submitted 10 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Stay ahead in web development: latest news, tools, and insights #40


weeklyfoo #40 is here: your weekly digest of all webdev news you need to know! This time you'll find 47 valuable links in 8 categories! Enjoy! 🚀 Read it! Numbers To Know For Managing (Software Teams): This is a collection of very...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 22 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

PG2 release 0.1.15


PG2 version 0.1.15 is out. This version mostly ships improvements to connection pool and folders (reducers) of a database result. There are two new sections in the documentation that describe each part. I reproduce them below. Connection...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Complete Lineup + Late Bird Cliff


We&aposve kept you all in suspense for long enough. Today we&aposre announcing the final Heart of Clojure speakers, and with that the full programme is now available.With that the time has also come to make the decision, do you want to be at the...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Getting Started in Clojure Meta-Guide


There are plenty of good guides for Clojure out there but they vary in learning styles and topics covered. Here I’m going to take you through the various guides you could use to make sure you’re not missing any gaps.

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Implement an Interpreter using Clojure Instaparse


This is a small example on how to implement an interpreter using Clojure and the Instaparse library. Dependencies First we create a deps.edn file to get Rich Hickey’s Clojure, Mark Engelberg’s Instaparse, the Midje test suite by Brian Marick, and...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

More Speaker Announcements: AI, XTDB, and the Foundations of LISP


Today we&aposre announcing our third cohort of speakers and workshop hosts for Heart of Clojure, after we announced the first five on Friday, and the second five on MondayAnna ColomIn the tech industry we&aposre no strangers to hype cycles, but the...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

PersistentHashMap, part 4 – Other matters


We continue our discussion of PersistentHashMap with a discussion of transiency and alternative F# coding techniques. The previous posts in this series are: Part 1: Making a hash of things (this post) Part 2: The root Part 3: The...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

PersistentHashMap, part 5 – At a loss


We look at performance of the new F# version of PersistentHashMap and compare it to the Clojure version. And in the end, declare ourselved mystified. This is the final post in a series on PersistentHashMap. The previous posts are: Part 1:...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How To Reduce Cloud Waste


For most applications today, saying you host them in your own data center will be like saying you generate your own electricity. Why pay all that capex to provision enough hardware to cover your peak loads, which may only happen once a year, and...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Next Batch of Heart of Clojure Speakers


As promised, today you learn who the next five speakers for Heart of Clojure are.Lu WilsonWe think it&aposs important, as a conference and as a community, to look beyond the tight-knit Clojure world. To create connections and see what we can learn...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

for when (clj.social)
submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

for when


Code ;; for_when.clj (for [x [:a :b] y (range 5) :when (odd? y)] [x y]) (for [x [:a :b] y '(1 3)] [x y]) (let [odd-y (filter odd? (range 5))] (for [x [:a :b] y odd-y] [x y])) (for [x [:a :b :c] y '(1 3)] [x y]) (for [x (range 1 7)...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

OSS Updates May and June 2024


This is a summary of the open source work I've spent my time on throughout May and June, 2024. There were lots of small bug fixes and reports, driven by work on the Clojure Data Cookbook. This work was also the impetus for my initial release of...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

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