
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Where did I say left or right? I'm actually deeply aware that left and right are poor nomenclatures and SPECIFICALLY chose not to use it. Mostly because left and right are completely different in the US vs the EU. However, Red and Blue in the USA specifically reference a particular political party. Of which NYC is deep and dark blue, where-as upstate NY (typically a reference to anything that isn't NYC and it's surrounding metro area) is oftentimes Red.

You claimed "small government". That's not what NYC is, not even close. It's the Republican party that runs on "Small Government" (incorrectly). But that's a moot point as NYC is Democrat.

But at least thanks for proving that you're talking about a topic you have no idea about. All you can do is run to ad hominem rather than actually discuss the problem.

Side note: I'm a dual citizen and hold both US and EU passports. Tell me that I'm a "true american" again, most of the people I interact with in the USA certainly don't hold the same point of view.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

This is spoken as someone who thinks they know something about NYC.

First off this article is actually about NYC, not the state of NY.

NYC is WILDLY blue. And NYC is WILDLY complicated and huge from a government perspective. It's so fucking large that the departments that are supposed to deal with specific policy/law can't even advise you on any of it. Then a week later you'll get a fine.

Literally everything you think you said about NYS... is opposite because it's NYC.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I have 4 seed boxes I run on pia. My only issue is that the port changes from time to time. I have to check on them every week or so. It's also one of the only court tested Vpns, though it did change hands after that

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

That's like your opinion man. Good thing you're not my doctor, nor my kids doctor.

The victim has to know, and cannot possibly have the information required to “choose not to know”.

Literally already been explained to you. Yes you can. If I don't want to hear information from you, I can choose not to. Just like I will now. Welcome to the block-list! See how easy it is? Now you can choose to try to tell me all you want about your opinions and I won't hear any of them! It's like it's a choice that I can make with all the free-will that I have.

Several people have told you it's possible. Even given you examples of cases where it exists. But you stick your fingers in your ears and scream all you want. I'm not listening anymore.

Withholding medical information from patients without their knowledge or consent is ethically unacceptable. Physicians should encourage patients to specify their preferences regarding communication of their medical information, preferably before the information becomes available. Moreover, physicians should honor patient requests not to be informed of certain medical information or to convey the information to a designated proxy, provided these requests appear to genuinely represent the patient’s own wishes.

American Medical Association says you're full of shit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

Informed consent only occurs before the action.

You cannot have informed consent about something that's already happened to you that you should have been aware of. You can have informed consent on requests to tell you that information relating to the event.

And you can absolutely decline something without knowing what it is. I do it all the time. Phone numbers call me, I hear the brief moment of silence, and then that notorious click of an automatic dialer answering the line. I know immediately it's a scam caller and I'm not interested so I hang up. That is Informed consent that I'm not interested in whatever they're about to say, even though I don't know what specifically they're about to say.

I do the same thing with my some of my family. If my aunt was to call, I'd decline the call outright. I'm not interested in anything she's going to say. That's my right.

Edit: Clarified confusing wording a bit.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What does 300 students with cellphones do as a lifeline in any event during the school day that would actually warrant it?

I don't think any ban is saying that they can't have the phones in their locker, off, for use after school hours.

What I do find funny,

Fifty-eight percent of such parents want their children to have cell phones so they can get in touch with them or learn their whereabouts when needed while 48 percent say cell phones help them coordinate transportation to and from school with their children.

As if that was not a problem for previous generations that didn't have cell phones. There are plenty of answers that work that don't require cellphones. Like... I don't know... Talking to your kids. Or at worst, calling the school office and relaying a message to your kids if something significantly deviates from your normal plans.

And their next line proves the point that half the children with a phone shouldn't have it.

Nearly as many say children need mobile devices to communicate about their mental health or other needs.

No, you don't need a phone to communicate about your mental health during school hours. Your phone isn't the correct device to do that. If you have mental health concerns you need to see medical professionals, and if it's immediate, the school nurse. Not your phone, not your dumb as rocks social media. Your phone is not a device that can help assuage ANY medical/health condition. The fact that the child thinks they NEED the serotonin/dopamine hit of their precious phone in order to mentally cope with anything and adults are perpetuating it... that's just fostering dependence on these devices and makes the whole thing worse.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,”

I'll help you out... this is Rick and Morty.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago (6 children)

so you are just kissing a slightly older version of you.

Younger... The image is delayed, so what's "displayed", is a younger version of yourself.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

it represents a failstate of deeply dysfunctional societies (like the US).

Disagree. See all the people helping out hurricane victims right now. The only stories of failures I'm hearing from over there is government... Not the people. So not societies fault, but governments fault.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You know what, I can appreciate that. The difference though is that I don't claim to be a scientist or leading expert in any of the fields I talk about. I also don't tend to portray myself as an educator on ANY field... except for when I'm in the actual classroom teaching (which I don't do anymore due to administration politicking, and I was in the field of IT). And when I converse online, I do it as a literal "rando on the internet". Without my potential qualifiers in the vast majority of cases which doesn't imply actual knowledge in anything.

This is part of my problem with him. He's viewed as this amazing educator and scientist... That will put people off from questioning his assumptions/statements by default because as kids you're taught to listen to teachers/educators. And he put himself in that position so I have no sympathy for it.

I have similar hangups with Bill Nye the "Science" Guy. Who's only qualifications are Mechanical Engineer at Boeing. Yet for some reason people treat him as some amazing scientist in completely unrelated fields. When he's not. And because he's built that reputation and put himself adjacent to actual science for so long that nobody questions the nebulous and crazy shit that he says anymore.

Nye's anti-nuclear stance being a prime example, flying in the face of what actual scientists have been talking about for decades (though debate-ably, now nuclear might be too late to the party to significantly help anymore. Though I think we should still be doing nuclear personally). Or claiming that he knew anything about Quantum Entanglement and through QE, time-travel because of blackholes... Also don't forget that he was a willing spokesperson for Exxon to talk about how drilling oil is safe. Forget that it's one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet, and burning any oil in any form simply isn't safe and even pushed the "clean burning" (rather than less dirty burning) fuel, which as a by-product even releases more radiation than nuclear does (going counter to his actual complaints about nuclear in a huge way).

I dunno. I'm just tired of being "educated" by people with no qualifications. And when I bring up the obviously wrong things I see... all I see is the masses in love with the characters.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I’d say you can still kiss your reflection since just about everything emits photons. Just not always in the visible spectrum.

And mirrors don't reflect every photon on every spectrum either. Quite contrarily... many forms of glasses/plastics (and the backings layered on those materials) are completely transparent in many wavelengths.

But see this is [one of] my point exactly. If he left some caveat like that in the damn tweets (because he should understand the caveats)... People who are actually interested but don't know might catch an on and actually try to learn the science about it. Rather than the nonsense he just tweets. People who view him as "an expert" will take it at face value... and not question it. He should be leading future scientist to actually understand and learn. Not this drivel.

Edit: [one of]... I should clarify that it wasn't my only point. But just the one that the specific mentioned tweet should have also been doing if he really wants to be an "educator".


So there's a fantastic site called It's a bit incomplete from the dataset perspective, seems to be missing the "latest" releases (the 2022 Fantastics Beasts for example), and is limited to very particular "universes".

Is there an *arr that does this?

Automatically grab the items you have and populate playlists like "Stargate - Chronological", "Stargate - Airdate", etc...

And as items are added to your library that were missing in the "universe" it fills in the playlists. Playlistarr?

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