- Fell asleep while driving on a snowy mountain pass on my way from TX to WA (I was trying to get home by Christmas to surprise my dad) because I couldn't find a safe spot to pull over). I gasped awake, gripped the steering wheel, saw the speedo at 65PMH, then I saw treetops with no guard-rail between me and them; I was close to the edge of the road and approaching it at a right angle, so I had to turn my wheel left or right —with the wrong choice sending me off the mountain side— and all the information I had to work with was the momentary glint of my headlights off of a curvy road sign. I forget which way I cut my wheel but I know I laughed hysterically when the road came back into view. I found a rest stop like 2 miles later; fell asleep in my seat and woke up twice, each time after 10 minutes, because I thought I was back in the moment.
I dunno what 2-5 are; I've got a lot of other stories like putting out a vehicle fire with anti-freeze, dodging a rattlesnake that was aiming for my face, my dad contemplating killing me because I told him I was trans at like 5 years old, a heavy equipment tip over, something about being at the top of a small rockslide, any of the dozens of times I've almost drowned at a public pool as a kid, and a handful of driving stories, but that was definitely my #1.
I believe Nazis should be black-bagged instead of punched; punching them will humiliate the individual, but may also unite the group or serve as propagnda for accelerating their agenda.
There's some 48 Laws of Power (it's okay, you can cringe.) such-and-such about only attacking an enemy if you can utterly crush them, being careful to avoid leaving them wounded or humiliated , and retaining your initiative by maintaining the secrecy of your position. Bagging does all of this, and improves your odds of retaining your right to bear arms in the eyes of the law.