[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

I'm just happy to have new Trek shows after like 15 years lol and now there's SO many

Plus, DIS really got into the groove after the first 2 seasons, which is a common problem IMO for many Trek series from TNG to ENT

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

Got that spinning type of mop and mopping has become a bit easier.

Bissell makes a machine (There's probably competitors by now) that's kind of like a carpet cleaning machine and vacuum in one for sweeping and mopping in one go.

It's pretty nice, I just need to pick up big things off the floor and it handles the rest, without any need to sweep beforehand, I love it

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Or at least look up amateur porn, the commercial stuff really sucks ass (heh) and has that whole "Hollywood" feel to it.

I prefer shaved, but don't mind a bit of hair unless you want me to go down on you, then shaved is a requirement.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Wait. who hates rollie pollies????

I am NO friend to bugs, but even I can chill with some rollie pollies

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

The Star Trek timeline, I just want a holodeck, but they just keep hawking this VR/AR crap :(

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Ah, I see the confusion. Those small site towers are great for dense urban areas like the cities you guys have in the EU and major major (like NYC) cities here in the US

Anywhere else in the US though, they suck because they just don't have the range and power and our cities tend to sprawl. Even in our biggest cities, once you get out of the core, the sprawl gets ridiculous really really fast. These are what you'll typically find around here:

Oh and believe me, those NIMBYs will start complaining about multifamily housing followed by the homeless in the second breath after their rant on cell towers

[-] [email protected] 53 points 3 days ago

Yup, I fucking knew it. I knew this is what would happen with everyone bitching about copyright this and that. I knew any legislation that came as a result was going be bastardized and dressed up to make it look like it's for everyone when in reality it's going to mostly benefit big corps that can afford licensing fees and teams of lawyers.

People could not/would not understand how these AI models actually processes images/text or the concept of "If you post publicly, expect it to be used publicly" and here we are....

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Oh yea, can't have that tower taking away from the scenery that is the NY metro Railway, or the street light, or the metal storefronts and scaffolding /s

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I didn't mean literally concrete. Just look at the image

In addition to the "ugly" tower you have

  • A street light
  • Ny Metro Railway
  • Metal scaffolding
  • Metal storefronts
  • Metal fire escapes
  • Brick buildings
  • Asphalt

You sound like one of those NIMBY people who complain about the "ugly" cell towers and then in the same breath complain about their crappy cell signal

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago

Incredibly ugly.

Who cares? I don't understand why people always complain about how cell towers look when they're in the middle of...a concrete and steel city. Oh yea, the tower is SO ugly in how it interrupts your view of the concrete building behind it...

I can understand a cell tower in the middle of the woods or something.

[-] [email protected] 82 points 3 days ago

He said harmless

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I can absolutely taste aspartame (Which just so happens to be in just about EVERYTHING marketed as Zero Sugar/Diet)

It's disgusting to me, leaves a nasty chemically metal taste I can pick up on instantly. And yes, others have tried giving it to me blind i.e. Somebody getting me a drink I expect to be regular mt dew or something and they give me the "Zero sugar"/diet version and I can tell immediately.

Soda is soda, it's bad for you regardless of if it's "Zero sugar"/diet so if you're going to drink it you might as well just drink the real stuff (Unless you can't for health reasons like diabetes)

I was so excited for the Hard Mt Dew, but then they ruined it by only having the ENTIRE line as "Zero sugar" ugh.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi everyone, looking for some NVR software to run a bunch of Cisco 6630 cameras I picked up (I know I know, but at <20$/camera....)

I looked at a few like ZoneMinder and Frigate but they all seem to only support basic HTTP auth and I spent a lot of time and effort getting Authentik working nice and smooth and dammit I want to use it for everything I can lol

Just "classic" LDAP is fine too, at least it's still using some part of my central authentication infra lmao

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EXCLUSIVE PHOTO (lemmy.world)
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