
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Go figure, but yeah - kratom extract can be deadly, y'all.

Reminder to use ethno-medicinal plants in moderation. Just because it's "natural" doesn't mean it won't kill you at a certain dose. There's an LD50 for everything.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Unlike hostile architecture, I think this is reasonable and prudent. That being said, there are entire seasons when this is almost a non-issue, and I bristle at the idea of enforcing this in our dry spring season. Even if it's absolutely necessary during the Monsoon and mini-monsoon (winter).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Leaders of Arizona Democracy Resilience Network share lessons learned in Ireland

More like "Leaders of Arizona Democracy Resilience Network share that they went to Northern Ireland" - there really isn't anything about "learning to step back" besides empty platitudes here. There is nothing to take away from this article other than "We think political violence is bad". It's a valid take, but the title really over-sells what's being communicated.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I think this one of Mr. Morlocks best pieces to date. It's a must-read.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Tucson Sentinel allows all candidates to publish opinions - this is one such article.

As such, this does not represent the views of or Tucson Sentinel and all opinions represent the views of the Author - Mr. Ciscomani.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Gooooood luck!

They've had the AZ Mobile ID app for a few years now, and almost every single place doesn't see it as valid.

I fear the "business owner class" is still far too conservative, old-fashioned, and tech-hostile for this to work.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Please don't be the start of a new meme, I really don't want to see this face everywhere. lol

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Arizona Bar exam, which is the lowest bar of entry,

You are completely and totally incorrect:

" Last fall, Arizona lowered its minimum passing score for the bar exam from 273, what was previously the highest in the country, to 270. The new score is still the nation’s highest, though it’s shared by 18 other states, including Colorado, Oregon and Pennsylvania.

Many University of Arizona law grads who fall short within a few points often leave for New Mexico or Utah, where the passing score is 260, said Jessica Findley, director of bar and academic success and professor of practice at the UA’s James E. Rogers College of Law. The goal of the ALAP is to keep aspiring lawyers in the state."

Arizona had the highest bar exam requirements in the Nation. And is now on par with 18 other states. The cutoff for this program is 10 points under passing - so 260. Equivalent to New Mexico.

The problem is that there is literally lower bars in bordering states - and they go there instead. Sure, we could just dismiss them as flunkies, but I doubt that a score of 260-270 indicates that they're "incapable".

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I had a unique upbringing. My father was an illiterate dyslexic (and maybe autistic himself) and he is fuckin weird - to put bluntly. That side of my family never really understood neurodivergence per-se, but they understood that everyone's a little weird - but we embraced that we're VERY weird. Hanging out with my dad's extended family is a lot of flailing, weird humor, and zany shenanigans and they embraced every moment.

My mother by contrast was more "abled" but she relished the "weirdness" that my father had in spades. Her own family had a bit of a zany streak as well - with my maternal Grandfather very obviously being undiagnosed autistic and having his own brand of severely understated and jump-scare humor.

Masking was entirely unnecessary in my family - and I can recognize the state pretty easily. It's more mentally relaxed, less hypervigilant, and generally more comfortable.

It was great not having to mask in my childhood - until I went to school and it suddenly wasn't a good thing.

Learning my masks was an absolutely agonizing process because "being myself" wasn't acceptable "out there". I felt so out of place compared to my peers. I was also bullied relentlessly to the point of PTSD. My masks eventually became automatic through the tumultuous times. It wasn't until my diagnosis in my early 30's that I even began to understand what it all was, and start deconstructing the masks.

Unmasking was as easy as accessing a "younger" me and simply not caring about the social results. (to a point)

For my echolalia, I don't hold back my vocal stimming anymore. I used to feel embarrassed and self conscious around it. Now I embrace it and have fun with it. Will you get movie trailer voice me or death metal voice me? Who knows!? Will I throw a random phrase using an English accent into an otherwise monotone statement, yoooouuu bet!

For my special interests, I LET my excitement bubble over. Sure, I might need to regain my composure from time to time, but hiding my excitement about these things nearly destroyed me. I try not to be hyper-focused though so as to allow natural conversational flow, but I also don't overly police myself anymore.

There's a few other things, but it's hard to reflect on them all.

Ultimately I'm unsure how helpful my experience is to others - it's a bit unique having a deep family culture of being really weird. I think that really helps me put my guard down and unmask. If I didn't have these memories, finding my unmasked state would be a LOT harder.


Just a brief 1 minute survey on what folks want out of

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Thank heavens, the way the consolidation was going everything was going to be Kroger. The merger would make like 1/2 of all grocery stores here Frys. With the other half split between the rest.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

If anything will empty the pews, its this.

IIRC, infertility has been a growing problem due to PFAS exposure. We may well inherit a future where IVF is required to maintain a replacement population.

These regressive idiots are essentially ensuring their beliefs will die with them. Good fucking riddance.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Huh, that's a pretty bold move for the AZ Dems. IIRC, I don't think Beshear got an endorsement from his state party. Though I suppose that could still happen.


🎉 Project Cornerstones: Your Footsteps, Our Future! 🎉

Feeling fiery and passionate about a cause but don’t know where to start? Look no further! Project Cornerstones, in collaboration with the Pima County Democratic Party, is here to fan the flames of change in Tucson! 🌿

What is Project Cornerstones?

Like the Sonoran monsoon, impactful change often starts with small, isolated showers before growing into large storms. We're all about micro-protests—powerful, intimate gatherings of fewer than a dozen folks. Show the world that even the smallest crowd can create mighty storms!

How You Can Get Involved


Are you the creative type? Turn your artistry into activism! Design ready-to-use signs, and assemble protest packs specifically for our desert climate, complete with water and sunscreen. Add your unique flair and post your contact info in our “Maker Directory” thread!


Ready to protest but need a hand? Just pick a corner and post a request for materials. Include the date, time, and location of your micro-protest. Get connected and get started!

Patrons (Honorary Role)

Can’t create or participate directly? No worries! Support the cause by donating crafting tools, poster boards, sunscreen, and bottled water.

Join the Conversation

Discuss the best mesquite-shaded, high-visibility spots for protests, coordinate with fellow activists, and share anything related to micro-protesting.

Ready to rock the revolution? Join us at

Let’s turn up the heat of change right here in Tucson! Be the change today! 🌵


So, as y'all know. I made a call to action to protest the Supreme Court Ruling.

As part of this, I reached out to multiple local political organizations. The Pima County Democratic party was pretty excited to work with me. And we'll be having some mutual announcements soon about some neat things we're doing together.

However, contrasting this with the Tucson DSA is stark.

They absolutely refused any sort of solidarity because I had placed some initial rules about not protesting Bidens nomination right now. It's not that I don't believe in that cause (I do!), its that I want to keep the protests from falling to the same issues as Occupy by keeping a narrow focus with specific talking points.

They essentially refused to talk about it at all and walked away.

Folks, to build power, we have to work together. And if we assume everyone else is extremely rigid and walk away any time something even slightly challenges your personal truth, we're all worse for it. We must be open to the fact that compromise is possible

The Democratic Socialists of America will fail to build power. They are too extreme, too dogmatic, and are extremely hostile to even having conversations. They don't build much for anyone except themselves and rely on performance to communicate their virtue.

What was so hard about having a conversation with me on this? I wasn't stating these decisions were final in any way. Yet they weaponized one condition to cast this site as ideological enemies. I was totally down to be like "Well, how about we protest Joe Biden on X day?". Yet we couldn't even get that far because the Tucson DSA slammed the door in my face.

So yeah, I used to donate to them, I even used to like them. But they have failed as a political entity and will continue to fail because they would rather have virtue to signal than to actually build something in the community they are apart of.

I don't understand The Democratic Socialists of America's insistence on turning small disagreements into reasons to not work with allied parties. I formally denounce their performative bullshit and purity testing.

EDIT: Cooled a bit, and decided and use less expletives and refined the conclusion.


cross-posted from:

  Independence Day falls on Thursday this year. Tucson, state and federal offices will be closed, except for trash collection and emergency services. Most transportation services will run on a Sunday schedule and you can reach prime fireworks viewing spots with the Sun Link streetcar.

Esta es una convocatoria oficial para TODOS los residentes de Tucson - liberales o conservadores.


  • Hoy - 4PM-7PM
  • Jueves - 4PM-7PM
  • Sábado - 2PM-8PM


  • Hoy - Banqueta frente a la sede del Partido Demócrata del Condado de Pima - (Trasladarse al Parque Himmel si está muy concurrido)
  • Jueves - Banqueta frente a la sede del Partido Demócrata del Condado de Pima - (Trasladarse al Parque Himmel si está muy concurrido)
  • Sábado - Parque Himmel


  • Sede de Campaña del Partido Demócrata del Condado de Pima - 2302 E Speedway Blvd Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719
  • Parque Himmel - 1000 N Tucson Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85716


"Más allá del destino de esta acusación en particular, las consecuencias a largo plazo de la decisión de hoy son graves. La Corte efectivamente crea una zona libre de leyes alrededor del Presidente, alterando el status quo que ha existido desde la Fundación. Esta nueva inmunidad por actos oficiales ahora 'yace como un arma cargada' para cualquier Presidente que desee poner sus propios intereses, su supervivencia política o su beneficio financiero por encima de los intereses de la Nación. El Presidente de los Estados Unidos es la persona más poderosa del país, y posiblemente del mundo. Cuando usa sus poderes oficiales de cualquier manera, según el razonamiento de la mayoría, ahora estará aislado de la persecución penal. ¿Ordena al Equipo 6 de los Navy Seals asesinar a un rival político? Inmune. ¿Organiza un golpe militar para aferrarse al poder? Inmune. ¿Acepta un soborno a cambio de un indulto? Inmune. Inmune, inmune, inmune. Dejen que el Presidente viole la ley, dejen que explote los atributos de su cargo para beneficio personal, dejen que use su poder oficial para fines malvados. Porque si supiera que algún día podría enfrentar responsabilidades por violar la ley, podría no ser tan audaz y valiente como nos gustaría que fuera. Ese es el mensaje de la mayoría hoy. Incluso si estos escenarios de pesadilla nunca se materializan, y ruego que nunca lo hagan, el daño ya está hecho. La relación entre el Presidente y el pueblo al que sirve ha cambiado irrevocablemente. En cada uso del poder oficial, el Presidente es ahora un rey por encima de la ley.

La fijación obstinada de la mayoría en la necesidad del Presidente de ser audaz y expedito ignora la necesidad contrapuesta de rendición de cuentas y restricción. Los Fundadores no eran tan obstinados. En los Documentos Federalistas, después de 'esforzarse por mostrar' que el Ejecutivo diseñado por la Constitución 'combina... todos los requisitos para la energía', Alexander Hamilton planteó una pregunta separada e igualmente importante: '¿Combina también los requisitos para la seguridad, en un sentido republicano, una debida dependencia del pueblo, una debida responsabilidad?' El Federalista No. 77, p. 507 (ed. J. Harvard Library 2009). La respuesta entonces era sí, basada en parte en la vulnerabilidad del Presidente a 'ser procesado en el curso común de la ley'. Ibíd. La respuesta después de hoy es no. Nunca en la historia de nuestra República un Presidente ha tenido razones para creer que sería inmune a un proceso penal si usara los atributos de su cargo para violar la ley penal. En adelante, sin embargo, todos los ex Presidentes estarán revestidos de tal inmunidad. Si el ocupante de ese cargo hace mal uso del poder oficial para beneficio personal, la ley penal que el resto de nosotros debe acatar no proporcionará un respaldo. Con temor por nuestra democracia, disiento."

--Jueza Sotomayor


  • Agua
  • Bocadillos
  • Protector solar
  • Paraguas o impermeables (en caso de lluvia)
  • Carteles protestando contra la decisión de inmunidad de la Corte Suprema
  • A ti mismo y quizás a uno o tres amigos.


  • Ningún cartel que no proteste contra la inmunidad de la Corte Suprema u otra decisión reciente.
  • Eso significa no protestar contra Biden como candidato. Deja eso para otro día.
  • Armas (improvisadas o de otro tipo)

Nota: Esta traducción al español fue creada con la asistencia de inteligencia artificial y puede contener errores. Por favor, reporte cualquier error de traducción a u/th3raid0r o [email protected].


This is an official call to action for ALL Tucson residents - liberal or conservative.


  • Today - 4PM-7PM
  • Thursday (July 4th / Independence Day) - 4PM-7PM
  • Saturday - 2PM-8PM


  • Today - Sidewalk in front of Pima County Democratic Headquarters - (Move to Himmel Park if too crowded)
  • Thursday (July 4th / Independence Day) - Sidewalk in front of Pima County Democratic Headquarters - (Move to Himmel Park if too crowded)
  • Saturday - Himmel Park


  • Pima County Democratic Campaign Headquarters - 2302 E Speedway Blvd Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719
  • Himmel Park - 1000 N Tucson Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85716


"Looking beyond the fate of this particular prosecution, the long-term consequences of today’s decision are stark. The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding. This new official-acts immunity now “lies about like a loaded weapon” for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation. The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.

The majority’s single-minded fixation on the President’s need for boldness and dispatch ignores the countervailing need for accountability and restraint. The Framers were not so single-minded. In the Federalist Papers, after “endeavor[ing] to show” that the Executive designed by the Constitution “combines . . . all the requisites to energy,” Alexander Hamilton asked a separate, equally important question: “Does it also combine the requisites to safety, in a republican sense, a due dependence on the people, a due responsibility?” The Federalist No. 77, p. 507 (J. Harvard Li- brary ed. 2009). The answer then was yes, based in part upon the President’s vulnerability to “prosecution in the common course of law.” Ibid. The answer after today is no. Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop. With fear for our democracy, I dissent."

--Justice Sotomayor


  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Sunscreen
  • Umbrellas or Raincoats (in case of rain)
  • Signs protesting the SC immunity decision
  • Yourself and perhaps a friend or 3.


  • Any signs that aren't protesting the SC immunity or other recent decision.
  • That means no protesting Biden as the candidate. Leave that for another day.
  • Weapons (improvised or otherwise)

Technically older than I'd like to post, but this information hasn't been posted before, and I was surprised to learn that, despite the lease cancellations that made the news, there's still a lot more alfalfa megafarms we need to deal with.


Just a quick reminder of the actions that are within our locus of control.

We can:

  • Email our local and state level Democratic party orgs and representatives expressing our alarm and urgent need for a new candidate.
  • Protest in front of local and state level Democratic campaign offices expressing our alarm and urgent need for a better candidate.
  • Provide extreme feedback in polls and surveys. The DNC is very data driven, and if their internal polling goes south, it could very well force a change.
  • Vote for the candidate we have.

There's probably more, but I've done #1, and am planning to do #2. Feel free to join in - the more voices, the louder the message.

The local Democrat Party office can be reached by email at [email protected].

Mark Kelly can be reached with this form here.

Mail correspondence and in-person appeals and protesting should occur at the Pima County Democratic Party headquarters located at 2302 E Speedway Blvd Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719.


As in title, my father is an American nomad, and he just recently got a spot with good internet signal for a few months.

He hasn't really played in years, and the last game he really enjoyed was Warface and Novalogic's Joint Operations: Combined Arms.

There is a bit of a twist though, his vision certainly isn't what it used to be, so whatever game I suggest needs accessibility options galore.

I found a really good "singleplayer only" experience in Ravenfield and the style lends itself very well to my father's limited vision.

Is there something like Ravenfield but with a well supported online component? Perhaps Battlebit: Remastered is pretty close?

EDIT: I suppose the genre is better described a "mil-sim" than "tactical shooter".

UPDATE: Someone recommended the latest Insurgency game. After realizing my father had over 1K hours in the previous Insurgency game I realized that this was the game to get. Turns out it was a good choice! That's where most of my father's online buddies ended up! Thanks all! Feel free to keep recommending things, but we already seem to have a winner!


Again, the names are:

  • Clint Bolick
  • Kathryn Hackett King

While you're here, I encourage you to also sign the petition to get Abortion Access on November's ballot.

Already signed? Donations are always welcome!

EDIT - I keep butchering the title. 😢 If I see issues with this one. I'ma wait a bit and assume I'm having a bad brain day. Sorry if you've been "spammed" by my edits/reposts.


Obviously this is still a Pixel issue - but at least I can connect to my home Wifi again.

I previously posted saying that Wifi was broken in general, but I mistook my ongoing Xfinity outage as being unable to connect to any wifi. Thus I removed the post.

When the outage ended, I could connect to some other networks and couldn't figure out why.

It wasn't until after a painful factory reset process that I tried going from WPA3/WPA2 mode to just WPA2 on both of my APs and suddenly everything is able to connect again.

It seems that the recent OTA update borked WPA3-Personal in a way that doesn't allow it to navigate the "compatibility mode" of WPA3/WPA2 either.

Edit - Looks like this might even be something Verizon specific - UQ1A-20231205.015.A1

Edit2 - Also mine is a Pixel 7 Pro - a Pixel 6 Pro user reports no such issue - YMMV.


I just realized that every streaming platform seems to have a couple heavy-hitter big-budget sci-fi series these days. Most of them turn out to be critically acclaimed as well.

Sure, we all know that there are Star Trek fans who dislike Discovery and Picard, or Foundation fans who dislike Apple's adaptation. Even though much of what is on TV is still decades-old franchises, it seems that we're getting more original sci-fi along with it.

  • Scavengers Reign
  • For All Mankind
  • Invasion
  • Cyberpunk: Edgeruners
  • Tales from the Loop

I could go on...

No longer is it simply a single channel on cable tv that was also 50/50 with horror content, plus Star Trek and a handful of others that other networks syndicated.

Today there's a rich tapestry of new ideas, concepts, and just plain art in media that was normally reserved for paperbacks published by Tor and others.

Don't get me wrong, I still love me some SG1, TNG, DS9, B5, and others - all shows I grew up with; but I'm so happy that we get so much more now!

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