[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 weeks ago

The Biden Crime Family is attempting to steal the election right in front of us, just like 2020. 6ers were right. We're in the Storm. Patriots are not in control.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

I'm writing a gay mecha anime protagonist right now. It is not going well lol.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

The vibes for this election are so scuffed.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 3 weeks ago

I don't think Disney gets why Jedi dress the way they do. That's in large part the fault of George Lucas who definitely didn't understand why Jedi dress the way they do.

We meet Obi-wan, a former warrior monk, living in exile on Tatooine, he's wearing this threadbare brown robe. Clearly, a lot of inspiration was taken from desert nomadic and ascetic religious traditions. Then what is Obi-wan wearing in Episode 3 at the height of the Republic era? The robes he was wearing for his 20-year desert exile on Tatooine!

Now a hundred years before obi-wan is born all the Jedi are wearing the same brown robes?!

I'm looking at the Acolyte costumes now and all the leather bits look totally fresh, no creases or signs of use. Are the jedi ascetics with a utilitarian dress code? How come they all dress like a desert nomad while they have their base of operations on a megalopolis city world? I don't fucking know.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 3 weeks ago

The show isn't good, but not for the reason the reactionaries believe, and it's not offensively bad.

Why shouldn't there be an interpretive dance scene in some random little star wars show? Have we crossed some threshold here? None of the people criticizing the witch dance scene have even left their stinky gamer chairs in the last 10 years.

The costume work on this show is incredibly mid. I really dislike the mass-produced white Jedi order robes that they wear at the temple, they look maybe one step above a Jedi Halloween costume. We're supposed to believe this is the Jedi Order at its zenith and the robes are just so drab without any character.

spoilerThere could have been an interesting show here if some different choices were made. I would have liked it better if the Jedi didn't immediately know about the witch coven and what they were up to. They had the perfect opportunity for a classic twin-mixup plotline where the bad twin could be the one saved from the destruction and has to keep it secret from the Jedi that they are an inducted witch and force-wielder in order to survive.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

The previous commander assigned to this mission DID quit. The given excuse was "personal reasons," but I think we all know the truth now.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 4 weeks ago

Seeing these perennial $25000 per plate democratic event attendees posting on shitter how happy and relieved they are that they got to an event and didn't see any protestors because the police had cordoned off so many streets surrounding the event.

No fucking way, dawg. These people don't deserve peace for even a second. Not at their elite get-togethers, not at their homes, not at their workplaces where they do most of the evil. No justice, no peace.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago
[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 month ago

Never been to any particular ‘Pride’ function but I was quite the slacktivist in the pre-Obergefell days and did my best to live openly and true to myself as I could back then as a queer-adjacent young person. In high school, I got several students on board with me participating in the Day of Silence protests. It really pissed off the admins and I got targeted for in-school suspensions all the time afterward.

And the part that I can't get over is that all that energy put into expanding gay rights and queer acceptance has been for the rich gays to consolidate their assets. At the time I genuinely believed I was part of some rising tide movement that was going to change things. A decade out it seems pretty clear that the entire movement through the ‘00s and ‘10s was a sham so the rich gays could more easily hoard their wealth like straight couples do. The rich gays finally got to have their dream weddings all while the greater movement backslid and violence against trans and queer people has increased. So the rich gays hide away and start television ad campaigns to lie and condescend to the rest of us and say, “It gets better,” because, in their discrete experience, it does.

As it turns out it was always about class politics and there can be no gay/queer liberation without the rest of it.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 1 month ago

Too dumb for the Marines.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

My first "boyfriend" moved away because his dad got a job as a military obama-drone pilot.

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