
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I also highly recommend Space Sweepers as a fun time.

Tangential: I sometimes feel an inexplicable urge to categorise how space is used in cyberpunk and cyberpunk-adjacent stories:

  • Freeside in Neuromancer is in orbit.
  • Off-world colonies are never seen in Blade Runner, already from the K.W. Jeter sequels.
  • Space doesn't figure at all in The Matrix.
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

OH YES. I love Covet.

(also Shibuya the place)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I like the Dance Hall Crashers -- two female vocalists. Start with Honey I'm Homely, maybe?

Jeff Rosenstock's Ska Dream is a re-recording of his album No Dream.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I unfortunately don't get to do a lot of leisure reading, which is why I love the whole idea behind Bookrastinating. The last book I read is Jillian Tamaki's Boundless, which I thoroughly enjoyed for the way its stories linger. Before that, I read William Gibson's Idoru, which I enjoyed. Currently, I'm hoping to have time to dive in to Jon Courtenay Grimwood's End of the World Blues, hoping to see how this Anglophone author writes a novel set in sci-fi Japan compares with Gibson.

All very interesting reads here, by the way! (I'll try to play around with tagging your handles...)

I read Cell when it first came out and quite enjoyed it. You're certainly right about the pace, @mizu6079.

@JustJack23, that looks interesting, too, as most Verso titles are. I especially like these titles that invite a rethinking of the State of Things. That approach reminds me of Peter Frase's Four Futures: Life After Capitalism. I haven't read my copy of that yet though.

@TheaoneAndOnly27, thanks for mentioning the Cthulhu Casebooks. Sounds fascinating. Have you read Shadows Over Baker Street? That seems like something that's up your alley. Good contributors, too, for the most part!