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[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (4 children)

A low allergenic dog would probably thrill your kid, and even if it didn't, I'm betting the adults in the house would quickly fall in love. I'd avoid Schnauzers because they are harder to train (they're smart enough, but will test whether they should actually listen to you or not -- whereas Basenjis are hard to train because they aren't that bright). Wheatens and other similar terriers are likely to have similar stubbornness issues. Maybe an Irish Water Dog or Lagotto Romagnolo? I don't know those breeds but I see them listed as low-allergy. I hate to link to reddit, but their LR sub says they really are pretty safe.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 month ago (6 children)

I worry that whatever you choose, your son will be dissatisfied. Maybe your kid is different, but most the kids I've known wanted a pet they could bond with. They've wanted a pet that was interested in what the kid does, that silently listened to the kid expressing their issues, and that offered things to do, like: "feed me", "pet me", or "play!"

Rabbits might work, but they might be too interested in one another. Even if they weren't forbidden, you'd run into the same issue with social birds like cockatiels. The only pets I can think of that give kids the attention a kid craves are the animals that have lived with humans for hundred if not thousands of years. Basically: dogs and cats. After that you get into cows, pigs, chickens, goats, and the like. Goats are wicked smart, but the males stink to high heaven unless neutered young. If you raise geese from goslings, they will love you forever and ask for cuddles whenever they see you -- but they have to stay outside and do make a mess. Someone else might correct me, but I doubt you want a pig -- partially just because they end up getting so big (I'm told there's no such thing as a teacup pig).

If the only issue with dogs is allergies, you could consider a low-allergenic breed. Dogs are simply the ideal pet for people with the time and space for them. They've lived with humans nearly forever and do all the stuff a young boy wants from a pet. Cats require less attention and can be caring and affectionate if they want to, but that depends on the particular cat. I've had turtles, ferrets, parrots, fish, and lots of other animals as pets and only the parrots and ferrets held a candle to dogs and cats. Fish-wise, I found the most exciting to be South American Cichlids -- but mostly because I had a Green Terror who fell in love with a Blue Acara overnight such that the two of them tried to kill everything in the tank in the span of 10 hours. I got them their own tank where they raised many babies.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Could you fix a mistake I made? Near the bottom I inadvertently typed ‘Munich’ instead of the correct ‘Berlin’ games for when the Nazi salute was allowed. Source is Wikipedia and you can see there it clearly say 'Berlin'. I was just reading too many Olympic details and didn't even notice I typed the wrong city/game.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

That's my fault. I didn't even notice I typed Munich instead of Berlin. I was reading about lots of Olympics and just messed it up. The source was the Wikipedia article and there you can clearly see it says Berlin. I'll edit it.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Thank you for posting this! I was sad and frustrated to hear he was arrested, but I didn't think there was anything I could do about it. Maybe signing a petition isn't much, but it is a start, and it feels probable that people with the means to do so might get organized to show up in person to offer support. If I was richer and younger, I'd love to take a pro-environmental vacation to Greenland.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thank you both. You are both very considerate. I stumbled on one detail and then went down a rabbit hole of different aspects about that Olympic moment and wanted to share. I'm glad to see people are as interested as I was.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

@[email protected] nailed it in the crosspost, saying:

“Why didn’t they have the white guy there?” “Because he wants you to stand in his place”

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thank you for cross posting :-)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I looked for the WaPo URL and somehow didn't see this post. I even made my own because I thought this story was important -- but I deleted it once I saw it was here.

The New Republic also covered it. In summary:

The Egyptian government may have given $10 million to Donald Trump in 2017, violating U.S. law—but the investigation into the payment was squashed by Attorney General William Barr.

Here's the bits from WaPo that stood out to me:

Five days before Donald Trump became president in January 2017, a manager at a bank branch in Cairo received an unusual letter from an organization linked to the Egyptian intelligence service. It asked the bank to “kindly withdraw” nearly $10 million from the organization’s account — all in cash.

Federal investigators learned of the withdrawal, which has not been previously reported, early in 2019. The discovery intensified a secret criminal investigation that had begun two years earlier...

Barr directed Jessie Liu, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney in D.C., to personally examine the classified intelligence to evaluate if further investigation was warranted. Barr later instructed FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to impose “adult supervision” on FBI agents Barr described as “hell-bent” on pursuing Trump’s records, according to people familiar with the exchange. It is unclear what if any actions Wray, who was also appointed by Trump, took in response.

The Post investigation reveals that investigators identified a cash withdrawal in Cairo of $9,998,000 — nearly identical to the amount described in the intelligence, as well as to the amount Trump had given his campaign weeks earlier. A key theory investigators pursued, based on intelligence and on international money transfers, was that Trump was willing to provide the funds to his campaign in October 2016 because he expected to be repaid by Sisi, according to people familiar with the probe.

Trump’s attorney general did not order the case closed, according to multiple people with knowledge of the events, but his instructions to Liu and, later, his selections to replace her, helped steer it to that end.

As the Mueller team got going, investigators focused on how at the time candidate Trump met with Sisi in 2016, Trump’s campaign had been running low on funds. They learned through interviews with the candidate’s closest advisers that they had pleaded with Trump to write a check to his campaign for a final blitz of television ads. Trump repeatedly declined — until Oct. 28, roughly five weeks after the meeting with Sisi, when he announced the $10 million infusion.

Sometime after her June meetings with the FBI, Liu met with Barr to discuss the Egypt case. He urged her to personally review the underlying information from the CIA that had prompted the opening of the criminal investigation two years earlier, according to people with knowledge of the discussions. The case was sensitive, Barr told her, and she needed to reach her own conclusions about the merits of further investigative steps, according to people familiar with the discussion.

Afterward, and after conferring with Barr again, Liu expressed hesitancy to FBI agents and her deputies about the proposal to subpoena Trump’s bank records, according to people familiar with the case. It felt to some that she had made a 180-degree turn, these people said.

By late 2019, Liu’s office was poised to make sentencing recommendations for high-profile senior Trump advisers it had prosecuted, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone — cases that could tarnish Trump and his campaign. That December, the White House nominated Liu to be an assistant secretary of the Treasury Department.

Barr seized the moment to make a change. Breaking with the tradition of allowing White House nominees to remain in their current posts until confirmed for new ones, he ordered Liu in early January 2020 to step down by the end of the month, people with knowledge of the matter said. The White House later withdrew Liu’s nomination.

Barr replaced Liu with Shea, and then four months later replaced Shea with former Navy intelligence officer Sherwin.

On June 7, he sent an email to the head of the FBI’s Washington field office. The subject line of the email, which was reviewed by The Post, read: “Egypt Investigation.”

“Based upon review of this investigation,” Sherwin began, his office would be “closing the above matter” because neither an indictment nor a conviction was likely.

See also this 2020 piece:

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's not the point, though, is it? It doesn't matter if Nazis mask faster. What matters is that there are Nazis and other non-state-actors who will happily try to identify and dox people who get in their way. Such doxxers aren't even necessarily at the protests. They might be in, say, Russia and looking to shut up pro-Western activists in neighboring countries.

It may be that no one in Sweden is immuno-comprosmied and that no one in Sweden could get hacked or doxxed when their identity is uncovered, but for the rest of the world, there are plenty of reasons a person might want to wear a mask that don't involve wanting to be riot-ready.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Or the thing about his former cabinet secretary's sexual harassment issue.

From the Daily Beast:

A fellow Democrat [...] tweeted last week that she wanted a vice presidential pick who “doesn’t sweep sexual harassment under the rug.”

In his reply:

The governor's office highlighted his “long track record of protecting survivors and prosecuting predators” when he was attorney general, including exposing "child sexual abuse and cover-ups within the Catholic Church.”


Harris’s move to seek permission to use the hit song comes after the co-writer of a song used in Donald Trump’s rallies spoke out to reveal his disapproval.

At the Republican National Convention last week – days after surviving an assassination attempt – Trump walked on stage to the song Hold On, I’m Coming.

The co-writer of the Sam & Dave’s 1966 hit David Porter told The Independent that the 78-year-old former president had never asked for permission to use his music in his political campaign.

“I can say [that] I don’t want any of my songs used for political campaigns,” he said. “We create music for uplifting people, not separating them.”

ghost archive | cnn coverage


In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the long-time associate of The Black Swan author Nassim Nicholas Taleb said a severe crash is on the way and stocks could lose more than half their value, while acknowledging that his latest warning should come as no surprise.

“I think we’re on the way to something really, really bad—but of course I’d say that,” Spitznagel said.

Since Fortune is mostly citing WSJ, here's an archive of that WSJ story. From that source:

Governments have been so active tamping down any conflagration in the economy that the dry brush of debt and other hidden risks have built into the ingredients for a severe blaze.

How should mere mortals without access to tail risk hedges respond to his prediction? Probably by doing nothing, says Spitznagel.

“Cassandras make terrible investors.”


This isn't a new idea, but if you haven't tried doing something like this, I do agree with the author that it is a lovely summer/fall treat -- and the local peaches I'm getting are perfect with a strong cheese. Personally, I add a large shot of tarragon to dressings like the one given.

Italicized items in the below are my comments and not from the article.


So, the magic formula is this: Choose two seasonal fruits, a cheese (feta, blue or goat cheese) and a nut (walnuts, sliced almonds or pecans). These are the changeable elements. The other ingredients stay the same as does the dressing, which let me say is an exquisitely balanced vinaigrette made with apple cider vinegar, raw honey and extra-virgin olive oil - a veritable health-giving trifecta on its own. The dressing makes the salad.


  • 2 bunches or 2 regular clamshells mixed greens (a partial head of red leaf lettuce and baby spinach also works fine)
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or sliced almonds, toasted
  • “2 fruits” sliced thinly (one type of fruit would also be fine)
  • 1/4 red onion, peeled, sliced paper thin (I need more onion than that!)
  • 1/3 cup crumbled feta, goat or blue cheese (this list can be widened to any strong cheese, like limburger. manchego, or even a sharp provolone either common or boutique -- but not a mild cheese like typical grocery store cheddar or brie ... though an Epoisses de Bourgogne would work)
  • Salt & Pepper
  • (I might add thin sliced radishes and/or julienned carrots for color/variety)


  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (I'm tired of cider vinegar and often use rice wine, champagne, or other vinegars)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 shallot, peeled
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • ( I add tarragon, but any one of several other herbs would also be nice)

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this,” he added.


"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term," Biden wrote.

Edit: He's endorsing Harris. all the news sites have live feeds.



Hollywood is not wrong that moisture loss is bad for bread, it’s not the primary reason to avoid refrigerating bread. The science: Refrigeration speeds up the starches’ return to a more organized crystalline structure (also known as retrogradation), which means it hardens (i.e. stales) far faster.

Unrefrigerated bread does typically get moldy faster. The trade-off is longevity over texture, and many consumers are more concerned with stretching their bread (and their metaphorical bread) as far as possible, especially these days.

To which we say, fair. And also: freeze! Becky wrote a helpful guide to storing bread in that other section of your favorite appliance. She says the freezer “serves as a kind of pause button, meaning fresh bread you move into cold storage can come out almost as good as the day you put it in.”

Serious Eats also covered the issue to the same conclusion a while ago:


I just noticed this come into existence, and I don't know if it will take off, but I figure it can't hurt to let people know and give it a chance.

Here's the beehaw view:

P.S. I don't have an account there, but I like their "Bot Art".


Too long to summarize. Quotes:

We tell this story about how the working person is desperate. Listen to the rhetoric: “You poor, struggling working families. We’re here to get you a break so you can squeeze by.”

That doesn’t work for the folks where I grew up, and it doesn’t work very well anywhere else, either. Working class people, like everyone else, want to be regarded as prosperous, as forward-looking, as self-reliant and living lives that are full of possibility. The Democrats’ message often ignores the human need for respect.

  • “Own” the libs? Nobody ever owned FDR, JFK or MLK. And can you imagine Lyndon Johnson having accomplished what he did, this historic legacy of progressive reform, without his high-dominance style? We need to recover that tradition.

  • Democrats need to overmatch Trump’s dominance, not emulate his style.

  • There is absolutely no contradiction between collaboration, cooperation and empathy on the one hand and dominance politics on the other.


A mountain lion euthanized in Colorado last year had the first recorded case of “staggering disease” in the species in North America, Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced Tuesday.

"Of note, a remarkably broad range of other mammalian RusV hosts have been identified in Germany, including equids, mustelids, rodents, and marsupials, raising concerns about a zoonotic potential of RusV," the study concluded. "Given the wide host range of the virus in Europe, RusV should be considered as a possible cause for neurologic diseases in all mammal species in North America."


In 2021, Fox cancelled the TV programme hosted by Dobbs after he was accused of using his platform to spread baseless claims of fraud in the 2020 election and was named in a defamation lawsuit filed by a voting machine maker against the network.

A statement from Fox News said the company was "deeply saddened" by his death.


Many details of his life in article. He will be missed.

Active until late in life as a guest star on some of prime time’s most popular shows, Newhart died after a “series of short illnesses,” his longtime publicist Jerry Digney told The Times in a statement Thursday. He was 94.

Newhart is survived by four children, Jennifer, Courtney, Timothy and Robert, and numerous grandchildren. His wife of 60 years, Virginia “Ginnie” Newhart, died in 2023.


Reservation Dogs, The Gilded Age and The Traitors finally made the cut for the top categories, while Shōgun, The Bear and Abbott Elementary lived up to expectations that they would earn nominations for the 76th annual Emmy Awards, which were unveiled Wednesday morning.

Late Night with Seth Meyers also earned a what-took-you-so-long nomination in Talk Series, while Amazon’s Fallout earned attaboys in Drama Series and Best Actor for Walton Goggins. And straight from the Better Late Than Never department, FX’s now-canceled Reservation Dogs earned its first nomination for Best Drama, as did star D’Pharoah Woon-A-Tai for playing Bear Smallhill.

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