[-] [email protected] 6 points 12 hours ago

I always loved the one looking longingly out at the cat… you can tell there’s a higher calling keeping him there, but he desperately wants to dog.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

For sure… I was trying to imply that they had a bunch of jokes specifically about him getting shot at, which might now be considered in poor taste.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

I really hope it’s just because they didn’t have time to rewrite the jokes ;-)

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

Worst experience. Fairly new at a dotcom and moving from the satellite office to the big-time (same building as these loosers who were trying to do DVDs by mail, LOL ;-) and getting the shown around and introduced to various department heads.

Met the VP of IT and Sr. Systems admin, joked that it looked like they lived there… found out they had been battling a nasty virus all weekend that had infected most of our desktops and was evading our standard AV package, it was taking several runs of a special cleaner or just a wipe/reinstall.

Got introduced to lots of other folks, learned many more things, almost entirely forgot about the virus. A few hours later I’m waiting for my boss to finish a “quick” meeting I wasn’t invited to and getting bored. But I want to seem like a responsible employee (and I was caught up with /. from earlier in the day) so I decided to log in and check my email.

And the inbox boings start. Don’t even have a functioning desktop yet and I can literally hear the virus spreading across the office. I’d manage to pick an old desktop in the IT area that hadn’t been cleaned yet. Fortunately a lot of computers were still off from the cleanup effort, so my fuckup was limited to a 6-7 systems, but that was still hours of additional work for the small IT team after they had already given up their weekend.

It’s definitely not the worst virus I’ve ever had to deal with with. But it was definitely the most visible/shameful virus related fuckup I’ve ever been responsible for.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

Wouldn’t work unless it was more expensive or fragile than the router ;-)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

So just a personal theory then?

There was definitely a time when I would have called this seriously tinfoil-hat… but given the stuff that keeps coming out, the industries support for community recycling programs that they knew would never work, etc. I’m giving it a 7/10 for probably and a 10/10 for creativity ;-)

Personally I tend to believe that generally well meaning people thought that paper straw technology would continue to improve, didn’t involve PFAS or microplastics… or that we’d all carry around a personal straw. But I do love the smoke filled room of mad men architecting a masterful conspiracy propped on the plastic shoulders of the humblest of columns.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Got any more info on the plastic straw plot? Because I’d love for that to be true, but I’m just getting craploads of articles saying the opposite.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago

What else ya’ got under that rock? Cuz’ these things brick themselves if you miss a monthly payment on your ink subscription.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

1x40P Male L-11.96mm or the next one should work.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

~~“Machined pin 0.1 headers” are the fancy kind.~~ Just get the males from the same listing, I’ve never seen them sold loose.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Okay, it probably doesn’t really qualify because it’s; new, high-budget, directed by Zac Snyder, etc. But hear me out. This hot mess starts with space-nazis vs space-vikings, takes a turn through Star Wars, Oceans Eleven, space-Rome, and a few tropes that defy easy space-hyphenation.

To say the plot makes almost no sense would be generous. I’m loathed to spoil the greater arc here, but the plot does hinge on a village on the edge of space being forced to harvest grain in order to feed a passing army… there’s probably a Kurosawa reference here somewhere, but good movies just aren’t my jamb so I wouldn’t know ;-)

As I stare at the frozen credits at the end of part two and contemplate my life I have to note that there must actually have been footage cut from this movie (you’ll understand if you watch it) because they credit a Snake Wrangler!

So, if you have 4-5 hours of free time this weekend, a Netflix account you haven’t already cancelled, and are allergic to nice weather, I humbly submit, for your consideration: Rebel Moon parts I & II.

………. (All the periods I probably should have used)

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