[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

The resolution went on to state that the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2024 elections will be a “decisive defeat for the corporate right-wing and fascist forces. This will help change the balance of forces and clear the way to change the direction of our nation—to slash the military budget, end the sending of weapons to Israel, tax the rich, win quality healthcare for all, strengthen the right to vote, strengthen union organizing rights, restore Roe v. Wade, and end police murder of people of color.”

These sheepdogs are smoking crack. The Sundown King, Genocide Joe? Ending police murder of people of color?! These settlers are banging Charlie Sheen-sized rocks. He has kept the 1033 spigot of military surplus flowing to the police. He masterminded the Cop City bunkers for these murderous pigs; seemingly, suspiciously, always just outside where the Black nation has been redlined into. He has never ONCE broached the legal potential for a President to pardon a state crime. There is no case law or hard-and-fast doctrine saying he can't; just a bunch of republican peckerwoods who can't stand letting grist for the Carceral Slavery Complex go.

The Democrat party is the reason the pigs murder in the first place! Nothing ever happens to them! The shooter gets slapped on the wrist, oftentimes beats the prosecution, and then half the time, gets to go to work for another fucking PD on some Vatican-move-the-pedophile shit while the PD the shooter came from STILL gets all their riot gear, still gets all their Humvees, still gets M4s, M16s, and all the NATO rounds they could ask for! But y'know, "we need to form a coalition with the most prolific killers of modern-day subjects-of-empire bc 'ohmigaw the cheeto might get back in the white house'".

Death to Amerika. Death to the settlers. Death to the sheepdogs. Death to the waterbearers. Death to CPUSA.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Every time someone wants to talk about 'making new jobs', I'm just here like "where they at then?" I'm not seein 'em. My partners ain't seein 'em. My roommates ain't seein 'em. Where they at, though?

[-] [email protected] 8 points 11 hours ago

Fire/Grass because legal cannabis is probably the only reason I haven't had the Final Crashout™

[-] [email protected] 6 points 11 hours ago

So genocide isn't a dealbreaker for you. You will not scrub the blood off your hands; and you deserve to collapse with the country when it comes.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

'94 Crime Bill, eulogy of Strom Thurmond, Cop City, continuity of the 1033 Program, continuity of for-profit carceral slavery, (if you're not for carceral abolition, you are party and accomplice to slavemasters, and John Brown would've shot you) continuity of the southern border concentration camps, continuity of the southern border wall construction, destruction of Nordstream, mass-arrests of protestors, selling out our infrastructure and educational services to arm two different genocidal vassal states, one of which is blatantly illegitimate and carrying out literal Manifest Destiny on their targets; I could go on all night peckerwood

[-] [email protected] 5 points 16 hours ago

I'd rather have every single person for whom genocide is a negotiable suffering. I do not wish for a better world for settler-amerikans.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 17 hours ago

"Look what you made me do."

[-] [email protected] 8 points 17 hours ago

Truly, this carp comes from the same lake the scroll of wisdom came from

[-] [email protected] 1 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

Maybe if you've got all the principle of a used car salesman. Where I'm from, writing checks your ass can't cash results in your ass getting bounced, regardless of the circumstances you were writing it under. I don't make allotments for rich old white men like that.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Death to the democrats, death to the settlers, death to Amerika.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I never liked the way people just started letting tenor and giphy host their gifs. I'd rather keep mine local. (And this one's real recent as it is; either came from the grad or from a hexbear user; and I can't remember which)

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This race brings up an age old political question for Black people. Should the light weight goofball be supported when in danger of losing his office because of big money pressure from a group of white people or should he be treated with the same indifference that he meted out to them? Bowman’s absence, like his presence, probably won’t matter very much.

My answer: let him be hoist upon his own petard. Play liberal games, win liberal prizes-- in this case, as swift betrayal and replacement with someone who'd play ball with the zionist-supremacist terrorists. When it first came out that Bowman lost, I footstomped that this is the fate of all misleaders-- when they need an example to execute for the edification of the rank-and-file, the true-believers, and the cynical careerists, it will be you the minute they run out of actual progressives.

...Which of course, erroneously assumes that the Democrat party has any dyed-in-the-plaid progressives. You will not catch me shedding tears for a half-stepper.

anti-yankee aktion (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apologies for the time away. Coursework's been a brain-melter as of late. Still ain't no compromising; still ain't no retreating.

The Biden administration, the lead gangster, is still committed to sending weapons to Israel. Biden called Andrés to offer condolences but the State Department insists that Israel has not committed any war crimes. The winks and the nudges continue, as the client state shows that it is on an equal footing with its benefactor and should not be considered an underling of any sort.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This dude's REALLY been trying to tie together the fact that China keeping their own ecosystem is racist and I'm just sitting here tryna not corpse like "oh man how would you feel about Black folk forging their own nation apart from you out of your own guts"

I don't need to ask; I already know based on his trying to throw around "blinded by hate" and other trite liberal muleshit

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Let's chat, c/em_poc. Is [referenced in video title] a slur or not? Is there a consensus that I'm just not privy to here, or is this fed's mod staff just particularly replete with Hwhite sensibilities? Because your fed's mods certainly seem to think it is.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just love it when my OGs turn around and commit to paper things that I've been saying.

But if there is another point which is made obvious by this definition and that is that the United States has and is committing genocide domestically and internationally. Of course Black people played the biggest role in making this case beginning in 1951 when the Civil Rights Congress published the pamphlet, “We Charge Genocide ,” and documented the case against the U.S. government. The charges are still valid as Black people have been the group primarily victimized by mass incarceration and all the other impacts of racial capitalism, from denial of housing rights to decent medical care.

If Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, the United States did the same and assisted others in Libya and Syria and Somalia and Yemen and Haiti. This long list of criminality is one of the reasons that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other officials call South Africa’s charge against Israel “meritless.” If they acknowledge Israel’s genocide it would not only expose U.S. culpability but they would have to acknowledge their own misdeeds as well.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

No, I don't care that 'it's more book keeping'; when 5e has kineticists, then we can talk.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/3289280

The use of Black and brown puppets to distort the racial optics of exploitation was a standard part of colonial administration, and it has remained as a central element of neo-colonialism. It is not at all surprising then that imperialists would use the same strategy in the U.S. where some have characterized the country’s African population as an internal colony of sorts. Amilcar Cabral disagreed with the idea that the predicament of Black people in America is a colonial one, but he also said: “That is not to say that the aims are not the same. And that is not to say that even some of the means cannot be the same.”

If you don't recognize the man in the header image of this article, this is Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, the "first Black movie star in Hollywood". In the near-constant role of 'Stepin Fetchit'. A literal Vaudeville minstrel, billed as "the laziest man in the world" across more than 40 fuckin films.

Stepin Fetchit is the very face of the Black Misleadership Class. Shucking, jiving, and tapdancing sellouts to the White empire. Genocide minstrels. Imperialist rentboys.

Traitors, in a word. These misleaders will sell anyone and anything for a crumb of 'getting theirs'. Ten years ago? It was Syria and Libya. Today? Palestine and Haiti. Tomorrow? It could be us. The misleadership class might share our skin, but they are not our kinfolk. We need to recognize that, and begin cutting them out with even more rigor than what we used to mind our own with.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The use of Black and brown puppets to distort the racial optics of exploitation was a standard part of colonial administration, and it has remained as a central element of neo-colonialism. It is not at all surprising then that imperialists would use the same strategy in the U.S. where some have characterized the country’s African population as an internal colony of sorts. Amilcar Cabral disagreed with the idea that the predicament of Black people in America is a colonial one, but he also said: “That is not to say that the aims are not the same. And that is not to say that even some of the means cannot be the same.”

If you don't recognize the man in the header image of this article, this is Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, the "first Black movie star in Hollywood". In the near-constant role of 'Stepin Fetchit'. A literal Vaudeville minstrel, billed as "the laziest man in the world" across more than 40 fuckin films.

Stepin Fetchit is the very face of the Black Misleadership Class. Shucking, jiving, and tapdancing sellouts to the White empire. Genocide minstrels. Imperialist rentboys.

Traitors, in a word. These misleaders will sell anyone and anything for a crumb of 'getting theirs'. Ten years ago? It was Syria and Libya. Today? Palestine and Haiti. Tomorrow? It could be us. The misleadership class might share our skin, but they are not our kinfolk. We need to recognize that, and begin cutting them out with even more rigor than what we used to mind our own with.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/2907019

Blessed Wednesday, party people; let's get into it. Apparently, we've got some haughty, self-important Hollywood slimeball trying to corral opinions in manners that would be funny if it weren't so sad.

“...the Jews were the ones that walked side by side with the Blacks to fight for their rights. And now the Black community isn’t embracing us and saying ‘We stand with you the way you stood with us’? Jews died for their cause. Where’s the history lesson in that? Who’s teaching these kids? Because the fact that the entire Black community isn’t standing with us, to me, says they don’t know, or they’ve been brainwashed to hate Jews.” - Julianna Margulies

The context here? More cudgeling for support of Israel. She wound up having to walk that nonsense back this past Friday, too, and even then, her 'apology' was just as lacking as the average youtuber's; probably GPT-written to boot.

"I am horrified by the fact that statements I made on a recent podcast offended the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities, communities I truly love and respect,” so on, so forth.

As usual, settlers apologizing that what they said/did/etc. was found offensive; and not actually apologizing for what they did. The, "I'm sorry you feel that way"-type non-pology. I don't want to belabor some Hollywood slime for too long though; 'cause y'all know me-- I like to save my boot-heeling for the government; and as is usual out of me, it's with the sage words of Margaret Kimberley, who just HAS NOT BEEN MISSING since I've started reading her.

It is a bad sign when the leader of the United States Senate sounds something like an actress with bizarre feelings of entitlement. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer pulled off this dubious feat with his statements about U.S. policy towards Israel, what he perceives to be anti-semitism, and public opinion about Israel’s attack on Gaza. His remarks resembled those of actress Julianna Margulies, whose infamous rant differed only in its lack of politesse. Of course, a senator has better political sense and more awareness than an entertainer, but aside from the manner of delivery, their thought processes don’t differ very much.


If Schumer and others expect a quid pro quo for their actions they should just say so. “Black lives matter but only if you say what I want you to say for the next few decades,” would be outrageous if spoken out loud but that is the gist of the criticism. There is also an assumption of superiority, a belief that one group has the right to make itself more deserving of sympathy and is entitled to silence others or to say that disagreements amount to bigotry and hatred.

Most importantly, Black people have every right to speak on any issue that we may choose. We have a right to our own politics. We have a right to choose who we will unite within bonds of solidarity. We have a right to praise or to condemn as we see fit. Expecting otherwise is to treat us as supplicants without agency who depend on the whims of others who can then cast us aside whenever doing so is politically convenient.

In essence, if we're expected to just sit down, shut up, and let the Democrats carry out their murderous whims-- (not even 'let', really, because they won't stop bleating, berating, and cudgeling us for uncritical support) -- then the genocidal uniparty has a few new things coming. The only way a subject-of-empire WOULDN'T be able to read the similarities between the Black plight, the Indigenous plight, and the Palestinian plight is if they were stricken blind, deaf, and dumb by the settlers in the first place.

There's no denying there's a good deal of our kin been Sunken Place'd on shit like this. Look at the Congressional Misleader Caucus, or the Black Capitalists playing Pied Piper with their pseudo-cult followings. "I'mma buy up the block but ultimately only buy like .5% of it while smoke-and-mirroring your ass into thinking I'm all that and a bag of donuts". Why my gut keeps saying, "fuck educating or uplifting the settlers-- we need to be figuring out who of our kin is salvageable; and leave the ones that aren't to their inevitable 'reward'."

We need to come together, meaningfully, as one mass, one giant middle finger to the Anglo-Zionist Axis, one cocked hammer against the settler project's skull. There is no future in which anyone is free without it.

No compromise, no retreat, people.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Blessed Wednesday, party people; let's get into it. Apparently, we've got some haughty, self-important Hollywood slimeball trying to corral opinions in manners that would be funny if it weren't so sad.

“...the Jews were the ones that walked side by side with the Blacks to fight for their rights. And now the Black community isn’t embracing us and saying ‘We stand with you the way you stood with us’? Jews died for their cause. Where’s the history lesson in that? Who’s teaching these kids? Because the fact that the entire Black community isn’t standing with us, to me, says they don’t know, or they’ve been brainwashed to hate Jews.” - Julianna Margulies

The context here? More cudgeling for support of Israel. She wound up having to walk that nonsense back this past Friday, too, and even then, her 'apology' was just as lacking as the average youtuber's; probably GPT-written to boot.

"I am horrified by the fact that statements I made on a recent podcast offended the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities, communities I truly love and respect,” so on, so forth.

As usual, settlers apologizing that what they said/did/etc. was found offensive; and not actually apologizing for what they did. The, "I'm sorry you feel that way"-type non-pology. I don't want to belabor some Hollywood slime for too long though; 'cause y'all know me-- I like to save my boot-heeling for the government; and as is usual out of me, it's with the sage words of Margaret Kimberley, who just HAS NOT BEEN MISSING since I've started reading her.

It is a bad sign when the leader of the United States Senate sounds something like an actress with bizarre feelings of entitlement. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer pulled off this dubious feat with his statements about U.S. policy towards Israel, what he perceives to be anti-semitism, and public opinion about Israel’s attack on Gaza. His remarks resembled those of actress Julianna Margulies, whose infamous rant differed only in its lack of politesse. Of course, a senator has better political sense and more awareness than an entertainer, but aside from the manner of delivery, their thought processes don’t differ very much.


If Schumer and others expect a quid pro quo for their actions they should just say so. “Black lives matter but only if you say what I want you to say for the next few decades,” would be outrageous if spoken out loud but that is the gist of the criticism. There is also an assumption of superiority, a belief that one group has the right to make itself more deserving of sympathy and is entitled to silence others or to say that disagreements amount to bigotry and hatred.

Most importantly, Black people have every right to speak on any issue that we may choose. We have a right to our own politics. We have a right to choose who we will unite within bonds of solidarity. We have a right to praise or to condemn as we see fit. Expecting otherwise is to treat us as supplicants without agency who depend on the whims of others who can then cast us aside whenever doing so is politically convenient.

In essence, if we're expected to just sit down, shut up, and let the Democrats carry out their murderous whims-- (not even 'let', really, because they won't stop bleating, berating, and cudgeling us for uncritical support) -- then the genocidal uniparty has a few new things coming. The only way a subject-of-empire WOULDN'T be able to read the similarities between the Black plight, the Indigenous plight, and the Palestinian plight is if they were stricken blind, deaf, and dumb by the settlers in the first place.

There's no denying there's a good deal of our kin been Sunken Place'd on shit like this. Look at the Congressional Misleader Caucus, or the Black Capitalists playing Pied Piper with their pseudo-cult followings. "I'mma buy up the block but ultimately only buy like .5% of it while smoke-and-mirroring your ass into thinking I'm all that and a bag of donuts". Why my gut keeps saying, "fuck educating or uplifting the settlers-- we need to be figuring out who of our kin is salvageable; and leave the ones that aren't to their inevitable 'reward'."

We need to come together, meaningfully, as one mass, one giant middle finger to the Anglo-Zionist Axis, one cocked hammer against the settler project's skull. There is no future in which anyone is free without it.

No compromise, no retreat, people.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Inspired by the homie Ultimate Communist

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