
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

You can't know, because you know freedom units and in the soviet union there was no freedom

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

For what reason a fence?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Usually dmesg should tell you something. If you tried everything you can and the problem is still there, try it on Windows. If it works on Windows, then the gpu should be fine. Then I would try different kernels and maybe also try different drivers.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Somehow funny. Exactly 49,5cm. Not more or less.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Of course. I'm not happy about many things, but that doesn't give me the right to harass somebody.

They are not being harassed, but are being shown in this way that their intentions and behavior are more than just shit

Pointing out something politely is very different from jumping on a bandwagon and spamming an issue, or creating meme issues and meme pull requests. We should be better than that.

Is that really what we want? Anything slightly popular making a misstep to be hounded by an online mob?

This is not a misstep. They just don't want to hire developers for Winamp and rather try to outsource the work to others for no cost. And then they call it copyleft while forbidding anyone to do anything else with the source code except sending them pull requests. That's disrespectful, rude and simply shameless. This is fully calculated, not a misstep. If it was just a misstep, then I would agree with you about these meme pull requests and so on. Saying this, I absolutely understand why the receive such "feedback".

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

This whole thing sounds more like a way to get some pull requests to fix their product for free. That's not open source. The source code is simply available, that's all. In the first run they even prohibited to fork it (!!!) while it is necessary to work on this project. They may fixed it, but you are still not allowed to do anything with it, only provide free work. Of course people are not happy with it.

They should delete this repo and change their license if they want contributors for free. Or just hire programmers for money.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

You described a problem you have with an OS you use, which I fix every day at work. No Linux, just Windows. It is the most normal thing, that drivers might not work or the Hardware is faulty. We often have to change something, try different things and you don't need Linux to tinker around, the Windows environment offers enough opportunity to do so. And your problem sounds like a driver problem or maybe faulty hardware. It has nothing to do with Linux.

You definitely don't work in IT, otherwise you wouldn't mentioned printing. Printers are evil beings itself and these fuckers don't care wich OS you use, they just don't want to work properly. Hardware supports depends on the kernel. That's normal, Windows 7 also doesn't support newest hardware. There is still nothing specific Linux. Regarding UI: KDE Neon is great, try it.

Yeah, Windows has problems. But those arise more typically for advanced users (and that's including Windows 11 being more and more broken over time).

Would this be true, I probably would need to change my profession.

But until the more boring stuff gets worked out, it'll still be hard for it to be used more commonly, and thus harder for it to get more funding and usage as well.

Because of your ethernet problem? I understand that you are mad for the problems you have now, but I wouldn't use your experience with the ethernet NIC as a basis for the question how good all Linux distributions are usuable for everyday work.

Idk, maybe it's just Debian based distros these days and I'm behind in the curve. Fedora based ones like Bazzite haven't given me issues so far at least.

Look, drivers get updated or introduced in newer Linux kernels. You could decide which distribution you want to use depending on the kernel. amdgpu got fucked up since a specific release and my RX580 won't work if it loads, so I am still using an older kernel. In Windows the drivers crashes often sadly. You need to look how well a specific hardware works and then decide which kernel you should use. We always do this on work with Windows and it is really needed, because manufactures sometimes don't really care about there drivers and compatibility with newer Windows 10 versions or Windows 11.

This is probably also the reason why you got downvoted so much, because you describe a generic, OS independent problem and then you blame Linux kernel for it and all Linux distributions, while you are using a specific distribution named Linux Mint. If you replace Linux with Window in your rant, it would be the same way wrong. But I hope that your problem gets fixed. You are free to describe your problem in specific communities, they probably might find a solution with you together.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

With Kamila there is no white man anymore in USA. They will all be forced to do medical stuff like operations and so on to change skin color. Then there will be a special department which will decide if you are not white anymore. The opposite will happen with Trump. Liberal content creators really are a special thing.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

How is this a explicit Linux problem?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

NATO now deciding what is a red line or not lol

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

There is nothing progressive in the KPRF. Its a shame how the party of the Bolshevik revolution absolutely degenerated in over 100 years

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 weeks ago

Enough anarchist are fine with supporting NATO. "Critical Support" this is called.

Anarchism is bourgeois individualism in reverse. Individualism as the basis of the entire anarchist world outlook.

It is more compatible with bourgeois ideology than someone may think. Maybe you can give some exemples where you read this headlines, posts on Reddit are also OK.


I was in a museum today which not only had skeletons of dinosaurs and many other animals, but also a bird exhibition consisting of stuffed animals. And in the section for pigeons, I was finally able to admire the largest species of pigeon.

Of course I also bought a souvenir: small book about the history of pigeons and their relationship to humanity from ancient times till today. And it also it contains beautiful pictures of paintings containing pigeons. I will read this book to my two pigeons so they can learn more about their relatives

This big pigeon is called victoria crowned pigeon. Can get 75 cm tall (30 in) and reach a weight of 3,5 kg (7.7 lb).


They make a huge mess, but I am used to it. They are cuddling the most time there. I just provide them fresh water every day.



I am using Voyager as a client for Lemmygrad and I would like to start posting videos on my Community named pigeon. I have only the option to post pictures. Do I need to use some other site where I have to upload it or is maybe my client missing the option.

Thank you in advance for your help

yawn (

She is tired from basically doing nothing

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was treated by pigeons in a superior manner to that which I was treated by my parents or other humans. In light of this profound insight, I developed an alternative theory, namely pigeonism, which represents a significant improvement on communism.

Pigeons are demonstrably superior to humans, and thus the means of production should rightfully belong to them. This insight was revealed to me in a dream. Social equality can be defined as pigeon equality. Those who exploit pigeons, including capitalists, birds of prey, falconers and humans who cook and eat pigeons, will be incarcerated in a facility akin to the Gulag, where they will be compelled to work and undergo re-education to foster their appreciation for pigeons. The severity of the crime will determine the length of incarceration.

Pigeons are cool.


Some explanations regarding myself:

I am happily married. My first relationship I had with 15 till I got 18. We got in contact through a role playing group online and just liked each other. 2011 I bought my first smartphone and after I got 18 few months later, I met my actual wife through a mutual friend. So I I never thought "I need to find someone so badly omg omg" or whatever, it just happened.

Tbh I somehow think and thought that this is the normal way. My parents, grandparents met the the same way. My cousin got his fiance also the same way and and and. Same goes for known Bolsheviks, their children liked each other and got together.

Few years ago I realised Reddit exist and looked for programming and bird groups. But I also found people talking about meeting people and dating.

First thing: Dating apps and this swiping stuff. It is pretty sus and I can't imagine this works. It is like looking for a new car. Humans are not cars. I saw screenshots, where people mention their political views, what they like or not like. This has to be some joke, I don't know. Not everyone is good in describing themself.

Second: People talked about is: height. I saw some screenshots from people complaining about this. I thought to myself, that this is probably some weird US shit again, buuuut now I hear about this here too.

This isn't real isn't? Or at least not that common? Something about, that you have to be at least 6 freedom units tall, or 7,8,9 idk. However 5 with something is to small and than you have stupid ass people called incels, which wants to kill women or perform plastic surgery on themself.

I mean, being small is annoying because there are spots I can't reach easily. Wife is smaller than me, she has to ask me. A female friend we have is over 180cm tall and she is lucky to be easy reach anything. On the other hand: Do you know how upper arm circumference over 40cm looks on someone who is 174cm tall? Absolute great. When you are 190cm tall, its more meh. But srsly, this all are minor things. It has the same relevance like if you like apples or pears more.

For myself it looks like I am experiencing a new kind of thinking or culture whatever. This is a western thing probably idk.

Bebel wrote a great book called Woman and Socialism. It shows great the genesis and development of marriage, partnership and what capitalism did to it. So many things absolutely still are valid and apply. The things I see here I of course a consequence of capitalism:

The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil [...]

But still wtf is this development at all. I never heard something about height, jawlines, whatever when my peers were dating or had a boyfriend, girlfriend. What happend?

Tap for spoilerSuch apps are a data privacy nightmare. 100% they are collecting data and selling it.


This is long text.

I have met many people from a lot of nationalities in the internet. US-Americans are a special thing in the internet, but I don't know how it is in the land of the free itself. Probably the stupid ones keep staying on the internet, while others behave like "normal" people, but I don't know for sure.

A majority of people lives on an other continent. They have internet as well and they also can speak english. Why assume, that they do not exist? Look, I don't like clichés. But in far eastern Europe there was always this cliché about US-Americans, that they are ignorant as fuck. Living in western Europe today, this cliché is still present, that's something people like to think.

And I really don't know how to feel about that, I think there is a tendency that this cliché may apply. Not because "people are dumb hahaha", but more how the US propaganda works. Like it makes them defaulting to USA most of the time.

I was always aware, that there is a world outside, no matter how many friends had and people I met. Even when I visited school, it was always clear, that other countries exist, they are present and they also may have other laws, morals, cultures. Let me repeat it: Other laws, different morals and culture.

On social media plattforms like Reddit and YouTube, where US Americans are not an absolute majority, it is easy to experience. I am also not talking about topics which are obviously centred around the US.

Few example:

Everything related to age is an absolute clusterfuck and you better not engage in any of suchs discussions. They can't comprehend, that it is different somewhere, like in the most of the world. Some 13yo child murdered his mother and was then charged as an adult. Sounds stupid for me, to be honest.

But it were most of the time US-Americans who absolutely supported this decision:

  • Only an adult could have so much criminal energy, so he should be threatened like one.
  • He planned it and showed so much brutality, only an adult could do this.
  • I hope he dies in pain

I asked if it is OK now, if this 13yo adult could vote, drink alcohol and also have sex with people 40 years older then he is. I mean he is treated like he is an adult. After that, peak mental gymnastics were applied on me and I was not liked that much. They were just angry at me. And didn't give me an proper explanation, why this 13yo old is now an adult.

However I was blocked few days ago from commenting in a post in a subreddit, because I kept saying that being 17 doesn't mean to be a child. There is need to differ. I know that this is legally different in other countries, but this matter won't be resolved by insisting: "I live in the USA and in my state you are a child if you are under 18 and I don't care" where you all live". - I am not lying, that was something I read.

US fucking legal system is the standard for the entire world. For real, I rather receive an unsolicited dickpic, where I can at least block the person or inform mods/admins, but there is no way avoid a unsolicited legal advice, why you should sue your neighbour according to law in Florida, despite obviously living somewhere 5000km (3106 miles in freedom units) far away in a different country. I understand the intention, its a friendly one. But this happens on international social media sites. And it happens often.

Also no point in talking about prison sentences. While people which are unluckily not living in Freedomland has the tendency to understand and accept, that there are differences in each country and someone may like or dislike it, pure ignorance is striking many in US Americans. But why, even if you point out that you are from somewhere else? Because morals!

It is morally correct to do x,y and z. But not a,b and c. Why is it morally correct? Because there is an everlasting, unchangeable moral in the world which is rooted in the USA. When is this card used? Often when something is illegal in Freedomland, but legal in the majority of other countries.

Morality is not the right thing to decide if something is OK or not. In some places in the wide world it is morally wrong to be gay and Ramsan Kadyrow will make sure that this moral principle there will stay for sure. This is an other topic of course.

Its like you are desperately trying stay in denial. I thought once that probably some younger people behave that way. Being young means, that you are probably developing in a different pace then others in you age. Many things have an influence if you behave more like a child or an adult. Being very very young also means to believe into absolute things. This usually should change till adulthood. But no, older Yankees prefer to behave the same. What kind of brainwashing is USA performing on their population!? It is absolute effective.

The last thing is easily observed on Reddit. Also on Facebook and YouTube. But Reddit is full of this. They have such an fetish with pedophilia, it is absolutely an insult to vicitms and also a relativization of it. Its like they are actively searching for any clues for anything remote probably illegal by the law of a yankee state.

I indeed feel insulted, if they start calling something pedophilia, if it is indeed not. I experienced very bad things as a child and I also met other victims. But it were almost always USians on Reddit on YouTube who handled this matter with such disrespect. It always sounds more like an excuse for canalising their rage towards someone, never real care for victims of sexual abuse and violence - adult or child. Discussing that or making your point in this matter is like talking with a gorilla, which starts throwing shit at you as soon as you make a sound.

At least I rarely read something about their racist system in categorising people. Something about black, the Caucasus and Spain. But OK, this is present for a long time there and people are used to it. This doesn't change fast.

I actually somehow accepted this stubbornness and the urge to be in denial and I just think my part. I am sure, very sure that those morons don't represent the entire US population. I know and met people from US in a political context and they were totally normal people. But maybe they were it that way, because they are well educated communists?

I met younger and older reactionary people from Russia, Britain, Germany, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Moldavia and Chechen. Reactionary? Yes. But even they were not really comparable with US-Americans on Reddit, Facebook or YouTube.

There is something very wrong with people in USA and I think capitalism is to blame for it. Where can I find US-Americans, where this cliché from the Soviet Union about them, don't apply so easily? Or am I dumb and don't see them, because the annoying ones are so annoying that it is easy to notice them?

Thank you very much if you read it all. It took a very long for me to write it all and I am proud, that I did it without DeepL!

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