I'm in two minds about that. One the one hand, yes, of course - as all the original COBOL folks die off, the skills will be even rarer and thus worth more.
On the other hand, if we keep propping up old shit, the businesses will keep relying on it and it'll be even more painful when they do eventually get forced to migrate off it.
On the other other hand, we know it works, and we don't want to migrate everything into a series of Electron apps just because that's popular at the moment.
See, Disco had it right. Doctors wore white, compared to the navy blue uniforms of all the other divisions, including Sciences. Presumably during the war someone decided that your medic being conspicuously covered in blood gave a bad impression, that was downgraded to nurses (SNW Chapel) and the doctors wore blue (although the slightly lighter shade than science divison). Then later, nurses got blue as well (TOS Chapel). Or was Chapel a full MD by then? Not sure about that.