I always remembered that one as "perfect is the enemy of done."
Der hier ist auch nett. Insbesodere die bisher recht treffende Vorhersage einer internen Exxon-Studie aus dem Jahr trommelwirbel 1982 https://xkcd.com/2500/
I once read a comment from someone working for a company that cleaned out houses that - for one reason or another - haven't been inhabited for some time. First rule he got told was to always just tape the fridge shut and drive it directly to the landfill.
Schon mal über ein fixed gear nachgedacht? ;-)
along the Pegnitz/Wöhrder See you'll find a lovely bike path to cross Nurenberg from east to west. Some of the other roads can be a bit hit and miss in regards to cycling, but in general you will be able to find a nice route with a bit of searching.
A propos family friendly neighbourhood: I haven't heard anything bad about the northeast (and nothing of concern about the rest of the city). Rent did rise significantly in the last decade, though.
closest MTB Area I know of would be the "Winterleite" near Kalchreuth.
I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max extract pressure pro model 60. Can you help me with that?