
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

You can get the resulting PPL but that's only gonna get you a sanity check at best, an ideal world would have something like lmsys' chat arena and could compare unquantized vs quantized but that doesn't yet exist


So you don't have to click the link, here's the full text including links:

Some of my favourite @huggingface models I've quantized in the last week (as always, original models are linked in my repo so you can check out any recent changes or documentation!):

@shishirpatil_ gave us gorilla's openfunctions-v2, a great followup to their initial models:

@fanqiwan released FuseLLM-VaRM, a fusion of 3 architectures and scales:

@IBM used a new method called LAB (Large-scale Alignment for chatBots) for our first interesting 13B tune in awhile:

@NeuralNovel released several, but I'm a sucker for DPO models, and this one uses their Neural-DPO dataset:

Locutusque, who has been making the Hercules dataset, released a preview of "Hyperion":

@AjinkyaBawase gave an update to his coding models with code-290k based on deepseek 6.7:

@Weyaxi followed up on the success of Einstein v3 with, you guessed it, v4:

@WenhuChen with TIGER lab released StructLM in 3 sizes for structured knowledge grounding tasks:

and that's just the highlights from this past week! If you'd like to see your model quantized and I haven't noticed it somehow, feel free to reach out :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Interesting, hadn't heard of it before today, but guess I don't look at European car brands that often anyways

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Ah I mean fair enough :) I don't keep up much with car brands and ownerships, but still TIL haha

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Huh, didn't realize Volvo was primarily owned by a Chinese company, you got me there lol, genuinely always thought they were standalone and therefore a Swedish company

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

If you're using text generation webui there's a bug where if your max new tokens is equal to your prompt truncation length it will remove all input and therefore just generate nonsense since there's no prompt

Reduce your max new tokens and your prompt should actually get passed to the backend. This is more noticable in models with only 4k context (since a lot of people default max new tokens to 4k)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't understand the title, twitch isn't mentioned anywhere in the article is it??

[–] [email protected] 12 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (6 children)

Colour me intrigued. I want more manufactures that go against the norm. If they put out a generic slab with normal specs at an expected price, I won't be very interested, but if they do something cool I'm all for it

Except I just noticed the part where it's developed by Meizu so nevermind probably will be a generic Chinese phone

[–] [email protected] 15 points 8 months ago

Stop making me want to buy more graphics cards...

Seriously though this is an impressive result, "beating" gpt3.5 is a huge milestone and I love that we're continuing the trend. Will need to try out a quant of this to see how it does in real world usage. Hope it gets added to the lmsys arena!


PolyMind is a multimodal, function calling powered LLM webui. It's designed to be used with Mixtral 8x7B + TabbyAPI and offers a wide range of features including:

Internet searching with DuckDuckGo and web scraping capabilities.

Image generation using comfyui.

Image input with sharegpt4v (Over llama.cpp's server)/moondream on CPU, OCR, and Yolo.

Port scanning with nmap.

Wolfram Alpha integration.

A Python interpreter.

RAG with semantic search for PDF and miscellaneous text files.

Plugin system to easily add extra functions that are able to be called by the model. 90% of the web parts (HTML, JS, CSS, and Flask) are written entirely by Mixtral.


Open source

Open data

Open training code

Fully reproducible and auditable

Pretty interesting stuff for embeddings, I'm going to try it for my RAG pipeline when I get a chance, I've not had as much success as I was hoping, maybe this english-focused one will help

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

If you go for it and need any help lemme know I've had good results with Linux and Nvidia lately :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Btw I know this is old and you may have already figured out your hardware and setup, but p40s and p100s go for super cheap on eBay.

P40 is an amazing $/GB deal, only issue is the fp16 performance is abysmal so you'll want to run either full fp32 models or use llama.cpp which is able to cast up to that size

The p100 has less VRAM but really good fp16 performance which makes it ideal for exllamav2 usage. I picked up one of each recently, p40 was failed to deliver and p100 was delivered while I'm away, but once I have both on hand I'll probably post a comparison to my 3090 for interests sake

Also I run all my stuff on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04) with no issues

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

You shouldn't need nvlink, I'm wondering if it's something to do with AWQ since I know that exllamav2 and llama.cpp both support splitting in oobabooga

[–] [email protected] 9 points 8 months ago

Yeah q2 logic is definitely a sore point, I'd highly recommend going with Mistral dolphin 2.6 DPO instead, the answers have been very high quality for a 7b model

But good info for anyone wanting to keep up to date on very low bit rate quants!


Thanks to Charles for the conversion scripts, I've converted several of the new internLM2 models into Llama format. I've also made them into ExLlamaV2 while I was at it.

You can find them here:

Note, the chat models seem to do something odd without outputting [UNUSED_TOKEN_145] in a way that seems equivalent to <|im_end|>, not sure why, but it works fine despite outputting that at the end.


Based off of deepseek coder, the current SOTA 33B model, allegedly has gpt 3.5 levels of performance, will be excited to test once I've made exllamav2 quants and will try to update with my findings as a copilot model


Paper abstract:

Recent work demonstrates that, after being fine-tuned on a high-quality instruction dataset, the resulting model can obtain impressive capabilities to address a wide range of tasks. However, existing methods for instruction data generation often produce duplicate data and are not controllable enough on data quality. In this paper, we extend the generalization of instruction tuning by classifying the instruction data to 4 code-related tasks and propose a LLM-based Generator-Discriminator data process framework to generate diverse, high-quality instruction data from open source code. Hence, we introduce CodeOcean, a dataset comprising 20,000 instruction instances across 4 universal code-related tasks,which is aimed at augmenting the effectiveness of instruction tuning and improving the generalization ability of fine-tuned model. Subsequently, we present WaveCoder, a fine-tuned Code LLM with Widespread And Versatile Enhanced instruction tuning. This model is specifically designed for enhancing instruction tuning of Code Language Models (LLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that Wavecoder models outperform other open-source models in terms of generalization ability across different code-related tasks at the same level of fine-tuning scale. Moreover, Wavecoder exhibits high efficiency in previous code generation tasks. This paper thus offers a significant contribution to the field of instruction data generation and fine-tuning models, providing new insights and tools for enhancing performance in code-related tasks.


Available in instruct only currently:


Early speculation is that it's an MoE (mixture of experts) of 8 7b models, so maybe not earth shattering like their last release but highly intriguing, will update with more info as it comes out

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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