Good idea! Is there a type that kitchen workers are known to enjoy? All of the construction guys I've met are big into american spirits for some reason.
That stuff makes me paranoid, the real stuff does not. Psychosomatic? maybe, but it kept happening.
Is your friend Ricky from the trailer park boys?
last time I tried this I got a weird look and told "not around here". In fairness, I give off uptight vibes and follow the rules because covering my ass on the easy stuff lets me uncover my ass on the stuff that actually matters (stealing like 5-10 minutes every shift).
What drug is sweet even supposed to be?
It's fucking cold out, I've been meaning to start giving out socks and stuff. I appreciate everyone else that gave an answer, but karmically this seems the most likely way to succeed. I appreciate the advice on money, TV always has a runner with the money and some other person holding the stuff. I woulda fallen for it.
I don't know anyone here and only just met my coworkers yesterday.
The answer I feared. I have many anxieties regarding social interaction.
They do what they want and make it everyone else’s problem.
I am surprised the government didn’t go with the should-have-been-hanged-as-a-spy ghoul’s plan to cover it up as much as possible and silence by any many means necessary.
Lol some dipshit crashed a 1/4 billion dollar military plane into the ocean while landing
Thank you, I thought gen 3 was known for too much water though?
Nothing is less suspicious than a clearly adult man asking around dorms...