[-] [email protected] -4 points 1 week ago

This kind of pisses me off, because it proves lefties won't really go hard regarding organisation or in regards the ballots, unless an existential threat pops it's head out.

Like we see nationalist populism on the rise in Europe, as as an alternative to the limp dick, mainstay, do nothing, "austerity measure solves everything" approach of those sycophantic, weasley bootlickers known as "the liberals" - i.e, the Tories, Renaissance (Macron), Tusk's party, and come to think of it: every other liberal leading party in Europe, whose been controlling narrative and economy for over half a century.

The EU has been saying that we can't have a race to the bottom like we've been doing, but make no mistake: the liberals want that more than anything. It's why these "free market" exploiters have been relying on wage slavery in China since the 50s, in effect propping up an authoritarian regime to save a buck - and now they're complaining about it.

Who exported all manufacturing to communist China? The liberals. Who propped up Putins nationalistic build-up to rebuild the Russian Empire? Fucking liberals. Who keeps blaming foreigners for their own incompetence and stupidity? Conservatives... also known as socially conservative liberals.

Even the word "liberal" or "liberalism" is fake, because it's not about people's freedom or rights, but how to install a private aristocracy free from the reproach of the people.

In essence, liberalism is a lie and liberals are delusional.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I considered this for a project, ended up with PyQt instead. But it looks cool and should be easy to adapt to various platforms, which is a selling point.

That being said, PHP is trying to get into the desktop space... for some reason...

Hello? 2024? Could you stop giving me concussions please?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Its not a "whataboutism". It is contrast. I do the same for articles that talk about western imperialism. Then I mention belt and road or Russian imperialism, to get people like you scream "WHATABOUTISM" because they are then in defence of "their guy", having their enemy-mentality triggered as their trained response is vomited from their gullet. Academically speaking discussions can branch into relevant areas, in fact, you need that contrast to have a wider perspective on the problem, or else it's just intellectual suicide and wankery.

It's not off topic, it is literally relevant to the same subject. If I were to talk about Chinese car manufacturing vs western car manufacturing, then it would be off topic. But no, we're talking state to state loans through "non governmental" organisations with predatory and exploitative conditions attached. That is inherently relevant to the topic, but from different parts of the world. If you're trying to say this sub isn't political, don't.

What you're essentially saying is I have to go make an adjacent repost on a western sub and then make it about IMF solely in the title? Each, in their corner, doing their circle jerk? Nuts to that weaksauce.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I'm sorry, I didn't know comparisons made you this frustrated. Yes, yes. I know about China's belt and road initiative, and their "central kingdom"... Have you heard of US imperialism and NATO?

You brushed off IMF like it did nothing, but as someone who has actually written on the IMF and researched their loan programs, I can tell you to get stuffed. IMF's loans were just as predatory - if even more so- and the real reason for the loans was so the default clause could be triggered.

The intention was always robbing people of raw resources while some upper echelon politician walks away with a phat Cayman island bank account, leaving nations of millions with austerity measures and libertarian laws (as demanded by the default clause), which made sure there was no investment in infrastructure or actual growth in a country. There are African countries who are still in this debt trap, decades later.

Why? Those sweet, sweet raw resources - sold at cost no less, as per loan agreement. "At cost" means no growth, no taxes, no actual economic activity, just pipe the resources onto containers and send them out of the country, while the slave labour that excavated it go back into poverty and squaler as their politicians grow fat behind gated communities. This is the perverse want that all "designer nations" want.

Ask Caribbean nations. Choosing between US imperialist, or China imperialist, they choose none, but jokingly say that the Chinese will walk away politely when you reject them - whereas the US will make the CIA coup your fucking government.

Shout outs to the CIA for holding a world record in government coups.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Ah yes, national debt traps. Also known as the modern form of imperialism. Word to the IMF and Citibank.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

"We have the best courts, I tell ya - we got this vending machine, a vending machine, right outside of the supreme court, and you just go up to this thing, and if you have some gifts - nice gifts - then you get a little bonus stat the next time you're summoned."

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Some folks need firing practice... for when these fucks show up.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Damn, these rpm-ostree distroes are taking off. I mean tbf, having a "cloud native" approach (a two buzzword combo) with system images is kind of great for testing, and it shows people can now actually carve out some systems in a relatively effective manner. Good show!

That is supposing it is rpm-ostree, because ostree can actually rebase to an entire different distribution. There's people getting arch working as an ostree install, and eventually, we'll have gone over to a new dawn, where you don't need to reinstall, just rebase.

Goddamn open source is awesome.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

haha oligopoly...

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Friggin' GIMP 2 is sun setting. GIMP 3 with everything replaced in GEGL and non-distructive editing is the new standard. Who tf needs Photoshop?

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Nexus is the goat. I mean I hate their pay-to-skip model, which basically means if you want to install a collection of say 600 mods... because yes, then you're stuck pressing a button over and over, unless... You pay for a monthly subscription, that you don't need to renew.

Basically you're paying for a one time convenience. I mean I understand, it's not that easy to demand pay for someone else's work, but server space and network traffic costs money. So, yeah...

Pay for the 1 month, or click a lot. At least you got options.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The UN should just open source all that as a GitHub repo with some pandoc magic. Not everything has to be directly served, and honestly, I'd like more of that to be served as data rather than as a service.

Heck, UN bodies spit out repos like it's their job... which is correct. Machine readable general assemblies even.

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