
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 seconds ago

We're not an apolitical instance. We're not a political instance, but that doesn't mean we're apolitcal. I quite explicitly described both my own political position, and a clear bias against right wing spaces in terms of communities that are allowed.

are finally gonna tell us whether fascist trans folks are welcome or not? no skin off my tits at this point, i just think people deserve to know.

My post outlined my own strong left political beliefs, highlighted the instance bias against conservative political communities, and explicitly stated that bigoted and exclusionary opinions are not welcome.

If you think fascism somehow has a home here after all of that, then either you didn't read my post, you misunderstand the nature of facism or you're not acting in good faith.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 minutes ago* (last edited 12 minutes ago)

when those pronouns have absolutely nothing to do with gender and are more about making a mockery of trans people and playing out a power fantasy over other people.

If and when you can demonstrate evidence that that is what was happening, I will act on it, but until then, as I stated, I'm not willing to gatekeep people's identities on my personal assessment of their validity. That's not going to change.

I can and will moderate on behaviour however, but in the case of the person I believe you are referring to, after a moderation chat I've seen no evidence of continuing behaviour at odds with our instance guidelines.

i can't see this situation as any different when the pronouns themselves genuinely make some people feel unsafe.

If someone's pronouns make you feel unsafe, that's more of an issue you need to work on than anything else IMO. I know I've struggled with "it" as a pronoun, because it's historically a slur that has been targeted against our community. Seeing people use it made me deeply uncomfortable, and when I first heard it, I assumed, as you're assuming, that the people using it were doing it in bad faith. I've since come to understand that my assumptions were incorrect, and that my discomfort is my issue to work through, not something I get to force on to others.

And until such time as we find a way of reading people's minds to determine their intentions, all we can do is respect what they tell us about who they are, and respond to their behaviour.

If you disagree with that approach, then you're likely to find your experience here frustrating.

i would also add that you cannot have an instance without politics

Of course not. As I said in the post that you're replying to, political communities are welcome here. This is especially true, because of the impact that politics has on our lives as queer folk.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 26 minutes ago

It looked like the owner of the affected community was driven out by something that almost resembled a witch hunt, with accusations that appeared to be unfounded or even maliciously pushed by people opposing the views or moderation style of the community.

That's not something I can speak to from an admin perspective. I wasn't active in the community, and unless it was reported or otherwise brought to my attention, I saw very little of it, so I don't really have a great sense of Links specific reasons for departing.

What I do know, is that Grail left on good terms with me, and expressed thanks for the blahaj community.

There was a particular user who stood out to me because they tried to respond to as many posts as possible, seemingly fueling the drama, or at least actively pushing their opinion on everyone

There were two users at the center of much of the recent drama. One has recently been banned and their communities removed, after it became clear that their goals were divisive and targeted.

I've spoken to the other user privately, and addressed some of the issues that arose, and since then, I've seen no indication that the problems have re-surfaced.

That's as much detail as I'm willing to go in to on moderation of individuals.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

The division is how midtraveler is constantly starting arguments with people who don't share their views. If hexbear gets defederated for this behavior

Hexbear was defederated because they allow dunking and targetting of folk they don't agree with. They were defederated because of their dogpiling.

MindTraveller's community was allowed to exist on the explicit provision that it didn't do that.

And then it was removed when it became clear it was doing nothing but damaging the community.


Whilst this is not a local only post/community, it is primarily intended for blahaj lemmy members. Top level replies from non blahaj accounts will be removed.


I want to take the moment to clarify the Blahaj Lemmy position on things, given recent events and the fallout that has followed. This will give people the chance to decide for themselves if blahaj zone lemmy is the right space for them, or if it doesn't meet their needs.

First and foremost, blahaj zone lemmy exists to give a space for queer folk to exist, with their needs explicitly protected as the highest priority, and with a particular focus on the needs of gender diverse folk. Most lemmy instances are not run by trans folk, and whilst many are still inclusive, they don't always prioritise our needs. Others barely consider trans folk, and react only to the most blatant of bigotry.

We are not a political instance, however political communities have a space here, as does any community that is actively protective of the needs of queer and gender diverse folk. Given the impact of politics on gender diverse folk, that means lots of dialogue and strong opinions exist, and as long as those opinions are honestly held, and not bigoted or exclusive, people are welcome to have and express those opinions here.

For what it's worth, I am a member of the Greens Party in Australia. I have no time for the middle ground politics of the Australian Labor party, let alone the right wing beliefs of the Australian Liberal party. Yet a community of queer Labor Party aligned folk would fit on blahaj lemmy, because the parties ideologies, are not explicitly anti queer. A community aligned with the Australian Liberal party likely would not have a place here, unless the goal of the community was to work at actively challenging the anti queer policies of the party.

That being said, political communities (or any other communities) that exist solely to target and take aim at other queer folk have no place here either. The goal of blahaj lemmy is queer inclusion, and a community whose sole goal is division, will be removed.

The downside to this is that as we assume good faith in members and we don't gatekeep or deny access to people because of their pronouns or gender identity, (even when those identities are challenging to many) it is possible for bad faith actors to take advantage of our inclusive policies. Unfortunately, that's just something we are going to have to navigate as it occurs, because I won't let bad faith folk push this instance to defaulting to exclusion or gatekeeping the validity of someone's identity. I will respect a trolls pronouns even as I ban them, because to not do so, normalises the idea that pronouns are something that are earned by good behaviour, or that other people have a say in the validity of another person's identity and pronouns.

So that's where we stand. Hopefully this will help people decide for themselves whether or not this is the right instance for them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (21 children)

The post you linked to by MindTraveller is an active misrepresentation of events.

Traveller and I are not "in agreement" about much of anything. Their politics are very far removed from mine

This is the text of the message I sent advising that I was shutting the group down.

After consideration, I’ve decided that non voters does not really fit the stated goals of blahaj zone. Your motives for creating it seem based on a personal vendetta, and whilst your views are genuine, nothing constructive comes from the community. All it does is create division, because its sole purpose is to target others, without really focusing on any progressive ideas or discussion of its own.

At the moment, it’s causing more harm than good to the overall community.

I’ll leave the community open, so that if you choose to set the community up on another instance, you will have the opportunity to direct them to the new location.

Given the post which you linked, (which I had not seen until now) I will be removing Traveller and the new community, because once more, the goal appears to be to create division

My goal of blahaj zone is not political. The goal is to allow trans people to have a space where they can exist on their own terms, without having to pretend to be someone they're not. My own political views are closer to Links/LibertyHub than nonvoters or its ilk. Yet as long as there is no bigotry or gatekeeping, then trans people with politics at odds with my own are welcome. It's why we have an "armed queers" community, despite my own strong distaste for gun culture.

Communities/posters that exist primary to create division, without adding anything positive back, have no place here.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

There's some sort of ongoing issues with our hosting provider. We're trying to get to the bottom of it

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Rather than just banning trans folk who don't align with their politics, or targeting their political ideas, Hexbear actively enables dogpiling and harassing of individual trans folk

That's not the behaviour of "the most trans positive instance", especially given that Hexbears political ideology is fringe at best, making the majority of trans people valid targets for its harassment.

Don't get me wrong. Hexbear is incredibly supportive of its trans folk. It's why I tried to make federation with them work for so long. But it's only supportive of its own trans folk. If you don't align with their political stance, you get harassment, not support.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 4 days ago (4 children)

'Dunking' on them is a pittance in comparison

This statement is at odds with the claim that they're the most trans inclusive instance around.

Hexbear is incredibly protective of trans folk that share its views, but it green lights active harassment of trans folk not in that group.

An instance that is ok with harassment of some trans folk isn't as protective as you're claiming.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Transphobe has been banned

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

They stop stinging after a while. I mean, you might never feel great about them, but for me at least, the urge to burn them in a fire went away after a few years. Now, I don't bring them up for no reason, but if it's relevant, I'm happy to bring out an old photo of me pre transition

Which is to say, keep them. You can't unthrow them away later. But you can simply never look at them again, even if you keep them

[–] [email protected] 35 points 4 days ago (6 children)

People here will be salty about me saying it but I think they’re the most trans positive instance. I say this as someone that looks at everything trans related from on purpose so I can check in on everyone

Hexbear is very inclusive to trans people that align with its ideology, but it actively allows harassment and "dunking" of anyone, including trans people, who don't align with its ideology. In my opinion, it's hard to be the most inclusive trans instance when you are only inclusive of some trans people, and are willing to harass the rest.


The2024 fediverse canvas has started, and it's busier than last year! We need your help placing pixels and making Shonky come to life!

@[email protected] has created a template for us to use!

Get those pixels happening!


Image description: A silhouette of a vulture, wings spread wide, circling on a thermal. The silhouette of the bird is strongly contrasted against the misty white of the waterfall behind it

#bird #dailybird #avesArgentinas #Iguazu #iguazufalls #vulture


If you're not aware, the fediverse canvas is a collaborative canvas, where fediverse users can login with a fediverse account, and place a single pixel every few minutes. The project will run for a few days, and at the end, the we will have a giant collaborative canvas!

This was the 2023 lemmy effort!

For 2024, the entire fediverse can join, not just lemmy!

The canvas site can be found here It's not open yet, but we can create and test templates, ready for go live!

You can find more details about the 2024 fediverse canvas project here

I'm keen to see our new mascot Shonky get some visibility! For those of you who are graphically inclined, we can pre-emptively create a template, so when the event kicks off, we can hit the ground running! Shonky's image files can be found here If someone creates a template, please share the link!


Image description: A close cropped shot of a masked lapwing standing on a grass lawn.


I've been using flickr on and off for 20 years now, so my flickr time stream gives me a nice snapshot of how my photography has changed and improved over the years.

In theory, I've got all of my old photos available, but on flickr, the ones I posted are the ones I considered my best at the time. So my flickr timestream gives me an perspective on my photography that the 10's of thousands of photos in my home collection does not.

It's been really interesting going back through my old photos and seeing the change first hand...


Image description: A kookaburra sitting on a branch in a tree above the photographer. A blurred apartment building is visible in the distance behind the foliage of the tree


Thanks to the lovely Heatherhorns ( we have a new icon! We'll be updating the instance icon soon!

So, with the new fediverse canvas project just around the corner, it's time for our new shonk to represent!


#bird #birds #AustralianBirds #duck #DailyBird

Image description: A close up of a paddling Pacific Black Duck


I run a raspberry pi that identifies birds by their song, and records time, date, and species etc in an SQLite3 database.

The rpi app comes with some basic reports, but I'm wanting to expand on them, so that I can show monthly/yearly trends etc.

On windows at work, I'd use something like Power BI, but a) it's windows and b) it's overkill for my current needs.

I've only recently moved entirely to linux, so I'm not really sure of what the linux alternatives are, and I'm looking for suggestions :)


Image description: A photo of a partially demolished Toombul shopping centre. Cinnabon and Bakers Delight signs are both visible. The area they are in used to be entirely inside the centre, but is now exposed to the elements due to the intervening walls being torn down. Construction machinery is visible in the foreground


Image description: A long legged black and white shore bird is wading through shallow wetlands water, lit by the golden light of the setting sun

#bird #birds #australianBirds #dailyBird #kedronbrook #meanjin #brisbane

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