[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I'm a big fan of a pizza stone. Wasn't too expensive and works well for reheating or fresh home-made pizza.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

To be harsh: if I read this cover letter, I would throw away this application, unless those named people are personal contacts and I could ask them about you.

  • The last two sentences of each paragraph say the same thing, and as someone else said, are weak.

  • Your very first sentence reads to me that you are looking for a jumping point to launch into other careers, and that you don't intend to stick around in this company you are applying to. No thanks.

  • "My aspiration is to make the most of my abilities while helping as many people as I can." This is one of those filler, vague statements that basically contains no useful information and only exists to lengthen your letter.

  • Details of your work experience should be in an attached resume. You could pick out one or two points and state how it will specifically benefit this company.

  • As mentioned above, don't include those names, unless they are known by the reader.

  • The info in the second paragraph is mostly fine, though condense it and try to be more specific about how your studies will improve their product. Something like... "My recent study of [specific field of psychology/sociology] has taught me that people react well to [specific about something that improves trust] and are more likely to trust an advertisement that [does this]."

The purpose of a cover letter is not to vaguely reiterate info in your resume. You want to connect with the reader and show them that you are interested in THEIR team/company. It seems like this is a marketing/advertising company. Be specific! Write your cover letter so that it only applies to this specific company. Point out one of their specific projects that you like and how your background/skills can create a similar/improved product. Research the company and say something about the company and how you think you would fit well on the team.

Follow the advice of givesomefucks and format it as a professional business letter. This should also include the company address at the top, as well as your contact/address at the top. Search for business letter templates.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Personally, I don't mind settings being in the bottom bar. But at the same time, I think what you have in mind would be fine too. I do like the idea of bookmarks in the bottom bar, as honestly, this wasn't something I was aware existed until I read your post and found bookmarks in the profile menu. Of course, it seems obvious now with the common bookmark button next to the upvote/downvote... I noticed I had some items bookmarked, likely accidental presses as a result the button's proximity to the up/downvote.

I came from eternity, which had that the profile and settings in the left bar, which I also thought was fine.

The one thing I do find inconsistent with the UI is how the app treats Subscribed, All, and Local versus individual communities. Clicking on Subscribed, All, or Local gives you the default UI with the navigation bar at the bottom, and then you can swipe to quickly go to another. However, clicking on a community in the left bar does not give you the bottom navigation bar and while you can click on another community to go to it, you cannot click on Subscribed, Local, or All to go to those aggregate feeds. You instead have to click the back button in the upper left on each individual community you navigated to.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 3 weeks ago

As someone that grades undergraduates, I'm happy that they not use the letter "x" to imply multiplication.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 4 weeks ago

"Sailing is like standing in a cold shower ripping up $100 bills."

I had a sailboat for a bit when I lived in Vegas. I absolutely loved sailing. I had a relatively small, cheap boat which was fine for lake mead. It was still expensive though. Everything continuously breaks on a boat.

If I hadnt gotten my dream job in Colorado I would have wanted to live near the ocean and own a sailboat.

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I spent quite a few hours getting an electric quadcopter together to acquire some kerbal surface scan missions that were far away. I finally got the thing flying super stable. However it's top speed is only about 40 m/s. Going to x2 time warp instantly makes the propellers move radially outward and then simply explode. Does anyone know of a way to successfully time warp with propellers and rotors? I tried moving the blades radially inward into the rotor a bit and turning on rigid attachment available under advanced tweakables. Neither worked.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago

Which of course translates to "The Bart, The".

I have three kale varieties and they are all doing really well. My spinach on the other hand is getting ravaged by some bug/pest that i haven't figured out yet.

Last year my kale got hit hard by aphids. I'm trying to avoid that this year by buying ladybugs.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

I switched to raccoon from eternity due to eternity not being updated anymore.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

Powerpoint is what made me originally vow to try to never use word or powerpoint again, about 15 years ago. I was making a mathematically-dense presentation and became so frustrated with it that I wanted to throw my computer out the window. I still was somewhat new to latex at the time but figured there had to be some way to make presentations in latex. Found beamer and have never used pp for a real presentation again.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My starting evac shelter was close to a small pond that had fish in it. I early on created some fish traps from gallon jugs and have been successfully fishing it. It is now summer day 66 and when I activated my reloaded fish trap as I had been doing regularly I received the message "You doubt you'll have much luck catching fish here."

What would be the explanation for why I received the message? Did I fish out all the fish? Do the ponds dry up? I looked at the water and it says "shallow water" though I have no idea if it was shallow water when I was successfully fishing as I never looked at the water tiles.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Made a Zandalari troll resto druid and immediately tried healing some dungeons. I was really bad at it. I'm guessing healers will have insta-queues when i get to 25 and can try raids for leveling.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Thanks for the tips! I fortunately stumbled upon a vehicle welding rig and a near pristine working solar car so drove it to the evacuee shelter and installed the welding rig. Building another big solar car to be a mobile base since i've never done vehicle construction before. The large electric motor seems up to the task. I'll have to be on the lookout for the advanced motor for the noise issue.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Upon logging in yesterday, my fps was complete garbage. Spent several hours trying different wine/proton versions. Eventually after some internet searching, it seems that WoW's in game graphics setting for Auto Detect graphics card wasn't actually using my graphics card. Changed this to my graphics card instead of auto-detect, and fixed immediately...

not sure exactly what changed. I think I had it on auto-detect forever with no issues, though I'm not certain, as I've never even really looked at that option in the graphics settings.

I run linux, so maybe its a wine/dxvk specific issue.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Oh, I didn't realize that the refugee center had useful things! I'm not a very experienced player and have never ventured there. Is Smokes simply a vendor? I just found the wiki page on the refugee center missions. Guess I need to go there! It's not too far from my starting location. I've been too focused on my car build.

Managed to have the right parts to craft a wire draw machine, so have also been supplementing my welding rods from batteries with welding wire from all the scrap copper that is easy to obtain/craft. With the welding wires, I am limited by hydrochloric acid.

Welding rods. (lemm.ee)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Holy cow building a car from scratch takes a lot of this stuff. This is the first game i've ever tried to build a car. I'm scrounging every house for light disposable batteries to craft the rods. Fortunately most houses have at least one in a flashlight. Is there another good reliable source for welding rods or wire?

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Nope. Played it all the way through when it first came out. But haven't touched it since then.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How does one change the terminal that Gnome Files uses when opening a directory in terminal using "Open in Terminal"? I'm trying to change the default to foot.

All my searching has led to

sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator

  Selection    Path                             Priority   Status
  0            /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper   40        auto mode
* 1            /usr/bin/foot                     20        manual mode
  2            /usr/bin/footclient               10        manual mode
  3            /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper   40        manual mode
  4            /usr/bin/koi8rxterm               20        manual mode
  5            /usr/bin/lxterm                   30        manual mode
  6            /usr/bin/uxterm                   20        manual mode
  7            /usr/bin/xterm                    20        manual mode

which I can select foot. But Gnome Files does not seem to respect this.

I've also tried directly editing

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec foot

where the default exec option is x-terminal-emulator. This also does not work.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

New debian user here. I'm using sway and have a script in my waybar config to look for upgrades and indicate if any are available. However, it typically doesn't find anything because I first need to run a sudo apt update first.

I don't really want to figure out someway to do a sudo through this script and was curious how gnome finds updates without me needing to enter a password.

It looks like I can use unattended upgrades to do the apt update.


though I don't want it to do upgrades until I do a sudo apt upgrade after being notified of upgrades. I created a 02periodic file in /etc/apt/apt.config.d as indicated, but I only included the lines

APT::Periodic::Enable "1";

APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";

Will this run an apt update every day for me? Is there any issue I'm unaware of in doing this? Thanks for any help!

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joined 1 year ago