
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm going to be honest, Klingons in the TNG era always felt too goofy to me. They weren't a proud warrior culture so much as borderline clownish space vikings who spent more time getting drunk than actually conquering anything. A redesign and change in how their culture(s) present on screen was welcome for me, and I think Discovery did a great job. I even liked the way they recontextualized the Klingon language, to make it sound more alien and more threataning than the staccato, oft-mispronounced mess that we got in the TNG era.

That said, I also think there was a missed opportunity with them. For a long time, I've had a head canon of the different looks of Klingons throughout all of the eras could be chalked up to these all being distinct peoples from within the Klingon Empire. It stands to reason that over a long enough time scale, an empier spanning multiple stars would start to consider people not originally from their homeworld "Klingon," even if they might be genetically different. I always thought it would be cool if the TOS smooth forehead Klingons were actually just one species that were culturally Klingon, where the Worf-type were another, and the General Chang type was yet another. It would provide a way to smooth over the aeshetic differences with an in-universe explanation that doesn't require any retconning except for a handful of episodes from ENT that die-hards didn't like anyway.

But oh, well. One can dream.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Xfce might be the choice here, since most of benefits of Wayland won't really apply to this machine (from an end user perspective) and it is relatively lightweight.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Been hearing a lot about Hyprland, will probably check it out even if I don't end up using it on this build.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

How does loading up a game through steam work with that? I'm a big fan of Sway (and i3) but I don't use them on gaming focused systems at all, so I'm curious.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I've bound a few PDFs, but I typically leave the cover looking very simple.

For zines, I print them on nicer paper and sew them together instead of stapling. For things I intend to be more durable, I make stiffened paper bindings with actual front and back cover boards (usually covered in construction paper).

I love doing this with PDFs, it's much nicer and more personal than putting them on an iPad or something.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Go for the Dynavap. It's the thing that feels the most like smoking to me, but you get the benefits of it not tasting like an ashtray and it being slightly better for your lungs. They're cheap enough that it's not a huge financial outlay either.

It's not the only vape I use and like, but its the one I use the most often.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hoping the bug with Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro is fixed so it doesn't take up a huge amount of CPU resources to run effects. I had a really cool set of effects going that I just couldn't use because of this.

To be fair though, that isn't fully OpenRGB'S fault, I think the bug is actually in the effects plugin, not the main application.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You can use it on Arch too. It's probably worth checking out the whole Power Management page on the wiki, but in short, the major desktop environments all have hooks for these options, and there are a lot of options for supplementary packages to power-profiles-daemon that you might find helpful.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thank you ☺️

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It's been several years since I worked with Manjaro, so I don't remember which specific apps I ran into problems with, but the general idea is this:

Manjaro holds back packages for several weeks behind vanilla Arch, so packages from the AUR are often built on versions of their dependencies that aren't yet available to Manjaro users. This can result in apps not installing properly (or at all), or apps that were previously installed without issue suddenly breaking when they attempt to update.

This isn't actually specific to Manjaro -- other Arch-derivatives like Garuda can also run into this problem. You'll find that any Arch-based distro that makes significant changes to Arch (like holding back packages, or distributing versions of packages different to the ones in the Arch repositories) can have issues if it's attempting to use things from the AUR. Arch derivatives that make no changes to the base system, and just use the vanilla Arch repositories don't have this problem. Endeavour OS is an example of this, as the only changes it makes are additive -- they have their own extra packages, but don't change any core functionality from vanilla Arch.

EposVox on youtube ran into some issues with Garuda about a year ago, and those are of the same flavor as what I experienced on Manjaro, even if they aren't identical issues.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I do have one note of caution for anyone considering Manjaro: For most uses it's totally fine, but if you plan to make heavy use of the AUR, tread carefully -- because it updates on a different cycle from vanilla Arch, there can sometimes be unforeseen breakages in AUR packages. If it's a gaming-only machine, this will likely not be a problem, but if you plan to also daily drive it as a general purpose workstation, this might be a deal breaker.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Endeavour is what I recommend for people who are technical but not interested in setting up Arch from scratch. It's about as close to Vanilla Arch as you can get while having an installer and sane defaults. It's kind of perfect for gaming, where up to date packages can be the difference between a game working flawlessly and that same game being a choppy mess.

I set my partner up with it, and they've had a very easy time running all their favorite games from Elden Ring to Valheim. No headaches required!

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