
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

"Sunk cost fallacy implies that the West is supporting Ukraine for profit."


[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ukraine can't even get people to sign up anymore without forcing them. They're begging for weapons all over the world, and facing increasing resistance for that supply.

Meanwhile Russia is cycling reserves and allowing them furlough time, and their military industrial capacity has increased to the point that newly produced weapons and armor are appearing all over the front lines.

You can't maintain this lie for much longer. The evidence is increasingly revealing. Personally I think after this counter-offensive is over it won't be possible any longer.


If Ukraine is able to replace or recover damaged vehicles why is Zelensky still asking for more tanks (in Switzerland right now)? I thought the sanctions were going to trigger massive inflation and unrest in the Russian economy and their desire to support the war would disappear. I thought the Russians were out of ammunition last year and now they're bombing relentlessly. I though their morale was so low they were going to capitulate when this attack happened, yet their first main line of defensive trenches hasn't yet been touched. If Ukraine morale is high and Russian morale is low why are Ukrainians surrendering or refusing to fight on the front lines?

Austin told us all that he had high expectations for the counter-offensive two days before the Pentagon leaks revealed there were actually low expectations. Why believe the boy who already cried wolf, especially when his words don't align with reality? There's been too much lying. The war is costing too much in terms of tax payer dollars and Ukrainian lives. This Biden administration is stuck is a sunk cost fallacy and needs to stop.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago

Ask any right wing conservative and they want the same things.

You're a borderline exhibit for what I stated.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

"The link between Christian nationalism and the fascist threat to our democracy is clear."

I'm seeing it. I'm also seeing liberals bring their woke fascism when they ban influencers and online content they don't like. Neither side wants to admit they're being fascists.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

Rolling Stone is making a fundamental association fallacy here.

I don't believe RFK Jr is a while supremacist by any stretch.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago

Ukraine hasn't even reached the first anti-tank trenches yet, which are at the first line of defense which is part of at least three lines of defense (depending on location). They've taken very heavy losses to this point too.

Ukraine is getting stomped, and that's why the NATO bosses are now talking about possibilities like a coalition of the willing or even giving Ukraine tactical nukes in one extreme case I read.