
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Wow, this is so well done. I really appreciate the attention to detail and how you went the extra mile to really make it look good.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thank you very much! I sent you a PM

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Thanks Hazel! The feeling is mutual, I've had your badwings boards bookmarked myself for a while now.


I just finished this fun little keeb which I based off the Hummingbird, but I made it hot swappable, dropped the pinkies down more, made the thumbs more reachy, and spaced it for Chosfox CFX keycaps (tighter than standard Choc spacing).

It has a top plate and sound-dampening silicone gasket, as well as foam on the backside of the PCB.

Everything is open sourced on my github

tern top

tern quarter view

tern bottom

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

I think you’re spot on. I use Instagram for one niche sport I do, hydrofoil surfing. Everyone who foils is on there, and as a result the development speed of this 5-year-old sport is incredible. Someone in Australia invents a new maneuver, posts a video of it, and a few hours later while they’re sleeping people in America are trying it out.

None of that is happening on pixelfed. I tried it out too, and, meh. There’s just nothing interesting on there, and it’s too complicated to explain to non techies. So there’s a huge barrier to entry and no compelling reason to surmount it. Heck, I have an advanced degree in informatics and I barely made it over the choose an instance wall. My perma-stoned surfing buddies don’t stand a chance.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

This is similar to how I learned Miryoku, I slowly migrated my TKL board over to it incrementally. First I dropped the number row and did a Planck-style layout, then once I was comfortable with that I added homerow mods to it, then once that felt good I did what you've done here. After those baby steps, I built a Fifi keyboard. I've been on Miryoku for about two years and am stoked on it (although I've recently adapted it down to 34 keys and like that better)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If I may be so bold, you may be thinking of my white-on-white Planck that I posted to Reddit a year or so ago, that I blanked with acrylic rectangles and double sided tape.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That's funny, I've made a few of these and always thought to myself, "I can knock this out with a hand plane way faster than I could set up my table saw." A few swipes with a no5 and a couple swipes with a smoother and I'm done. I guess it all depends on how familiar you are with which tools (and of course, whether you're making a couple vs a whole bunch)