[-] [email protected] 3 points 7 hours ago

You got me thinking a bit on this one. One possibility is if you want to make a bet on it failing to deliver value in the near future, look at the companies whose stock prices have fallen on the fear of AI putting them out of business. For example, Concentrix does call center outsourcing and their stock is down significantly from their 2022 peak, partially on the expectation that AI is going to take business from them. Now, their profit margin is tiny and they don't seem to be growing much, so I don't know that they are a great investment, but there could be upside if the negative cloud of AI is removed. There are probably better examples out there, this one just came to mind.

Note: I have not done any research on this idea or on Concentrix and don't know if this is a good idea, but at least less risky than shorting the AI hype.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

I have the Wahl MC3 color-coded set. Apparently they still make the same model and for just a little bit more than I paid for it (on Amazon).

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

Hair clippers. I bought a set at Target for about $30 about 16-17 years ago after several bad haircuts in a row from the various chain barbers. I just have a simple men's cut and figured I probably wouldn't do worse than them and could always shave it off and call it a learning experience if I messed things up too badly.

It definitely took time to get decent at trimming the back and I had to have my wife help me sometimes while I got the hang of it, but at $20+ per haircut every 4-5 weeks, I figure I've saved almost $4k so far and it still works. I saved even more if my alternative was to pay up for a better salon to do the work.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I don't have a Linux PC, but I have Skyrim heavily modded on my Steam Deck. It has been quite a while since I set it up and I know very little about Linux, but if you search for tutorials for Steam Deck instead of Linux, you might find what you need.

I'm definitely using SKSE and this may or may not be the guide I used to add it: https://retroresolve.com/guides/install-skse-on-steam-deck/ (I don't remember the details, but I spent several evenings getting all my mods set up when I first got my deck).

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The only use case I can see for Access is when you absolutely must have a database and your company will not provide you a real database solution. I have experience with both, but haven't touched Access in years (and hope to never do so again). To be fair, I also regularly use Excel for things that I should probably be using Word for because it is easier to get formatting right in Excel.


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