
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

My mother got put back on her disability benefits and now I'm hunting down apartments for us to live in to get out of a bad housing situation that we were stuck in because it was cheap and we only had one income.

Got two viewings this week.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My mother's internal review went through and she not only is going back on disability, but because the decision to kick her off was a wrong decision, they're giving her almost a year's worth of backpay.

Things this means:

  • We can actually move to a place without a landlord and her son living in it, giving us tenant rights and the ability to communicate with a landlord without worrying we're going to get evicted
  • We can even afford movers
  • We might not have to go to a food bank anymore
  • We can now budget things instead of being like "okay that goes to rent, that goes to debt, and anything leftover is groceries"
  • I don't have to hunt for a job while physically and mentally incapable of doing one right now

I'm honestly so thrilled my head hurts.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I haven't been caught up with Akatsuki No Yona in a long time but I know its an example of a manga with a pretty darn cool protagonist. Definitely ranks up there in terms of good examples for other manga authors to by inspired by.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Weekly anime rewatch would be fun! I love watching anime with communities.

A thread for currently airing anime is also a good idea.

Maybe a resource thread? Some people don't know there's more legal ways to watch anime and manga for cheap or free. Viz Manga, Manga Plus, Shounen Jump, Tubi...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Cardcaptor Sakura!! I found the manga as a kid and became intrigued by it on account of being a comic that Wasn't obviously for boys. I promptly marathoned all the manga in my tiny little library. Pretear, Wish, some type of ice skating manga...

But then I googled it.

I was doomed. The entire series of Cardcaptor Sakura was on either YouTube or Veoh. I watched it all. Then I watched Ojamajo Doremi, and then Shugo Chara...

Cardcaptor Sakura got me into anime and manga, but I think out of my beginning anime I wouldn't rank it too high. It's nostalgic, it's cute, I love it, it's just there's better ones out there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thinking of signing my mom and I up for a free debt counseling program and trying to reduce the amount we pay each much. I'm not sure how much it'll help, but I figure if I get this done out of the way quickly, any damage to our credit might be recovered by the time we have to move.

Job searching still hasn't been going well. My first ever job interview got rescheduled for Thursday and I feel like I might be getting too burnt out to do it. It was like all my energy was placed into getting ready for it, and now I'm just tired.

On the bright side, I'm getting a not-zero sum of money in the form of government refunds. Might be able to get some glasses and get a week of something like Meals on Wheels so that we can relax for the first time in months, and still have enough to start up a savings fund.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I am currently using Linux Mint! I love it, especially as someone who can't afford fancy things like 70 dollar games or expensive software. I'm enjoying going through recommendation lists to see what I can use in lieu of Windows softwares.

Initially, the gaming was also what made me avoid doing it, but... I can't play triple AAA games on my laptop anyway because I don't have a GPU, lmao. The only game I play regularly is on my phone and can be single player.

I don't play MMO like I did as a teen, so there's no point in worrying about that either. I have some visual novels I might not be able to play right now, but I play games at such a slow rate that I can just put them on my backlog for when they do work.

Currently, I'm playing through my backlog of older games like Trails in the Sky which work decently. Emulation also works great on it!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Fetishes are fun, while reconsidering your morals is not.

It isn't even exclusive to us. Many times, when someone is "in the mood", they just go for what they're in the mood for without thinking about it in the moment. They can look at all the erotica they want, and then experience self-hating guilt afterwards for a good five minutes, and then repeat the same thing next Tuesday.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Fata Morgana.

Listen, whether you like Visual Novels or not doesn't matter. But Fata Morgana is just somehow...perfect. Everything is resolved and I don't feel any need to complain about any aspect of it. It was an experience to play a game that left me with no questions afterwards. It was just a really good story.


What have you been doing on a regular enough basis that it can be considered a routine?

Bonus points: are you the type to schedule out days for so-and-so activity, or do you like to wing it?


Playing around with PeppermintOS on a "new " old laptop, and having fun. Its making me realize that tiny things can really work to impress. (Especially when you're waiting on a ram upgrade, haha!)

Could be terminal based or GUI, I'm just curious---what tiny apps do you use that you think are neat? Things that don't take up much storage or memory.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Having just a teensy bit of a nervous breakdown reevaluating my life choices the night before a job interview.

Gonna try to get to sleep, though.


Hi yall after being on disability income for years and job searching for months I finally got to step two of the job search process: a job interview.

I am wondering if anyone had any tips for the job interview process? I am very nervous.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Jam the Housnail.

I thought for the longest time it was a fever dream. That it didn't exist. I could never find it anything related to the godforsaken thing on any Canadian channels list of cartoons they aired. My family thinks I am joking when I mention how horribly this show plagued my thoughts over this years, but I had been searching for a decade.

Anyway apparently it's from Japan and I probably watched it on Veoh or something, because it's on my anime list now and I finally found out what it was called last year.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Thank you for this post! With the prices of meat skyrocketing we are considering more vegetarian meals but we've been struggling with carb-heaviness. Hopefully I can find something good in these cookbooks that can make up for it.


Oats, rice, beans, pancake mix, those gross canned peas...to anyone who has been to a food bank, this is a non-exhaustive list of things that tend to be staples in their pantry.

So my question is this, to anyone who has been to a food bank:

What are some meals that you've been pleasantly surprised when you made them out of the most common ingredients you got from the food bank?

For me, it's probably really simple black bean burgers.

Cook up some canned black beans, mash them while warm. When they're colder throw in some breadcrumbs and an egg, mash them more, add whatever spices you like, and then form them into burgers. Fry them with whatever oil or margarine or butter that you happen to have that week. Ketchup is surprisingly good on these.

I eat them on bread usually, since if I'm going to the food bank that week I probably don't have the money for buns and food banks here offer buns rarely.


Hi everyone! Saw the announcement and immediately ran here.

My question is this: do any of you have any goals that you've been actively working on?

For me, I've been trying to work on my GED that I abandoned a decade ago. Signed up for courses and everything.

Another thing I am trying to learn is more about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and how that can help me learn how to cope with stress.

Finally, I have major ADHD so I've been trying to do note-taking in my day to day life. Started journaling, taking notes on Youtube videos I watch that I think are important for me to remember, habit tracking, so forth.

How about you? What are you trying to do to better yourself?


Hi everyone! So I've recently switched to Linux and I'm having a lot of fun downloading software and replacing my old stuff with it. I'm wondering what you all use?

My switched softwares:

Obsidian -> Logseq - Obsidian is great and all but I think Logseq is also competent in its own way even without plugins. I am currently exploring templates to create my own daily journal/habit tracker like I did in Obsidian.

Word/Notepad -> LibreOffice - Seems to have a lot of options. Currently using the writer software for quick notes.

Canva -> Inkscape - I am aware that Canva is a website/android app, but I decided to switch from it to Inkscape by utilizing open source illustrations such as Undraw for graphics needs. I still need to look up tutorials on how to use it properly, though!

Clip Studio Paint -> Krita - I actually made this switch a month or two ago, but I'm really enjoying Krita a lot more than I ever did Clip Studio Paint. Less things to get distracted by, giving you more chances to learn how to utilize the essentials.

Things I'd like to explore in more detail:

  • Thunderbird as a calendar/email/task software
  • Whether or not I should stick with Calibre for book management
  • Kdenlive as a video creating program. I haven't created videos before, but it seems fun.

How about you? What do you enjoy?


Hi everyone! So I just switched to Linux and I am a little unsure of what to play on my laptop.

It's a presumably decent laptop, 16gb of ram and Iris Xe, but I find that it has battery issues trying to play anything fancy like Skyrim.

I'm looking into things like emulation, finally tackling my Itch.io backlog, and bringing out old classics.

I like RPGs and text-based choose your own adventure games, so if you have any recommendations I'd appreciate it!

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