
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Seriously, Elon is speedrunning the destruction of twitter

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just removing all mods isn’t really the answer. Mods have a purpose, removing them all will lead to chaos in some subs. The John Oliver pictures aren’t just malicious compliance, they are also a taste of things to come without mods. Maybe Automod can remove some of the worst stuff, but excessively posting flowers in a sub for cars is just as detrimental and is totally at the whim of the mods to follow up on this. Since this is all about money, I cannot see a professional moderation team in the books. Additionally professionalized content moderation is much more complicated for Reddit than it is for other companies like Facebook. They just have to check against their “community guidelines”, but Reddit has a lot of cases, where something useful in one sub can be despised in another. I’d like to know what the endgame is.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Twitter‘s real world relevance is highly overvalued. Journalists who practically live there instead of doing journalist stuff elevating its cultural impact manifold. Mastodon shows how much of this impact is lost, if there aren’t enough promoters. The grassroots picture Twitter painted of itself wasn’t ever close to true, it was just a single-way microphone for narcissists. Reddit‘s cultural value is highly underrated in comparison and I believe a good alternative can catch enough nexus posters who will keep good content coming. As with every FOSS project the biggest enemies of success are the people within. Lemmy (as Mastodon) has a lot of difficulties with fracturing due to its federated nature and the differentiation between kbin and Lemmy is already divisive for the community. I hope the more technical minded audience of Reddit is able to overcome these barriers for entry and find a new home here.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

DayZ, PUBG and Tarkov gave a lot of devs the illusion they could compete in a live service multiplayer market if their games was just good enough. But these examples aren’t really that economically viable to support in the long run (DayZ hasn’t ever pulled their highs of twitch viewership in the actual game) or have been outstandingly innovative. Even established publishers and studios struggle getting a live service game off the ground and supporting it long time. The truth is: only very few have time for more than one of theses games and that market is highly saturated. While a singleplayer-first game has a long tail and can be bought, promoted and updated as demand and popularity cycles (No Man‘s Sky, Skyrim, Hitman 3, etc.) live service games need to capture all of their audiences attention all the time to stay economically viable. I don’t know how so many devs and even established publishers could jump on that band waggon. Suddenly you aren’t just competing with another similar game, but with every game all the time and additionally every other medium that takes time to consume away from your game.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

With Microsoft suddenly gaining ground with bing and Google not getting anything other than mail and search off the ground, I comfortably say: fuck Google for whatever, go shitty go broke

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

There are two actors who are really against WFH: on the hand hand highest echelons of management who know they probably have these buildings as part of their balance sheet and need its valuation to stay high, to borrow against. And on the other hand banks and investors who financed buildings like this and have them on their balance sheet and need its valuation to stay high to leverage against. These guys use manipulative media to make this a moral judgement call of work ethics and propagate theses ideas of „working hard = working from the office“ to middle management who are generally just regurgitating these statements. The results will be devastating, since companies acting in their or their banks‘ short term valuation interest will in turn bleed the most crucial talent left and right. I am working in and around IT and every developer or admin who is really, really good either has better WFH conditions than the rest or has a new job by now already. Everyone else comes to the office. This commercial real estate bubble needs to pop fast and WFH and voluntary hybrid models (not everyone has the office space at home or wants to WFH, some capacity should be reserved for them) become the norm, so companies can focus on their business again.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I actually don’t think this has anything to do with standing up for their users but is a simple cost/benefit analysis: building compromised E2E-communication that is still reasonably secure against bad actors is much more difficult (if not impossible) than building robust E2E-communication. Apple just doesn’t want to lose business users over headlines like „iOS messaging used by Chinese spies to steal US trade secrets“, while headlines about how difficult it is for government agencies to unlock iPhones probably drive sales. Nothing morally or ethical here, only profits.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Picking up games I am currently playing on my gaming PC like the RE-engine Resident Evils and remakes or Jedi and Hogwarts have been my best experiences so far. Yes, graphical fidelity isn’t as good, but the general seamlessness gives serious Switch vibes, but for modern games instead of the more „mobile“ feeling of the average Switch game.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I only own Linux and macOS devices, except for my gaming PC. With Steamdeck and SteamOS I am really hopeful to eliminate this last Windows installation in the next few years.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Can someone maybe post the contents?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I find it so comical, that is Nintendo fans are saying something so logical and uncontroversial, yet say it with a lot of doubt, since Nintendo could very well fuck us over for no gain at all.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Yes I think SONY will be able to shape the refresh to a degree and Slim will make much more sense than Pro. But there is some headroom left for ray tracing, maybe the Pro is focusing on that?

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