[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

I think they "can". Provided certain conditions (like the relative maturity and reciprocal consent and attraction etc.) are met, there is nothing inherently bad.

Not sure why you ask a question if you don't care to get a reply...

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

You could simply make your argument. If you can't support your point, than maybe it's not that clear after all. It seems you assume everything you believe is self-evident.

Anyway, I respect your wish to be out, so won't engage further.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I don't know, that's my point. I guess I would consider what is generally the law, plus if I had to pass jusgement I would want to know more on a case-by-case basis.

I suppose there are cases where 20-25 is already a huge age gap that I would consider creepy. People are wildly different.

[-] [email protected] -3 points 1 week ago

I disagree with your safe bet then.

I also don't think child predators end up marrying and making children with their victims (or at least is uncommon?). I am very aware of the relationship between religious people and abuses. This has very little in common with it: it is right there in the open, it is a long-lasting relationship, she was not a child (although much younger), we don't have any pattern (as usual comes up in cases of abuse) etc.

Your argument is literally about the age gap, rephrasing it as "middle-aged and minor" doesn't mean much (also at 18 she was not a minor and you don't know when they actually started a relationship, do you?). Also I didn't say anything about what she looked (strawman), I just said that at 18 you are not a child anymore, let alone at 22. You get the right to vote and to do what you want in many countries, in many places at 19-20 people already have kids and are married (especially in rural areas). These are mostly social convention that have to do with how society function and is organized.

Again, I find this depiction of people at 18 as children an unnecessary infantilization of the population.

Also mine are not scare quotes, are a way to signify that I am using that term without really meaning it, which I think is what quotes are sometimes meant to be used for.

The fact is, the "limit" above which the age gap becomes creepy/predatory is arbitrary, it's cultural, it's based on moral stances but it's not in any case objective, and personal situations can anyway vary (I.e. some people at 18 are very mature, other are very immature). Where do you put the limit? Tom Haverford rule (half the age + 2)?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

You can of course have your own morale, but there is nothing objective. I cannot personally relate to that either, but I also acknowledge that this is purely cultural and therefore relative and possibly temporary. I find the arguments that by definition label it as wrong or worse grooming to be moralistic and - to some extent - bigoted. Even if directed towards a person that probably is a bigot himself etc.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

There are almost 30 different countries in Europe. They also have quite different cultures and policies around immigration (for example).

Who are you talking about, specifically?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

To me it sounds like a conjecture based on prejudices. Also, I think that women are not necessarily dolls completely subjects to the will of men simply because they are older (and therefore capable of who knows what long-lasting convincing), but humans with autonomy, capable of taking their own decisions.

I don't see what his shitty political views have to do with the lack of information we have to judge the specific dynamics of their relationship.

The only argument here really is a moralistic one (big age gap), which is something I would expect from conversatives, not from progressive people. Instead I see moralism and infantilization under the pretence of protecting "children".

[-] [email protected] -5 points 1 week ago

OK, but it's a big IF, it's as much as a conjecture as assuming she is in for the money. We don't know when they actually started having a relationship, we don't know if any "grooming" happened, nor to what extent, we don't know when they decided to get married.

Also, they seem to have met when she was 18. That's already not a child (which means it can hardly be called grooming). Plus, grooming is not like a lifetime spell, it's something that victims blames themselves for usually, but not something that they never realize.

To me it seems they simply have a very big age difference.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Someone else in the thread has posted an article. They married in 2011, she completed highschool in 2007. She must have been 21-22 when she married. Not really a child (but also nothing tells us she is in for the money, obviously!).


https://prospect.org/politics/how-republican-rep-john-rose-found-his-wife/ The article above reports she is from 1989, apparently.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Over nextcloud probably the e2ee. I suppose soon they will also integrate this better with email (like you can attach directly and save directly from email), so the seamless integrations with the rest of the products will probably amount to other benefits over time.

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