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Former US National Security Agency employee sentenced to 22 years in prison for attempting to pass classified information to Russia theins.ru View original post

Former US National Security Agency employee Jareh Dulki was sentenced to 22 years in prison on charges of attempting to spy for Russia. He handed over a total of seven classified documents to FBI officials posing as Russian agents. This was reported by the press service of the US Department of Justice.

Dalkey worked at the NSA as an information systems security designer. In the summer of 2022, he used an encrypted email account to transmit excerpts from three classified documents to an undercover FBI officer whom he believed to be a Russian agent. According to the court, he did so "to demonstrate his awareness and willingness to share information."

In August 2022, Dalkey requested $85,000 for further information. As a result, he handed the FBI agent four classified files and a letter that began with the words "My friends!" in Russian. In the letter, Dalkey expressed his joy at having been able to share classified information with the Russians and his hope for further cooperation.

Dalkey was detained in 2023 and found guilty on six charges. He pleaded guilty and stated that he expected the information he passed on to be used against the United States and in favor of Russia.

Lucrezia Maria Romola de’ Medici в X: «Бывшего сотрудника Агентства национальной безопасности США приговорили к 22 годам тюрьмы за попытку передать России секретную информацию https://t.co/1m6VyYiVaM» / X https://twitter.com/Ole_Lukoile777/status/1785369728405381345

"Колишнього співробітника Агентства національної безпеки США засудили до 22 років ув'язнення за спробу передати Росії секретну інформацію theins.ru Переглянути оригінал

Колишнього співробітника Агентства національної безпеки США Джареха Далки засудили до 22 років ув'язнення за звинуваченням у спробі шпигунства на користь Росії. Він передав у цілому сім засекречених документів співробітникам ФБР, які вдавали російські агенти. Про це повідомляє прес-служба Департаменту юстиції США.

Далкі працював в АНБ проектувальником безпеки інформаційних систем. Влітку 2022 року через зашифрований обліковий запис електронної пошти передав витримки з трьох секретних документів співробітнику ФБР під прикриттям, якого вважав російським агентом. На думку суду, він зробив це, «щоб продемонструвати свою обізнаність та готовність ділитися інформацією».

У серпні 2022 року Далкі запросив $85 тисяч за подальшу інформацію. У результаті він передав агенту ФБР чотири засекречені файли і лист, що починався словами «Мої друзі!» російською мовою. У листі Далки висловлював радість від того, що йому вдалося поділитися секретною інформацією з росіянами, та надію на подальшу співпрацю.

Далкі затримали у 2023 році і визнали винним за шістьма пунктами звинувачення. Він визнав провину і заявив, що розраховував на те, що передана ним інформація буде використана проти США та на користь Росії."

### Title: Analytical Report and Forecast: Former NSA Employee Sentenced for Attempted Espionage


Former NSA employee Jareh Dalkey sentenced to 22 years for attempting to pass classified information to Russia. Report analyzes the case and forecasts its implications.


Espionage, NSA, Russia, Classified Information, Jareh Dalkey, Sentencing, National Security, Forecast, Analytical Report, FBI, US Department of Justice


#EspionageCase #NSA #Russia #JarehDalkey #NationalSecurity #AnalyticalReport #FBI #USJusticeDept #Forecast #ClassifiedInformation #SecurityThreat #USRussiaRelations #LegalCase #Intelligence #SecurityBreach #USLawEnforcement #RiskAssessment

Editorial Comment:

The sentencing of Jareh Dalkey sheds light on the enduring challenges of espionage in an increasingly interconnected world. This report delves into the intricacies of the case and its potential ramifications for national security.


Dates mentioned are for context only and may not reflect actual events. Interpretations are subject to verification.


This investigation, conducted in haste, requires thorough verification. The information provided may be subject to bias, misinformation, or manipulation by various parties. Readers are advised to exercise caution and critical thinking.


The case of Jareh Dalkey underscores the ongoing threat of espionage and the importance of safeguarding classified information. As geopolitical tensions persist, vigilance and robust security measures remain paramount.


Espionage, Security, Threat, Vigilance, Geopolitical, Tensions, Classified Information, National Security


Description for Google Search Robots:

Former NSA employee sentenced for attempting espionage. Analytical report on Jareh Dalkey case. Forecast implications for national security.

Picture: https://i.imgur.com/ywjLOmS.jpeg


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12898084

French President Emmanuel Macron met with parliamentary parties on Thursday. During the meeting Macron said he was open to the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, as announced by, according to French newspaper L’Independant.

Fabien Roussel, a representative of the French Communist Party, said after the meeting that “Macron referenced a scenario that could lead to intervention [of French troops]: the advancement of the front towards Odesa or Kyiv.”

He noted that the French President showed parliamentarians maps of the possible directions of strikes by Russian troops in Ukraine.

Following the meeting, Jordan Bardella of the far-right National Rally party noted that “there are no restrictions and no red lines” in Macron’s approach.


В белгородском приграничье ввели сухой закон

https://t.me/belgorod_go31/56339 Губернатор Вячеслав Гладков недавно предложил ввести ограничение на продажу алкоголя в посёлке Октябрьском Белгородского района, посёлке Томаровка Яковлевского округа, посёлке Борисовка, посёлке Красная Яруга и Шебекино.

Закон сегодня приняли. Теперь спиртное будут продавать в этих населённых пунктах только с 11 до 16. По словам депутатов, это снизит напряжённость в обществе.

A dry law has been introduced in the Belgorod border region

https://t.me/belgorod_go31/56339 Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov recently proposed to introduce restrictions on the sale of alcohol in the Oktyabrsky settlement of Belgorod district, Tomarovka settlement of Yakovlevsky district, Borisovka settlement, Krasnaya Yaruga settlement and Shebekino.

The law was adopted today. Now alcohol will be sold in these settlements only from 11 to 16. According to the deputies, this will reduce tension in society.



Idiocy. People will go cuckoo.

During 2MW they gave 100 grams before fighting, during PMW a glass of vodka and cocaine. Decades of wars from 1914 to 1924 undoubtedly affected the mental health of the citizens of the SR, according to the memoirs of the cavalier of several wars Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich - Wikiwand https://www.wikiwand.com/ru/%D0%97%D0%BE%D1%89%D0%

During the 2MW and afterwards stress was allowed to be relieved and moral anger was directed at the external enemy, which IMHO gave discharge, and the war itself was much shorter and covered only Ukraine and Belarus, part of western Russia and the Caucasus.

Banning is a typical miserable phenomenon of Putin's internal occupation and the essence of Don Hyl's idiocy from the Kremlin-Tambov OCG*.

*Ozero cooperative

Goals and Objectives:

Title: Psychological Impact of Wars: An Analytical Report
Annotation: This report delves into the psychological effects of wars, particularly focusing on the experiences of citizens during the World Wars and subsequent conflicts. It examines the coping mechanisms employed by individuals amidst wartime stress and analyzes the societal repercussions of prolonged conflicts.
Keywords: #PsychologicalImpact #Wars #WorldWar #StressManagement #SocietalEffects #ConflictResolution #CopingMechanisms #HistoricalAnalysis #WarfarePsychology #MentalHealthAwareness #SocialConsequences #PsychologicalResilience #TraumaHealing
Editorial Comment: Understanding the psychological toll of wars is crucial for fostering resilience and promoting peace-building efforts. This report provides valuable insights into the human dimensions of conflict and underscores the importance of addressing mental health needs in post-war societies.
Correction: The dates mentioned can be either actual dates of events or dates of publications, so it should be understood that they should not be relied upon literally, but the context of events should be understood, as well as the possibility of errors by both journalists and researchers. But this is only an assumption and should only help to find the truth and not discourage attempts to analyze events.
Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted in hot pursuit and needs to be thoroughly verified. All of the following may have a biased perception of the facts, and may also have signs of "stuffing" by the Russian special services, unprofessional verification, and other factors. Everything is your responsibility, including references to us as unverified sources. Once again, time, or rather the lack of it, does not play the best role in substantiating versions. Take everything as a version, nothing more.

Conclusion, Keywords, Links:

Conclusion: Wars, such as those witnessed during the World Wars and subsequent conflicts, have left lasting psychological scars on affected populations. By examining historical events and their psychological impact, we can gain valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior amidst adversity and work towards fostering resilience and healing in post-conflict societies.
Keywords: #WarPsychology #HistoricalAnalysis #MentalHealth #ConflictResolution #ResilienceBuilding #PostConflictReconstruction #TraumaHealing #PeaceBuilding #SocialReintegration #PsychologicalResilience #CommunityWellbeing #HumanitarianEfforts #PsychosocialSupport
Links and References:

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Alexei Navalny and the Anti-Corruption Foundation he founded have given a great deal of their energy, and Alexei himself - and his life - to the fight against corruption in Russia. Apparently, they believed that this was the lever that could be used to turn the mood of the Russians towards the transformation of the country and ultimately achieve a better future for it.

But this is a mistake. And in today's Russia, the fight against corruption means only the destruction of its economy, as many of its citizens realize, which is why they do not engage in active anti-corruption actions.

This conclusion is tragic, but it follows from the understanding that for the last 30 years in Russia corruption has been the basis of the market economy and the main ideology of the ruling elite. And the ideology is quite shared - as far as one can judge from the course of life in the country - by the majority of its and ordinary citizens.

Indeed, the main idea of the market economy is simple - limited goods should go to those who are ready to pay the highest price for them. Few people like this principle of the market in itself, but mankind has not invented anything better.

So in Russia the logic of the market economy is quite well observed, it's just that some of the usual benefits go to those who were able to pay the highest price in the store. And part of it goes to those who were able to pay a higher price in the form of a bribe (kickback) to a government official.

It was not supposed to be like this and no one consciously designed such a mechanism when 33 years ago in Russia began building a market-type economy instead of a planned command economy.

But this model quickly emerged on its own, apparently in the first months of 1992 (I am afraid that Viktor Shenderovich's words that the new Russian government was able to work without bribes for only a month and a half are not far from the truth - although some members of that government proved immune to corruption). And it turned out to be so adequate to the country and the people that it became ubiquitous and has been working quite successfully to this day.

Let us recognize, bitter as it may be, the obvious historical fact that in 1991 Russia (as a state and a people) was given a unique chance to build a completely new model of life and economy in peace, without external occupation and with the willingness to help from yesterday's Cold War adversaries (and then also with large revenues from oil and gas exports). And what have the Russians built by realizing this chance?

Painfully familiar - a new edition of the Russian Empire as a country of total corruption, combining the staggering wealth of the ruling elite with the extreme poverty of the majority of the population, where private business exists to feed bribes to government officials and serve their needs, where human rights and freedoms (if they are not part of the ruling elite) mean nothing and are not protected in any way, where the power of the autocrat is not limited in any way. And - the cherry on the cake - again a country that tries to impose its will on the surrounding peoples up to their enslavement.

Why this happened is an interesting question. Some people answer it with one phrase: "Because Russians are like that and it is the most natural form of existence of a nation-state for them". But I believe this is an oversimplification - the topic deserves at least a large monograph.


For myself, I explain this somersault - from the USSR to the Russian Empire through revival along the path of total corruption - by the fact that:

  • In 1991, power in Russia did not pass from the Communist Party to the people (all the stories about democratization and people's power were just propaganda noise) - only the composition of the ruling top brass changed, which included the same members of the CPSU, just from another level of the party-state apparatus. And this apparatus was accustomed to the model of distribution of scarce goods "among their own" or by blat, and therefore the idea of simply monetizing the usual model "not for all on equal rights, but only for their own" was accepted calmly;
  • in 1991, Russia had no state ideology that would be attractive to the general public. Only two ideas were popular - "We want full stores" and "Get rich!" And since the growth of corruption did not hinder the realization of these ideas at first, and in some respects even helped, the first sprouts of corruption did not cause any particular rejection and were able to take root; Committee for People's Control, the Interior Ministry, the KGB, and the Prosecutor's Office) has been replaced by a model of corrupt "feeding from office" in exchange for loyalty to superiors ("you can take it, but don't take it, and remember that in case of anything, the dossier on you is already ready").

That is why Alexei Navalny, choosing corruption as the center of his political activity, was right in some respects, but apparently wrong in some respects. He was right in that the topic of corruption has always been of great interest to Russians - it is terribly interesting to find out how much an official at this or that level "takes in his paw" and what kind of house he has on his estate for his duck!

And the mistake, it seems, was in assuming that the accumulation of such knowledge would cause a significant number of Russians to despise and hate the current government in Russia and encourage people to strive to change it.

In fact, Russians reading investigations of corruption seem to have perceived them partly as a secular chronicle and partly as information for choosing their own paths to jobs that can yield good sums of bribes. This idea is suggested by the knowledge of the huge competitions for applicants that once arose for places in educational institutions that trained employees for Russia's customs and tax services.

"Customs students are the elite of the Cooperative Institute," says Liliya Nigmatullina, head of the Customs Department of the Kazan Cooperative Institute of the Russian University of Cooperation (KKI RUC). - And the specialty is in high demand, even though it costs more to study and takes longer. It is interesting that this year a new profile with a "power" bias - "Law enforcement and information technology in customs" (2018) - is especially popular among applicants.

The trouble is that to this day in Russia there is no clear long-term ideology and strategy, explaining where the country will go and which actions of officials will be considered correct and which will not. Therefore, those decisions are made that are better paid for with bribes (i.e. state decisions are actually sold on the corruption market as a special type of service).

My colleague Yaroslav Kuzminov wrote about this quite correctly back in 2012 in his "Theses on Corruption": "The interests of the state are not formalized, unclear for both its employees and voters. It is often unclear to an official what the interests of the state he is supposed to serve are. Therefore, he serves (consistently worsening the result for society) his department, his boss, himself and his friends, and finally, his "external customer" and sees no moral problem in it. He often simply has nothing to betray.


In this situation, the elimination of bribery - as horrible as it is to realize - will actually worsen, not improve, the situation in the Russian economy. Decisions will cease to be made (sold) in exchange for bribes, but they will not be made on other grounds either, since these grounds do not exist and, I believe, will not exist under the current government. Officials will simply avoid making any decisions and spending public funds, if they do not see their own benefit in it, but at the same time fear punishment for wrong actions.

This is not a hypothesis, but a realization of the real practice of the Russian state apparatus. Thus, even under the conditions of war, the volume of unfulfilled federal budget funds amounted to 784 billion rubles by the end of 2022 (the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Apparently, starting the transformation of Russia with the fight against corruption is an ineffective idea.

We need some more powerful levers - like Lenin's "End the imperialist war, power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers" - to start the process of a new total reorganization of all life in Russia. Only through such a process can corruption be suppressed to a non-threatening level, making it once again a universally condemned form of human behavior rather than a convenient strategy for improving the lives of one's family and developing one's business.

But whether such levers can be found for today's Russia and whether they will help to steer the country away from the road leading to its deepest catastrophe and impoverishment, I do not know.

April 2024.




Annotation: This analytical report delves into the historical roots of the Russian identity prior to the establishment of the Russian Empire in 1721. Tracing the evolution of self-identification among the inhabitants of the region, the report examines the significance of place of residence, religious affiliation, and cultural circles in shaping notions of nationality.

Keywords: Russian identity, Muscovites, Russian Empire, nationality, East Slavic tribes, Kievan Rus, ancient Rus, Prince Oleg, Kiev, Moscow

Analytical Report and Forecast: The territory that comprises modern Russia has a rich historical background, with diverse influences contributing to the formation of its identity. Prior to 1721, the region was known as the Russian State or the Moscow Kingdom, and its inhabitants identified themselves primarily as "Russians" or "Muscovites." However, the concept of nationality during this period was fluid and multifaceted, influenced by factors such as geographic location, religious beliefs, and cultural affiliations.

The establishment of the Russian Empire in 1721 under Peter the Great marked a significant shift in the region's identity. The term "Russians" became more prevalent during this period, reflecting the consolidation of power and the emergence of a unified state.

The roots of the Russian identity can be traced back to the IX-X centuries when the term "Rus" was first used to designate the territory of East Slavic tribes. The easternmost region, known as the Volga region, and the western part, referred to as Kievan Rus, played pivotal roles in shaping early Russian identity. Kiev, established in the late 9th century, served as the capital of Kievan Rus, while Moscow emerged as a prominent princely center in the 12th century, eventually becoming the political and cultural hub of Rus.

Conclusion: Understanding the historical roots of the Russian identity is essential for comprehending the complexities of Russian society and culture. By exploring the evolution of self-identification among the inhabitants of the region, we gain insight into the diverse influences that have shaped the concept of nationality in Russia. This report provides a foundational understanding of the origins of the Russian identity, laying the groundwork for further research into the historical and cultural development of the region.

Editorial Comment: This investigation sheds light on the nuanced and multifaceted nature of the Russian identity, highlighting the diverse influences that have shaped it over the centuries. By examining historical sources and tracing the evolution of self-identification, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of Russian society and culture. It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and nuance, recognizing the diversity of experiences and perspectives within the Russian population.

Hashtags: #RussianIdentity #RussianHistory #RussianEmpire #KievanRus #PetertheGreat #HistoricalAnalysis #CulturalHeritage #NationalIdentity #MoscowKingdom #EastSlavicTribes #HistoricalRoots


Prior to 1721, the territory comprising modern Russia was known as the Russian State or the Moscow Kingdom. The inhabitants of this region typically referred to themselves as "Russians" or "Muscovites." The concept of nationality, as it is understood today, was shaped by factors such as place of residence, religious affiliation, and cultural circles.

The Russian Empire was established in 1721 following the assumption of the title of Emperor by Peter the Great. Prior to this, the inhabitants of Muscovy and its surrounding areas identified primarily as "Russians" or "Muscovites." The term "Russians" became prevalent during the era of the Russian Empire.

The term "Russians" first appeared in the IX-X centuries and derives from the word "Rus," which designated the territory of East Slavic tribes. The easternmost part of ancient Rus was known as the Volga region, while the western part was designated as Kievan Rus, with Kiev serving as its center.

The city of Kiev was established in the late 9th century by Prince Oleg and served as the capital of Kievan Rus. Moscow emerged in the 12th century, becoming the princely center and subsequently the political and cultural center of Rus.


This is another factor in the decline of foreign currency earnings of Russian companies. We mean real currency, not tugriks, rupees and other glass.

Of course, it will be possible to invent schemes to continue supplies through third countries and hands, but every chain of intermediaries is a minus for the margins of Russian companies.

In general, the disadvantage of the "Sanctions do not work" religion and its followers is that they do not take into account the systematic nature of all sanctions measures. Each particular sanction can be circumvented by one or another crooked path. Any one sanction may simply not work for some internal or external reason of its own.

However, their number and systematic approach gradually lead to the result necessary for the creators of the sanctions policy. Stretching over time allows them to be adjusted and supplemented.

The goal remains the same - on the one hand, the West wants to bring Russia to the state of Iraq in the time of Saddam during the "Oil for Food" program and actually remove Russia from the list of potentially developed and developing countries. On the other hand - it should be done in such a way that the economies of developed countries adapt to Russia's withdrawal from the world economy or at least reduce their presence in it.

The point of the measures is to deprive the Kremlin of the resource, and thus the opportunity to pursue its policy. Besides, the West realizes that the Kremlin regime is bankrupt and sooner or later other people will come to power. There is a risk that those will come who will set their goal not to plunder the country, as the current ones do, but on the contrary - to revive it. For this purpose it is required to create for such people the maximum possible difficulties and to bind them by a huge number of conditions under which Russia will be let back.



I want to remind you of this. A well-known person in Russia said this about Katyn: "A clear political, legal, moral assessment of the atrocities of the totalitarian Stalinist regime has already been given, and such an assessment is not subject to revision. Everything has been uncovered and shown, including in the million documents that have already been handed over to Poland. All documents relating to the shooting of thousands of Polish officers by the Soviet army have already been declassified. For the Polish public, I can say once again: there is no more truth there that would be somehow hidden from anyone. The NKVD, Beria, and the political leadership are to blame for this tragedy. My personal opinion is that Stalin... committed this execution out of a sense of revenge."

This was said in 2010. Pay attention to the three most important theses:

  • all documents have already been declassified
  • the perpetrators are the punitive bodies and the political leadership of the USSR.
  • this assessment is not subject to revision

In 2010 it was still possible to tell the truth in Russia. In 2024 for the above words in Russia can easily be imprisoned. In 2024 the FSB pulls out its own fabrications in order to declare again, as in the times of the USSR, that the Soviet Union was not involved in the mass executions of Poles. The FSB does this, of course, with Putin's approval and at his behest.

Do you know the name of the man whose assessment of the Katyn tragedy from 2010 I cited? His name is Vladimir Putin.

Title: Analytical Report and Forecast: Unveiling Allegations Regarding Katyn Massacre

Annotation: This report investigates recent claims by the FSB suggesting that the Katyn massacre narrative is fabricated, contrasting it with past statements by Vladimir Putin.

Keywords: Analytical report, forecast, Katyn massacre, FSB, Vladimir Putin, historical revisionism.

Editorial Comment: This report delves into the complexities of historical narratives surrounding the Katyn massacre, highlighting the potential implications of recent assertions by the FSB and their alignment with political agendas.

Disclaimer: This investigation, conducted under time constraints, urges thorough verification due to potential biases and misinformation. Readers are cautioned about the possibility of manipulated narratives and are encouraged to validate sources independently.

Conclusion: Despite past acknowledgments, recent claims by the FSB challenge established historical narratives, warranting further scrutiny and critical analysis. The involvement of political agendas underscores the importance of rigorous fact-checking and objective evaluation.



  1. #AnalyticalReport
  2. #ForecastAnalysis
  3. #KatynMassacre
  4. #FSB
  5. #HistoricalNarratives
  6. #VladimirPutin
  7. #HistoricalRevisionism
  8. #FactChecking
  9. #PoliticalAgendas
  10. #TruthSeeking

Andrei Nikulin:

On the contrary, he believes that everything is wonderful, that the moment has arrived, the hour of glory, which he seems to have dreamed of and which he has been approaching for so many years. And no one has managed to steal or prevent it - neither the tedious West with its eternally pacifist idea of peace talks, nor the domestic oligarchs worried about their coffers buried in other countries, nor the cunning, always wagging and slipping out of Ukraine's hands.

Everything - now he, like the real, big Kings and Leaders of the past - is going over the rustling cards, drawing arrows of blows with a red pencil on them, commanding armies and deciding who to live and who to die. What could not be bought for any money and what no other ruler can get in this world has been achieved.

Well, and the retreats, losses, mistakes in the original plans - so they were at his mustachioed predecessor, who generally retreated to Moscow, but then Minsk, Warsaw, Berlin and the same Kiev!

So far everything is according to plan, even more - instead of blitzkrieg with a parade, a real big battle with thousands of tanks and hundreds of thousands of participants, just like in the great wars of the past - and he is the Commander-in-Chief in it! What honor and glory, what laurels and triumph!

If a shadow of doubt flickers, there are always people in the inner circle who will reassure, explain, tell him that victory is close, the West will soon tremble because of refugees, voter discontent, the energy crisis and inborn liberal cowardice, provide convincing reports, and he can draw arrows again, calmly.

He is not afraid of defeat, he just doesn't believe in such a possibility, he realizes that he has time on his side and a huge, unresponsive country ready to do his bidding, trained for decades to obey any order and justify any warlord.

He is not afraid, he anticipates the fulfillment of everything he has dreamed of. The possibility of failure or, even more so, defeat is beyond his comprehension. This is how he sees and from this vision comes action. Whether this vision is correct or not - only time will show....


*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


Меня часто спрашивают про патриотизм и традиционные ценности, как они уживаются, и с чем их едят. Мне кажется, их нельзя понимать вне контекста специфики мышления Путина (и его приближенных типа Патрушева).

Взгляды Путина в последние годы эволюционируют в сторону милленаризма. Для милленаристов характерно апокалипсическое мышление: мир постоянно портится, а конец света, который уничтожит все вокруг, неуклонно приближается. Для милленариста важно затормозить любое развитие. Мир, застывший как муха в янтаре, на пороге катастрофы - вот его идеал. Спасутся лишь избранные и то только благодаря спецусилиям. Поэтому Путин борется с новыми технологиями, опасается интернета, видит везде биологическое оружие, с подозрением смотрит на все новые социальные и гендерные практики и защищает все традиционное, стремясь его изолировать от внешнего разрушительного воздействия.

Для него этот застывший мир, «муха в янтаре» - это смесь старых добрых советских практик 60-70-х годов и некоторое условное представление о православной Руси. То есть с одной стороны, хорошо бы возродить пионерию и комсомол, но с другой - пусть они ходят в храм, почему бы нет. Это не реальные практики, а всего лишь атрибуты идеального застывшего мира. И ему очень важно воссоздать идеальный мир советского рабочего - как он его видит. В его понимании рабочие смотрели «А ну ка девушки», и поэтому давайте снова смотреть. А городская интеллигенция любила фильм «ирония судьбы» и давайте Первый канал будет показывать его нон-стоп 31 дек и 1 января (количество просмотров просто зашкаливает в последние годы). (https://t.me/anthro_fun/2592)

В попытке спасти мир от разрушающих его вещей (от генной инженерии, гендерно-нейтральных туалетов, чипов в мозгу) Россию надо законсервировать и добиться "патриотического изоляционизма" - опоры только на себя, на советские ценности 70-х вкупе с православием. Эта консервация должна происходить в раннем возрасте, поэтому такой упор на индоктринацию именно в раннем возрасте: детском саду и младшей школе.



In this analytical report, we delve into the trial of Boris Nemtsov's murder, focusing on the recent testimony of Sergei Budnikov, an eyewitness to the crime. Discover the key revelations and lingering questions surrounding this high-profile case.


Nemtsov's murder, eyewitness testimony, trial analysis, Sergei Budnikov.


Dive into the intricacies of Boris Nemtsov's murder trial as we uncover the recent testimony of Sergei Budnikov, shedding light on crucial details of the case. Join us as we dissect the trial proceedings and explore the implications of Budnikov's eyewitness account.


#NemtsovMurder #EyewitnessTestimony #TrialAnalysis #SergeiBudnikov

Editorial Comment:

The Nemtsov murder trial continues to captivate attention, and Budnikov's testimony adds a new layer of complexity to the case. Stay tuned as we unravel the mysteries surrounding this tragic event.


This investigation was conducted in hot pursuit and needs to be thoroughly verified. All of the following may have a biased perception of the facts, and may also have signs of "stuffing" by the Russian special services, unprofessional verification, and other factors. Everything is your responsibility, including references to us as unverified sources. Once again, time, or rather the lack of it, does not play the best role in substantiating versions. Take everything as a version, nothing more.


The testimony of Sergei Budnikov marks a significant development in the Nemtsov murder trial, offering insights into the events of that fateful night. Explore the full details of the case and ongoing trial in the provided links.


Nemtsov murder trial, eyewitness account, investigation, trial proceedings.



Perfect!!! Here are the suggested 10 playlists, content plan, and pilot episode:


  1. **Geopolitical Conflicts:###.

    • Wars and conflicts in different regions of the world.
    • Analyzing the political and military aspects.
  2. Technological innovations:

    • Recent developments in technology.
    • Revolutionary inventions and their impact on society.
  3. Historical documentaries:

    • Documentaries about key historical events.
    • Historical figures and their contributions to shaping the world.
  4. Political Analysis:

    • Current political events and their impact on the world stage.
    • Expert opinions and analytics.
  5. Cultural differences:

    • Study of cultural peculiarities of different countries and regions.
    • Discussion of cultural traditions and customs.
  6. Environmental problems:

    • Analyzing environmental crises and problems.
    • Finding solutions to preserve the environment.
  7. Economic Geography:

    • Study of economic systems of different countries.
    • Analyzing world markets and trends.
  8. Sports and fitness:

    • News from the world of sports.
    • Tips on fitness and healthy lifestyle.
  9. Interviews with experts:

    • Conversations with leading experts in various fields of knowledge.
    • Experienced advice and viewpoints.
  10. Psychological analysis:

    • Discussions on psychological aspects of behavior and interpersonal relationships.
    • Practical advice on personal development.

Content Plan:

  • Weeks 1-2:

    • Preparing content for the Geopolitical Conflicts playlist.
    • Conducting interviews with political analysis experts.
  • Weeks 3-4:

    • Filming and editing documentaries for the "Historical Documentaries" playlist.
    • Preparing materials for the Political Analysis playlist.
  • Week 5-6:

    • Running a pilot episode with selected content from various playlists.
    • Collecting feedback from the audience.

Pilot episode:

Title: "Global Conflicts: Analysis and Perspectives"


  • An overview of current military and political conflicts in the world.
  • In-depth analysis of geopolitical aspects of the events.
  • Expert opinions and forecasts on the further development of the situation.

This pilot issue will allow to study the audience preferences and evaluate the effectiveness of the content in order to further increase the audience and improve the quality of the information provided. *** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


  1. Геополитические конфликты:

    • Войны и конфликты в разных регионах мира.
    • Анализ политических и военных аспектов.
  2. Технологические новинки:

    • Последние разработки в области технологий.
    • Революционные изобретения и их влияние на общество.
  3. Исторические документальные фильмы:

    • Документальные фильмы о ключевых исторических событиях.
    • Исторические личности и их вклад в формирование мира.
  4. Политический анализ:

    • Актуальные политические события и их влияние на мировую арену.
    • Экспертные мнения и аналитика.
  5. Культурные различия:

    • Исследование культурных особенностей разных стран и регионов.
    • Обсуждение культурных традиций и обычаев.
  6. Экологические проблемы:

    • Анализ экологических кризисов и проблем.
    • Поиск решений для сохранения окружающей среды.
  7. Экономическая география:

    • Исследование экономических систем различных стран.
    • Анализ мировых рынков и трендов.
  8. Спорт и фитнес:

    • Новости из мира спорта.
    • Советы по фитнесу и здоровому образу жизни.
  9. Интервью с экспертами:

    • Беседы с ведущими специалистами по различным областям знаний.
    • Опытные советы и точки зрения.
  10. Психологический анализ:

    • Обсуждение психологических аспектов поведения и межличностных отношений.
    • Практические советы по развитию личности.


  • Неделя 1-2:

    • Подготовка контента для плейлиста "Геополитические конфликты".
    • Проведение интервью с экспертами по политическому анализу.
  • Неделя 3-4:

    • Съемка и монтаж документальных фильмов для плейлиста "Исторические документальные фильмы".
    • Подготовка материалов для плейлиста "Политический анализ".
  • Неделя 5-6:

    • Запуск пилотного выпуска с выбранным контентом из различных плейлистов.
    • Сбор обратной связи от аудитории.

Пилотный выпуск:

Название: "Глобальные Конфликты: Анализ и Перспективы"


  • Обзор актуальных военно-политических конфликтов в мире.
  • Глубокий анализ геополитических аспектов событий.
  • Экспертные мнения и прогнозы по дальнейшему развитию ситуации.

Этот пилотный выпуск позволит изучить предпочтения аудитории и оценить эффективность контента, чтобы дальше наращивать аудиторию и улучшать качество предоставляемой информации.

Добірки каналів відео - PeerTube (xy-space) https://tube.xy-space.de/c/buterintv/video-playlists

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