[-] Neon_Carnivore 3 points 1 day ago

Danhausen juggling wrestlers.

[-] Neon_Carnivore 8 points 1 day ago
[-] Neon_Carnivore 3 points 2 days ago

If that's you're goal, I suggest getting an overnight job. You'll never have a stable sleep schedule again!

[-] Neon_Carnivore 3 points 2 days ago

Making sure no one draws a dick over it. lol

[-] Neon_Carnivore 4 points 2 days ago

Just finished filling in the pastel yellow. And with that, we're all done!

Now we're all on wiener watch!

[-] Neon_Carnivore 2 points 2 days ago

He'd probably be miles better than my actual dad was.

[-] Neon_Carnivore 5 points 3 days ago

Bro, 3 different dudes introduced themselves to me at my mom's funeral as her "boyfriend". And me being the turd that I ~~am~~ was, I tried at every opportunity to get them to talk to each other that day.

[-] Neon_Carnivore 5 points 3 days ago

I'll pass on the opportunity for a glorious "yo' mama" joke. But I'll still point out the opportunity.

[-] Neon_Carnivore 4 points 3 days ago

we can sit back and make sure no one draws a dick over it or something

Well, there goes my idea... /s

[-] Neon_Carnivore 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I've been watching the progress, and I've got to say I'm impressed. I want to contribute, but I keep having log in issues on my phone, while trying to visit canvas on desktop just gives 502 errors. (Probably due to the tons of privacy/ad blocking addons I'm running and refuse to disable) but if I do eventually get in, I'll do my part. o7

Update: Finally managed to login, been helping fill in the light gray throughout the day.

[-] Neon_Carnivore 6 points 3 days ago

And nothing of value was lost.

Jokes aside, if the overall reaction was similar to ours, the sponsorship probably didn't really boost sales any.

[-] Neon_Carnivore 2 points 6 days ago

It kinda sucks that they're in separate promotions nowadays, but he was in one hell of a tag team with Trent Seven. If you search "Moustache Mountain full match" on YouTube you'll find a few great matches from across their multi-promotion tag run.

submitted 3 months ago by Neon_Carnivore to c/squaredcircle

TZM has learned that not only have DDT's Yoshihiko and WWE's Katie Vick been in a long term relationship, but that they plan to marry, as well. The happy couple revealed their plans in a MySpace post shortly after WWE announced that Vick was to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

While no date has been set as of this reporting, it was stated that AEW's Cardblade and Juicebox would be groomsmen, with Moppy serving as Katie Vick's Maid of Honor.

Yoshihiko and Katie Vick did not reply to TZM's request for comments.

submitted 3 months ago by Neon_Carnivore to c/squaredcircle

Unable to compete after being viciously attacked by Dwayne "The Fucking Rock" Johnson, Cody Rhodes is not cleared to wrestle by WWE medical staff.

Additionally, due to his excessive potty mouth, The Dwayne "Rock Fucker" Johnson has been suspended indefinitely.

This left Wrestlemania's main event in limbo, until help came from a very unexpected benefactor: Tony Khan.

When asked to comment on the decision, Tony Khan said: "He's (referring to MJF) out of TV rotation at the moment, so we aren't using him. And his history with Cody is no secret, this is the perfect opportunity for him."

We also reached out to Triple H, who said: "We've been sending our best NXT talent to AEW for years, it's about fucking time TK returned the favor."

Triple H was then also suspended indefinitely for using the F word.

If you use any quotes from this article, please site Fihgtluf as your source. For more totally real news, please consider supporting us on ~~Onlyfans~~ Patreon.

Update: Fgihftlu has also been indefinitely suspended by WWE for use of foul language.

submitted 3 months ago by Neon_Carnivore to c/squaredcircle

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling's biggest event of the year is streaming on Wrestle Universe this Sunday, and NeoJoshizzle has posted a video breaking down the full match card.

Some big names will be featured, including (but not limited to) Aja Kong, Max The Impaler, Minoru Suzuki, Emi Sakura, Ryo Mizunami, and Masha Slamovich.

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