[-] [email protected] 4 points 14 hours ago

Hold up, how is proton leveraging open source to avoid dev costs? Are you referring to steam using and contributing to existing projects instead of reinventing the wheel? Or to game developers that use it as a reason for not making native Linux versions, which wouldn't be Valve's workforce in the first place?

I can see how the things Valve does contribute to their business model - steam input giving their controller compatibility with games, proton letting them launch a Linux-based handheld, and the new recording feature probably there for the steam deck... But the thing is, Valve is still providing all those things to customers for no extra charge, and they keep adding new stuff.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Is it AI generated? I don't know the brand and labels so maybe I'm missing something, but it just looks like a regular edit?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Wasn't Eggman the original name, changed to robotnik for the US version, since they didn't want to say you're fighting people, so they made them all robots instead?

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

Windows 10. The reason I switched was pretty funny - I had previously bought a cheap SSD and moved my install over to it, and installed Arch on my HDD hoping to experiment with it.

I never really did that, but one day before Christmas my computer booted straight to Arch to my confusion, and after a while I figured out my SSD failed. I ended up installing gnome to have something to use in the meanwhile, since I wasn't gonna be buying a new SSD in the next few days, but then I just decided to stick with Linux. As I learned more about it I realised I was barely missing anything, and I preferred Linux for what I had.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I think you're actually agreeing with me here. I was disputing the claim that software should be made available in "a native package format", and my counterpoint is that devs shouldn't be packaging things for distros, and instead providing source code with build instructions, alongside whatever builds they can comfortably provide - primarily flatpak and appimage, in my example.

I don't use flatpak, and I prefer to use packages with my distro's package manager, but I definitely can't expect every package to be available in that format. Flatpak and appimage, to my knowledge, are designed to be distro-agnostic and easily distributed by the software developer, so they're probably the best options - flatpak better for long-term use, appimage usable for quickly trying out software or one-off utilities.

As for tar.gz, these days software tends to be made available on GitHub and similar platforms, where you can fetch the source from git by commit, and releases also have autogenerated source downloads. Makefiles/automake isn't a reasonable expectation these days, with a plethora of languages and build toolchains, but good, clear instructions are definitely something to include.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

The responsibility to figure out the dependencies and packaging for distros, and then maintain those going forwards, should not be placed on the developer. If a developer wants to do that, then that's fine - but if a developer just wants to provide source with solid build instructions, and then provide a flatpak, maybe an appimage, then that's also perfectly fine.

In a sense, developers shouldn't even be trusted to manage packaging for distributions - it's usually not their area of expertise, maintainers of specific distributions will usually know better.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

If the quote is accurate, he went a step further and put pirated games on the devices. Even if pirating the game is legal in some way (he owns it legitimately so putting a copy is fine or something), sending such devices out to customers then means he's also distributing pirated games.

That said, somebody in the comments claimed he didn't distribute games, but rather software that made it easy to pirate games - I don't know what the precedent is for that being considered illegal, but it does call the original claims into question.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

Or maybe he accreted the mass after collapsing?

Alternatively, maybe that's just the weight of his massive ego?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

GPL is virally open source, because code using it needs to also be open source.

According to your comment, that doesn't apply to BSD, so BSD isn't virally open source, and the claim is true.

The reason some consider this better is because a company can't fork the code, keeping it private, improving their version with paid workforce while also merging in changes to the original project, thus ending up with a superior version that they can then sell for profit, to no benefit of the opensource version or the people contributing to it.

There's more reasons, and a whole ideological side, but I think that's the main practical reason for using copyleft licenses, and a big one.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

I think the lack of commas is a stylistic choice, the unceasing torrent of negative words relating to the frantic nature of parenthood, dealing with one thing after another without pause.

If it's not, then that seems like quite a happy little accident!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

If that's the case, then there's also something more complex going on - animals can certainly learn to anticipate things at specific times, like food, a dog gets excited by a doorbell because they knew that means somebody is coming, they can get stressed out by innocuous things if they associate it with bad experiences like beatings.

Not saying you're wrong, but it warrants further explanation, because as is it doesn't match the simple experience of living with a dog.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

I mean, he literally had to edit in some torso, so I don't think he went above and beyond when it wasn't extra work...

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