
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I actually stopped drinking coffee the same time I stopped taking the Vyvanse just to cover my bases. My initial thoughts are it's likely at least partially genetic. I've always had borderline high blood pressure when in the doctor's office, but it's always been written off as white coat syndrome. It wasn't until I had an afib episode a few months ago and they started doing more tests, including having me check my blood pressure at home regularly, that they determined it's pretty much always high. Hopefully we'll figure out a way to get me back on something for my adhd eventually. Just trying to make the best of if for now. I keep telling myself if it had to happen, now is the best time since I'm a teacher and on summer break still for the next 5 weeks.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Can you help me understand exactly how this will affect me? I actually have accounts on both and (I signed up for both when I initially found Lemmy and was trying to figure the whole thing out).

If I'm on my account, will I no longer be able to browse beehaw communities? On the flip side, if I'm on my account, will I no longer be able to browse communities?

Am I understanding things correctly? If that's the case, then is the only solution to flip back and forth between the two accounts depending on which server the community I'm wanting to browse is on?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply. Ironically enough, we've had really horrible air quality here these past two days, which also meant I wasn't able to get out and run. That definitely didn't help things. Hopefully, the AQI will be more manageable tomorrow.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I do drink coffee, and am actually planning on giving that up to see if it makes a noticeable difference.


I'm posting this simply because I didn't have any other place to post it, and I'm hoping I'll get some sort of cathartic relief by doing so.

I'm 41 years old, and I've been taking meds for ADHD for the better part of 10 years. I bounced around with a few different meds before finding that Vyvanse was by far the most effective for me. To say that it changed my life would be a huge understatement.

I've recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure. They're still working on figuring out the cause (genetic, environmental, stress, etc...), but I found out on Tuesday that I'm no longer able to take my Vyvanse until they figure everything out. Even then, there's a good chance I'll never be able to go back on meds.

I'm, honestly, pretty devistated right now. I was upset enough when I started having to deal with the high blood pressure stuff (I'm a relatively in-shape person, and a very avid distance runner). Adding this on top of things almost feels like too much to handle at once. I've pretty much just sat on the couch these past two days throwing myself a little pity party.

In addition to just being a way to vent my feelings of frustration, I'm also hoping someone here might be able to offer some alternative ways to help manage ADHD symptoms. My biggest area of need has always been with my focus. When I'm not medicated, my motivation to do anything (especially things that need to get done) is near zero.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Is there an updated Discord link? The one from this post looks to be expired.