
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 25 points 10 months ago

"It's not hope until you put your p in a hoe." -- Nagito Komaeda

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

iirc he said that modern japanese games suck. here's the video. i've always kinda thought that Phil Fish was more of an asshole than a racist but like certainly i would understand why one might think him to be a racist asshole.

then gamergate decided to target him for some reason and the Single notable shitty thing he did got massively lost amongst the mythos invented by the gamergaters, as per every GG target

e: thinking back, i believe he became a target because precisely the western vs japanese games thing was a big culture war point at the time. GG portrayed japanese games as full of sexy big tiddy women, with True Gamers (men) as the target audience, contrasted with western games that were increasingly cucked by blue haired liberals and sjws getting their hands on the development process and censoring all the hot women or whatever. phil fish got smeared as being virulently racist because he was on the opposing side of GG, not because he was doing some sort of novel racist overgeneralization -- the whole games industry was having this discourse at the time.

also he vocally defended zoe quinn. that was probably the main thing.

[–] [email protected] 61 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The liberals are doing it AGAIN and it’s making me furious! People all over Twitter who have been like relatively good about Palestine are suddenly handwringing about “River to the sea,” “There is only one solution! Intifada, revolution,” and “Honor our martyrs,” claiming that these are all basically calling for genocide of Israelis and glorifying Hamas. It’s just so transparently people wanting to support Israel so they can stop feeling bad about the ACTUAL REAL GENOCIDE Israel is doing RIGHT NOW to the Palestinians. Fuck all these people, I hope they all suffer and die so they can feel a tiny fraction of what the Palestinians have had to go through.

Continually my mind is drawn back to Red Sails’ essay on how Brainwashing isn’t real and people intentionally buy into propaganda to justify that which they already want to believe.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

mostly i just sit here while my internal voice goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

it's like a form of self torture. part of me says if i'm doing this then at least i'm not succumbing to decadence while the greatest evil in my lifetime happens.

i got into tea recently so i've been trying a bunch of samples and that helps distract and calm me a bit

[–] [email protected] 48 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Honestly, I think it's good that he's stunlocked on this issue -- people are gonna be constantly going in and out of the stream and there are very few live coverages of these events that are adamantly opposing the IDF propaganda. Hasan provides the service of making sure as many people as possible will hear that this massacre was committed by the IDF. Nothing else has really happened since then, either.

[–] [email protected] 68 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

BTW, if anyone here is an active Wikipedian, feel free to contribute to the ongoing edit war over this line in the new article: "Hamas has been known to store munitions inside hospitals, mosques, and schools in the past.[12]" This is the easiest WP:SYNTH of all time since the source is not referring to the current events and thus including it is clearly attempting to make connections rather than neutrally collect reports on what is happening and what claims have been made.

e: success! As of a minute or two ago, consensus was reached to remove this line. Anticipating that the admin will unilaterally decide that it's valuable background and add it back in (since they're shoveling IDF propo into the article rn) but it's worth celebrating the small victories, I guess. Gotta keep track of the stars that exist in the overwhelming darkness of the night sky.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 11 months ago

rat-salute solidarity forever to our comrades fighting for truth and justice

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago

Fucking Jimbo always pulls this shit. "Wikipedia, and good Wikipedians, will wait for evidence, for the arguments to play out..." Yeah, okay, buddy -- let's just take the IDF's word that the bombing of a hospital they threatened to bomb was actually just someone else. Elsewhere on Wikipedia they'll gobble up atrocity propaganda like the good dogs of the US Empire they are, but document a crime of the Empire and its periphery and suddenly it's time to "wait" and be neutral. Fuck you, Jimmy Wales.

[–] [email protected] 83 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (6 children)

The editors fighting to keep the line "The Guardian reported that "the scale of the blast appears to be outside" the capabilities of Hamas.[2]" in the newly-created Wikipedia article are goddamn heroes. Zionist propagandists are fighting with all their might to turn this page into genocide denial and this line does so much in stopping that.

e: It's been removed by an admin that goes by the moniker "Neutrality". Immediately afterwards, this admin added in like 3 paragraphs of IDF claims. Fuck this fascist pig dog.

e2: WE LOVE OUR EDITOR COMRADES! The line is back after several editors rightfully noted that Neutrality was violating NPOV.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 11 months ago

hoooooly shit. the comments sections of the one post left up are insane and evil. reddit-logo is straight up just an IDF psyop at this point. burn that website to the fucking ground

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

Donated to PalestineRCS and PCRF. Solidarity forever to all oppressed peoples around the world.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago

Thanks for the resource friend

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