[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

“I’ve heard statements [from other soldiers] that the hostages are dead, they don’t stand a chance, they have to be abandoned,” Green noted. “[This] bothered me the most … that they kept saying, ‘We’re here for the hostages,’ but it is clear that the war harms the hostages. That was my thought then; today it turned out to be true.”

This right here low-key bothers me most about the Israeli position. This war isn't about freeing hostages. You wouldn't blow up every building, every Hamas tunnel when you knew that somewhere these hostages have to be held AND you cared about their well-being.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 6 days ago

Absolute insanity. When I'm seeing these things around the world and now in Ukraine I'm always trying to see a logical explanation, some twisted cynical reasoning for why you bomb these vulnerable civilian targets, and I can't find anything. It's just cruelty. Ukrainians aren't going to surrender because of this, people and nations never have before. It just makes resistance to your war that much more defiant. If you bomb a childrens hospital, it's just because you want to punish people for not letting you win.

The second part that hurts is that this changes so little in the grand scheme. Maybe some guy who was living under a rock who was skeptical changes his mind about this invasion. But the vast majority of Russian internet propagandists, pro-Russia politicians in parliaments in the EU and around the world and people blinded by Putins lies will find some pathetic excuse to deny and deflect. And in a week the next atrocity occurs somewhere

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Great, so the left wing isn't that important for a Biden victory. If he loses it's just on him then. This whole post is superfluous

[-] [email protected] 8 points 4 weeks ago

It's still June, it's still months till the election. People still are entitled to voice their opinion about Bidens policies and demand he takes more steps to the left leveraging the only power they have, their vote. If people can't demand better policies now, when there is so much time left for Bidens team to course change, when are they allowed? It's crazy to see these types of posts since the democratic primaries.

As many people in this thread have already pointed out, Joe Biden can enact right wing policy after right wing policy, damaging the support of his core voter base for the slight chance that some Trump fanatic votes for him. But you can't expect him to try to convince left wing people by enacting progressive stuff, even though none of the candidates currently campaign for them?

It's insane that in the US, people on the left at the same time have the power to lose Biden the election by not voting for him and have not enough power to get any attention from him. I believe if Trump wins again, it is entirely on Biden and the DNC that they chose this candidate and this course, not having learned anything in 2016.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago

Yes, congratulations, you have suddenly become aware that building support for an election starts slightly sooner than a week before election day.

Thanks, Pug. I wasn't aware.

But to be serious, these posts like yours started at the primaries, even longer before the election than now, with the same messaging: Leftists that don't want an even bigger shift to the right in democratic policies should not complain, or else they are at fault for Trump term number two. That's crazy. Maybe, just maybe, the DNC can do something themselves to prevent Trump. Instead of blackmailing supporters, they could do something these supporters like.

If you’re 3% of a coalition that wins by 1%, you’re big enough to sink the entire coalition if you throw a hissy fit over being asked to join up against a literal fascist, but not big enough to warrant losing the support of, say, 40% of the coalition.

If someone is only 3% or even lower of your base, but you depend on them or else you don't get the majority, these 3% don't just get a 3% say in the coalition. The majority has to make bigger concessions than they want. That's how 2+ party coalitions work in other parliaments. Smaller parties aren't just there to be dragged by a chain to vote for everything the bigger party/parties want them to, just for little treats here or there.

Also, I don't think only 3% want a ceasefire or don't want republican immigration policies enacted by their own candidate, it's considerably more people.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm looking at my calendar and wondering, it's not November right? It's still June, or isn't it? As an outsider, why are American leftists basically being called fascist enablers when they are only protesting and demanding reasonable, better policies? And yes, they leverage their only political power they have in the USA, their vote, in June months before the election, to get better policies. Wow what an undemocratic move of them.

Now they are demonized for it, at the same time I've seen nothing here last week when Biden enacted a right wing immigration law with an executive order. So it's okay to try to sway republicans, even though the GOP has racist views on lock as their USP.

It's like they are Schrödingers leftists: powerful enough to prevent Biden from being reelected and it's totally their fault if Trump wins, not the democratic party, but not powerful enough to receive any compromises because they are such a small voter base and so radical with their demands of stopping a genocide and protecting illegal immigrants.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

And you get there with half an A press. If TJ """Henry""" mocks you, shoot him

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago

Is the president not at fault at all when he doesn't change his course? Also a majority of people seem to favor a ceasefire. Why not at least for campaign purposes actually enforce a ceasefire from Netanyahu?

[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 months ago

I don't get this Schrödingers democracy thing here. The American people should save democracy by voting for Biden to stop Trump. But they can't make demands against the pro-Israeli positions of Biden. You aren't even in the real election phase, the election is in six months, and people can't criticize or demand better action from their own elected president. Hell, I've seen these kinds of memes since the primaries, which are meaningless for Bidens candidacy except that you can send signals that you maybe have to change your course. But nothing has changed at all since then either, only empty words. How is this democratic then?

I'm not even saying that Biden has to do everything the most radical people on the pro-Palestine side demand. But Biden doesn't even try to find a compromise. He could maybe leverage the power that the American government has over Israel to stop the bombing of Gaza. If he feels brave he could even demand the stop on more settlements.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago

But they ... DO something about this issue in-between elections. They are protesting and demanding the Biden administration to change their course. That is political action. What else are they supposed to do? Anything other than playing with the political power that's left to them?

Everybody against those demanding a harder approach against Netanjahu's genocidal campaign and threatening their votes is talking about how these people have to save democracy by voting Biden regardless of what he's doing. Well, isn't that part of a democracy?

[-] [email protected] -2 points 4 months ago

Yeah, when you sell loot boxes of digital skins that are widely used on 3rd party illegal e-sports gambling sites, you make billions. Great job, Valve. Ever wonder why e-sports teams have these "BETKING360"-sponsors? It's because young men have money to gamble with and the potential for being the next generation of gambling addicts. Valve knows that, it just doesn't facilitate gambling directly. It just plays bank

I have no love for Gabe Newell, even if he has these charming video skits he sometimes does for TI or whatever

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