
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Realistically I'll have to look into this before trusting a random comment and I probably wont because it's half the world away from me and he's dead anyway.

I am sure there is some subtly in personal culpability though because between Mao and peasants killing birds was a whole bureaucracy that evidentally thought it was worth doing (and idk how much is slavish obedience/fear).

Temujin personally killed a lot of people. Like personally ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and his overall campaign was ~10% of human population at the time an estimated 40 million, which seems to be comparable to famine figures even if we personally blame both of them. Dude was a certified maniac and I think that especially given the overall lower population at the time and deliberate murderous intentions stands as histories greatest monster and most murderous person.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Like personally? I often feel like attributing famines solely to one person is a bit messed up, although there are cases like Bengal where specific government individuals were enthusiastic .

The party later distanced themselves from him somewhat, so presumably they thought his ideas could be improved on but I had thought a lot of china and USSR famines rested on really dumb ideas about industrial agriculture that were popular in many places + officials hiding bad numbers + desperate need to show immediate superiority of alledgedly better numbers + upheavals of massive civil was and ww2.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

temujin? who claims he's leftist?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

CRISPR is possibly one of the most significant technologies invented this century lmao. It's a technique for inserting base sequences into DNA at targetable sites, the idea being that you can attach their expression to the expression of another sequence.

It enables making transgenic organisms reliably. You can actually like order sequences and do it at home with a little knowhow.

Have a read about it, it's truly one of the most exciting things of our lifetime.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

If you are reading about vegan stuff, why is it important that people from a us politicalmemes community can come in and tell you you're stupid?

Why is total federation necessary? vtc feds with many instances including some large ones like hexbear, dbzero, ml, and ee.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Is it praxis to blow up to decentralise the 'verse?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Good luck!

You will probably need to sticky a post in each thread automatically as very few people read the sidebar. You also need to be prepared for deliberate trolls.

I had wondered about the utility of a bot that automatically acts on reports from a list of manually selected good users, which moderators review the actions of as reports whenever they're around. It's a fair bit of effort to set something like that up as a system and maintain it, but if mods aren't around dunk-cycles can tank productive discussions in a few minutes.

Reports also don't federate properly btw, less an issue for you but anyone you invite who isn't using a .world account won't ?always? see them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That level of reading comprehension absolutely tracks with some of the shit I've seen written about us lately.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I don't run vtc, and I think Hamid is probably more likely to eat his own teeth than refederate.

DBzero is federated, and a widely federated instance. The admin has a sense of humour at least so you could do worse than signing up there if you want to see world stuff.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

dbzero is federates with both. They're honestly not bad. I think there's a bit of a moral panic around them because usaians aren't used to seeing anti-usa opinions be mainstream.

The one thread I saw on hexbear about Russia for example was people lamenting how horrible it is for lgbt people there. Expressing frustration and anger at Putin's regime, and expressing frustration at the role usa policy has played in his rise and the reactionary political culture there.

you might disagree with the degree to which the usa government is responsible but that hardly seems like a community where dissent against Putin is crushed.

Idk, at any rate the vegan communities are awesome. Mander is a good instance with good users, although I think it's natural science focused and unsure if it's appropriate for a vegan community. Dunno about the other.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

I'm a boomer with insane takes like "having an account per forum is normal" and "handing over your entire digital identity to an untrusted third party is ridiculous" but I know we're dying out.


Hi all, I'm one of the mods that apparently caused to melt down for two weeks. It's a lovely sunny Sunday arvo, and I'd much rather go catch the last rays of sun in my garden than write about mod drama. Alas, I must have sinned in a past life.

Today the admins made a follow up post about the incident where the admin Rooki interfered with moderation of this community in a way which was determined to be against TOS and factually incorrect. Throughout this incident there has been no communication with me, nor to my knowledge any of of the other moderators of this community. Rooki quitely undid his actions and edited his post to admit fault however there was no public acknowledgement of this from him. In fact I wasn't even told I was reinstated as a mod which is quite funny.

The admins' response appears more focused on managing their own reputations and justifying similar actions in the future than providing a good environment for vegans, and other similarly maligned groups. Their statements about wanting to handle misinformation and overreach better in the future ring a bit hollow when they won't take actions to address the anti-vegan circlejerks under their update posts which abound with misinformation and disinformation.

The legalese written basically allows for the same thing to happen, and that if it does the admin decision is to stand while moderators have to quietly resolve the conflict at the admins' leisure. Presumably with a similarly weak public apology and barely visible record correction after the fact.

This community already has a fairly high moderation burden, with many users coming here in bad faith and getting outraged when they are told to take it elsewhere.

I have spoken with /u/[email protected] and /u/[email protected] and we are of the opinion that given the lack of assurance that admins with an axe to grind wont interfere in the future this is no longer a space we are interested in moderating and can't in good faith recommend as a place to host a vegan community. Instead we would recommend that users come to [email protected] (note, not federated with .world, make a local account), additionally [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] are well moderated and run.

Mods are just glorified internet janitors though, so if any current mods or users want to take over the responsibility of primary management from /u/[email protected] they are welcome to do so and should get in touch. Otherwise I think the consensus is to close this community for now.

Finally I'd just like to express gratitude for the great effort put in by the users here. In particular /u/[email protected] you are a bloody champion for trying to get a better outcome here, we all appreciate it immensely.


This is fucked reporting right? The quote they use as evidence is her saying something is "in God's hands". Elsewhere articles are run using quotes of her praying to god.

This is like, extremely normal lexicon for even casually religious people right? I'm an atheist with a pretty negative view of religion and to me this looks like pearl clutching.

Lots of extremely normal people say "I am praying for guidance" when they're reflecting on something. That in isolation doesn't mean they expect a hedge to catch fire and tell them what to do...

If our standard is pollies never mention religion then we might want to do some stuff about the Lord's prayer, the oaths, and the magical mace of the Royal cult.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Alt text can't be formatted. Have it here

Things I've learned since going vegan

  • You can slice someone's throat and still love them.
  • The word "need" can also mean "could easily live without but do kinda want".
  • The word "humane" can mean literally anything you want it to.
  • It's ok to call people out for harmful behaviour unless that behaviour involves bacon.
  • Plants definitely feel pain and lawns scream when you mow them.
  • Crop workers are exploited but slaughterhouse workers definitely aren't. No exploitation here, no sir.
  • Meat is the only food that contains protein.
  • "Found the vegan" is still funny and original the millionth time.
  • Before humans came along, cows were just wandering around with massive udders praying for someone to invent industrialised agriculture.
  • Steak is cheaper than beans, rice, pasta, and canned vegetables.
  • While 99% of all meat comes from factory farms, no one eats that meat.
  • Everyone only buys local, organic, humane, Dalai Lama approved meat.
  • Everyone has an uncle who owns a farm straight out of a 1950's Americana magazine
  • Everyone has a degree in nutrition and evolutionary biology.
  • Everyone knows that one guy who went vegan and almost died.
  • Everyone is free to talk about their identity, beliefs and interests without being shamed for them. Unless they're vegan. Vegans can fuck off.

Is it a lore reference to a toilet? Hinting at some of the late game of elden ring being shit?


NSW still requires surgeries that are often unwanted, complex, and have mixed results (particularly for ftm patients, unless they opt for steralisation instead which might count. mtf steralisation is mandatory), and tremendously expensive (not covered by medicare, in fact barely offered in australia at all especially for ftm people).

Further if you are fortunate enough to be able to do this you are required to be inspected by two unrelated medical professionals. I went through that process and it was the most humiliating moment of my life.

This policy is out of line with policy adopted by the federal government over a decade ago now, and is similar to policies previously enacted by Sweden and The Netherlands. Policies which they are currently apologising for and paying re-compensation to transgender people harmed by them.

Having ID which identifies someone as transgender causes ongoing dysphoria which runs contrary to treatment recommended by health professionals while exposing someone to violence and discrimination.

Chris Minns' words ring hollow when the state government continues to drag its feet on this front, despite support from the Greens and Alex Greenwich.

While I'm glad for any of my comrades getting a sense of closure, to me this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and appears another empty political stunt of pretty words without commitment to action.


I read this while enjoying a glass of the date rape drug known as Shiraz which some users consume to the point of death.

You could power a city on my eyerolls. My message to the community is to demand reasonable and measured reporting on drugs, and sensible drug policy with a harm minimisation orientation.

Or you know, let's get hysterical about people taking a ghb prodrug that's harder to dose and more likely to be contaminated because it's easier to import than GHB. That'll keep the kids safe.


Complete bullshit. Regimes that punish whistleblowers harder than war criminals reveal themselves as dreaming of tyranny.

The entire trial was cooked, and I'm furious :(

That non parole period is nuts too, pure revenge. What danger does this man represent? If he's out on the streets some war criminals better watch their backs?

edit: I should add, it's also quite frustrating that at the end of all this top brass has had no light shone on them, which was his initial goal on leaking. He thought the SAS was being investigated overmuch as a distraction from leadership failures. I guess we'll never know. A slap on the wrist for the executioners, no systematic investigation, and an inconvenient man in gaol.


So I came across this: and the headline piqued my interest but the books all seem of a rather particular slant. I am a fan of reading from a series of broad perspectives when trying to understand huge things and it's obviously a bit farcial to suppose the lives of 1.4 billion people are gripped by terror and pain in a country that somehow still chugs along.

Since of everywhere on lemmy I think I'm likely to get some pretty interesting recommendations here, if we can do it without igniting the china good/bad flame war what books would you recommend to give insight into "understanding modern china". That is phenomenally broad and vague so I'm keen to see anything from histories to fiction.

edit: thank you all for your opinions, I will endeavour to check most of them out and communicate my thoughts on them later. I'm especially interested in what the lives of boring arse people are like in different sectors of society (e.g. migrant underclass, party bureaucrate, officer worker, house wife, farmer etc) , if anything like that comes to mind.


Alternative title: NSW cops murder a kid because he ran home when 4 people in plain clothes pile out of a car and accost him. For wearing a hoodie.


No crumbshot yet, cooling. It's a bit of a frankenloaf as I didn't have enough flour but had already started the process.

about 30% white bread flour, 30% rye, and 30% horrible supermarket wholemeal. ~80% hydration.

Tbh I was surprised it came out of the rattan thing as the rye + high hydration makes a pretty sticky mess. However it seemed enough water leeched through the wood during proofing that the rice flour did it's thing.

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