[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Ah, thank you for the explanation, I think I get it.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I don't know about this in depth, but from what another user in this thread said, a flatpak can't ask a portal to have access to two files at once. If I'm understanding correctly, that would explain why Librewolf needs permission to access ~/Downloads, since it can be downloading more than one file at once, and it needs access to all those files in ~/Downloads at the same time.

EDIT: I got a bit mixed up with what you were saying, but nevertheless, if this is true, then Librewofl would still need permission to access ~/Downloads and so be marked as "potentially unsafe".

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Not for the average/casual user, which is why this post exists.

The average person will look at that and see the '!' in a triangle and became scared of what it can do to their system, even though it has no more permissions than a system package. Alternatively, they will become desensitized and learn to ignore it, resulting in installing flatpacks from untrusted and unverified sources.

Overall, I just think the idea around having to sandbox all flatpaks is not a good idea. To give a concrete example, Librewolf is marked as "potentially unsafe" because it has access to the download folder, but if I want to use it to open a file that isn't in "downloads" I have to use flatseal to give it extra permissions - it's the worst of both worlds! Trying so hard to comply with flatpak guidelines that it gets in the way of doing things, and still not being considered safe enough.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Man, a lot of comments on here are giving me reddit debate lord vibes. People talking about "the truth matters", but the way a lot of them are saying, it sounds like they just want to ego boost and dunk on/bully someone that they perceive as inferior; which I suppose could also be called "asserting intellectual superiority".

Chances are that any argument you use on them is something they've already heard, and the more you push and demean them the more defensive they will probably get, and the harder it will be to convince them. And even if you did manage to pressure and shame them into believing the earth is round, that won't suddenly make them good critical thinkers.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I was watching but I wasn't home; I usually only show up here if I'm watching alone at home.

Maybe it's because I'm a Portuguese fan but I was on edge the whole time! I wish it had been more boring for me 😂 I was shouting Diogo Costa's name at the end

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

And so they vote republican?

Either way, not much else is gonna matter when the planet is too hot to live on, and entire Islands full of people go underwater, and no other country is willing to take in the refugees.

Sorry if I sound so evangelical about this shit, but that's because I'm fucking surrounded by these "80% who total care" people, and I see how they live their lives and the decisions they make. It's fucking lip service and pushing of the responsibly on to other people while hoping you don't have to make any changes in your life. Or, at best, it's complete fucking ignorance.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

So 80% want stronger climate action? But not enough to vote for green parties, and even not enough to not vote for anti-climate action parties?

Using the US as example and assuming the Dem/Rep split is about 50/50: if all Dem voters want "stronger climate action", then that means 30% of Rep voters are voting for anti-climate policy while claiming to want stronger climate action.

Sounds to me like those 80% don't really know how bad the issue is or how much needs to be done. Which means they are lying to themselves or to others, and this number is actually meaningless. That's the point the user above you is making, and it seems you agree.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago


Do Democrats all agree 100% with each other? Do Republicans? They still manage to get together to vote for those parties. How many single issue voters are out there?

But I'm expected to believe 80% want significant climate action or have any clue what that would really entail, but can't get together and vote for a green party? Perhaps if by "stronger climate action" they mean more electrical cars and recycling bins, or maybe these 80% even include people who want more green coal, but I'm sure we both know that doesn't mean really mean anything.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

You can’t assume from people voting for one of the only two parties that can win an election

The survey says 80%... that is enough to get any party to win. Hell, if you dare to dream high enough, that number is high enough to completely set the current government to the side, deny their legitimacy, and make a new governmental system - like one which is not a "first-past-the-post system".

The argument of "only two parties that can win" is nonsensical in this context, no offense.

Either way, the US is not the only country in the world, and it's not the only example the other user gave. Even if we ignore the US, how do you justify this in other countries that don't have a first-past-the-post system? Like I said in another comment:

Survey’s also show that most people want carbon taxes, but look what happens when the price of gas goes up.

People don't like that, and it affects how they vote.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 weeks ago

For example if we do something relatively small like ending beef subsidies here in the US, then ground beef will double or triple in price, and people will naturally consume much less.

And you think people will be okay with that and just let it happen? A politician does that and not only are they not elected again, they might have protests and even riots on their hands. You can't post c/vegan without non vegans showing up and being disruptive. Which begs the question: why would politicians ever do it when they know this?

You can't have systemic change if people aren't willing to change their lives in the first place. People often say they want this or that, but don't actually stop to think what that requires. Survey's also show that most people want carbon taxes, but look what happens when the price of gas goes up. What do people think carbon taxes will do? Well, the answer is they don't really think about it; they just think "tax for company to help climate", and that's where it stops.

If you want systemic change, then you also need to acknowledge and raise awareness to the need to take accountability and change our own lifestyles, otherwise that systemic change will never work. Going around saying we could all "change our lifestyles and it wouldn't matter" and that "what we need is systemic change" in response to people talking about taking personal accountability, does, ironically, very little to bring about that needed systemic change; or at least that's my perspective.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Linux and Android handles .webp just fine tho

I can't speak for all distros and DEs, and I also don't do many image related things, but I'm using Linux Mint Cinnamon and the default desktop background manager doesn't support .webp. Sometimes I see a cool image that I want to use and I have to convert it; other times, when I notice it's .webp, I just give up on that image.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Mint's default wallpaper manager doesn't, and Discord doesn't let me pick a .webp as an avatar. Those seem like 2 pretty big ones that don't work.

I've also run into other less common examples over time, but those are more random spread out things and I don't remember what they are.

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