cuckoo Cycle mining algorithm, which is designed to be memory-bound and ASIC-resistant. GPU mining is commonly used to mine Grin, offering a more accessible mining option compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  10. Vertcoin (VTC):

    • Vertcoin uses the Lyra2REv3 mining algorithm, which is ASIC-resistant and favors GPU mining. Like other ASIC-resistant cryptocurrencies, Vertcoin offers a more affordable mining option compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.

These projects offer alternatives to Bitcoin mining that are generally more accessible and affordable for individual miners, often relying on GPU mining or ASIC-resistant algorithms. However, it's essential to consider factors such as mining profitability, network security, and project fundamentals when choosing which cryptocurrencies to mine or invest in.

Conclusion: As the concept of cryptocurrency mining continues to evolve, exploring alternative projects beyond Bitcoin's ASIC dominance opens up new opportunities for individual miners and investors. By considering factors such as accessibility, affordability, and project fundamentals, participants in the cryptocurrency ecosystem can make informed decisions about mining and investment strategies. Further study of these alternative projects is likely to yield valuable insights into the shifting dynamics of cryptocurrency mining and its broader implications for the future of decentralized finance.

"Exploring Alternative Cryptocurrency Mining: Beyond Bitcoin's ASIC Dominance" https://zltmilitary.blogspot.com/2024/04/exploring-alternative-cryptocurrency.html

Hashtags: #CryptocurrencyMining #ASICResistance #AlternativeCryptocurrencies #BlockchainTechnology #Decentralization #InvestmentOpportunities #EvolvingLandscape #FutureOutlook


Сэмпл: https://bit.ly/3WcIRqu


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Поддержать канал и выход новых роликов: https://www.patreon.com/macknack

Статья "Новая газета. Европа": https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/04/22/preemn

Кого только не „хоронили“ с момента начала полномасштабного вторжения. С другой стороны, попытки властей скрывать болезни, выдавая их за „крепкое рукопожатие“, а то и вовсе скрывать смерти политиков, как это было с Жириновским — заставляют куда пристальнее присматриваться к просачивающимся крупицам информации.

Кадыров в этом смысле чемпион. Его визуальное преображение за последние годы — сложно не заметить. А когда целая Собчак задействована, чтобы развеивать слухи о его болезни — можно быть уверенным, что-то с его здоровьем явно не так.

„Новая газета. Европа“ выяснила, что именно. Болезнь главы Чечни не позволит ему прожить долгую жизнь, а каждое новое обострение грозится стать последним. На его место у Кремля уже есть кандидат — Апти Алаудинов. Однако я уверен, что со смертью Кадырова регион может погрузиться в хаос. Что известно о болезни Кадырова, и какие опасности для Путина таит его смерть — обсуждаем в новом видео.

Title: Analytical Report and Forecast on Chechnya's Political Situation Annotation: This report provides insights into the evolving health condition of Chechnya's leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, and its potential impact on regional stability and Kremlin's interests. Keywords: Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, political stability, health condition, Kremlin, regional dynamics Hashtags: #Chechnya #Kadyrov #PoliticalAnalysis #Forecast #Kremlin #RegionalStability #HealthCondition #PoliticalDynamics #Russia #Geopolitics #AnalyticalReport Editorial Comment: The fluctuating health status of Ramzan Kadyrov raises concerns about Chechnya's future political landscape and its broader implications.

Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted urgently and requires thorough verification. The information may be biased and could include misinformation from various sources.

Conclusion: The disclosed information about Kadyrov's health raises questions about the stability of the region and its impact on Putin's interests.


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Plus de 1 300 grenades propulsées par fusée ont été utilisées en Ukraine au cours des deux premières semaines d'avril. Le nombre moyen quotidien de KAB utilisés au cours de la deuxième semaine d'avril était de l'ordre de 100 pièces.

Les principales directions des frappes ont été : Ocheretine, Skuchne, Terni, Chasov Yar, Kupyansk, etc. Ocheretine est en train d'être rayé de la surface de la terre, car c'est l'endroit où le taux d'utilisation de KAB par jour est le plus élevé.

En principe, tout ce qui pouvait être dit sur les contre-mesures nécessaires l'a déjà été. L'ennemi continue de développer la composante CAB, la seule qui soit désormais aussi efficace que possible pour percer les lignes de défense et ouvrir les zones fortifiées, mais nous ne disposons toujours pas de contre-mesures suffisantes.

Il est absurde de s'attendre à ce que la DEW finisse par manquer de CAB, comme elle l'a fait pour les obus d'artillerie. Dans ce cas, il faut soit travailler sur les porteurs, ce qui est désormais systématiquement impossible à mettre en œuvre, soit agir sur d'autres secteurs et zones de la DEW, dont la destruction, tout en maintenant la domination des KAB, affaiblira encore les occupants sur le terrain.

Dans ce contexte, les grèves des raffineries peuvent constituer l'une de ces solutions non linéaires. Par conséquent, les frappes sur les raffineries ont été, sont et seront. Créer une pénurie de carburant et de lubrifiants dans les ROV pourrait être une solution alternative et un sérieux affaiblissement du potentiel des forces d'occupation.


update: 14-04-2024 (07:27) ! Spelling and stylistics of the author are preserved

Iran has reportedly launched kamikaze drones toward Israel. On the video, which are filmed in different Iraqi cities can be heard the familiar sound of the engines of the Shahids flying towards the Jewish state. It seems to have begun.

The airspace over the region has been cleared, in Israel a flying command post and military aircraft have been raised in the air. In Iran, electronic warfare systems have begun operating.

It is unlikely that everything will end with a few dozen flying mopeds - their own Arab neighbors would then laugh at the Iranians. So, unfortunately, given the speed of these devices and the fact that they will take several hours to reach Israel closer to night, we should expect more attacks - both faster cruise and ballistic missiles, and from Lebanon and Syria. So that the different attack waves will come at the same time, in an attempt to overwhelm the air defense systems. By the way, one cannot be immune from new waves of "shahids" either.

To the Israelis, fortitude. I will try to broadcast the events on my channel at night.

Israel confirms the launch of drones, Netanyahu's speech is underway, he says the country is ready to both defend and respond...

"Citizens of Israel, in recent years, and even more so in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack by Iran. Our defense systems are deployed and we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and offense. The state of Israel is strong, the Israel Defense Forces are strong, the public is strong. We appreciate the U.S. for supporting Israel, and we are grateful for the support of Britain, France and many other countries. I have established a clear principle - whoever harms us, we will harm them. We will defend ourselves against any threat, and we will do so calmly and decisively."

Now it all depends on the power of the attack, the participants involved and a likely Israeli strike. Only then will it be possible to understand whether everything will be limited to a one-off confrontation or whether the region is creeping into a big war. The next big war.

A number of pro-imperial channels and war correspondents with their joyful comments clearly demonstrate to Israel and to the millions of Israeli Russian-speaking community - whose side they are on. Once again over the past six months. They are strengthening, so to speak, the friendship of nations.

However, to be fair, there are some sane people among that crowd, at least trying to maintain a semblance of neutrality. Although, if passions boil over again, this will be the test....

It is reported that a second wave of drones was launched from Iranian Kermanshah. As I wrote - unfortunately it will not be limited to fifty "mopeds".

Approach time from Iran to Israel: ballistic missile - 12 minutes, cruise missile - 2 hours, drone - 9 hours according to Israeli Channel 12.

The first wave of drones, if not destroyed during the flight, will arrive in Israel by five o'clock local time and Moscow time. This can be considered a marker time for strikes by the rest of the systems. Unless, of course, there are several waves and the task of the first one is to defuse the air defense systems.

Allegedly, Iraqi Hezbollah and Yemeni Houthis have joined the strikes. There are also reports of attacks from Lebanon, so far not the most significant. There is unconfirmed information about the launch of cruise missiles by the Iranians. And they write that American aviation is trying to shoot down drones launched over Iraq.

In general, the picture is still in the dynamics... The details will be clear by 2:00 a.m.

Jordan ready to intercept drones and missiles that will fly through its territory toward Israel - Reuters

It is reported that the Iranians have launched a third wave of "shahids", in parallel, the Israeli air force is striking southern Lebanon, from where the rocket fire began some time ago. On the Lebanese border, everything so far is within the framework of routine shootings and strikes. No sharp escalation has been seen. At least not yet.


An analytical report and forecast on the ongoing flood crisis in the Orcs' capital.

Крайні Новини Сьогодні в X: «https://t.co/bHABNkDdaO» / X https://twitter.com/NWL2024/status/1779405902707064890

#Orcs #Flood #Crisis #Forecast #Orenburg #Disaster

Editorial Comment: The inundation of the Orcs' capital demands urgent attention and effective mitigation strategies. Let's delve into the details.

Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted urgently and requires thorough verification. Potential biases, misinformation, and external influences such as Russian special services must be considered. All information presented here should be treated as provisional.

Annotation: The Orcs' capital has been submerged for two weeks, affecting thousands of residential houses and households in the Orenburg region. Despite attributing blame to various entities, the affected population overlooks the potential karmic implications.

Conclusion: Urgent measures are needed to address the ongoing crisis and assist the affected population in the Orcs' capital and surrounding areas. Effective disaster management strategies should be implemented promptly.

Keywords: #Urgency #Verification #DisasterManagement #Assistance #OrenburgRegion #Population


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