[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

IRCv3 for accessibility if I need it to be centralized & TLS is the only useful encryption (such as a public chat room); otherwise XMPP + OMEMO for decentralized (but also is great for public chat rooms). No need to reinvent battle-tested, mature standards.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Cheeky answer would be: CodeForges ∩ {MS GitHub}^c^ (anything but)

I’ve been primarily using Darcs & a little Pijul, but have been using Codeberg when I need to use Git or just self-hosting via SSH.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

You could switch some of the problems with perf in switching away from the Python implementation server as well as Element clients but these support the most up-to-date features & the majority of users are now relying on these features that often don’t degrade graacefully.

The bigger issue is eventual consistency. Eventual consistency will not scale for small self-hosting. Every message & every attachment for every user in every chatroom they have joined must be duplicated to your server. This is why joining rooms sometmies takes 10 minutes. Even if you make this async from the client side instead of the current long wait, your server & storage are still taking the hit. A lot of small collectives had to drop their servers for performance & cost (read about yet another one today on the Techlore thread at c/privacy where now only Discord is used for realtime coms). This model is required to copycat the ability to search the entire history like the big, proprietary chat apps such as Slack/Telegram/Discord, but they are centralized so it is easier to manage—but its overuse for all announcement & trying to replace forums turns it into a black hole for information. Your small community probably does not need persistent chat like this—persistent info is lighter & easier to crawl as feeds & forums. With medium-sized servers shutting down, only the biggest & smallest hosts are still kicking with most metadata is largely centralized around Matrix.org who also hosts some of the other larger instances.

If you agree that chat can be chatter as well as ephemeral there is lightweight centralized chat in IRCv3 with TLS has most of the features you need with a longer legacy & massive choice for clients & XMPP for lightweight decentralized chat with a long legacy, client options too, & can be self-hosted in a bedroom on a toaster in comparison which increases the chances of self-hosters & decentralization. These were built in a time when we didn’t have such wasteful taste in tech since they needed to be efficient & only sip power/data in comparison both for clients & servers & storage. The bigger question IMO is what are fundamentally wrong with these two mature options that we need a new option built on unextensible JSON & Israeli Intelligence money?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Exactly. Our words matter & the sooner we stop using Google to mean search or MS GitHub to mean code, the sooner we can start shifting the narritive towards entities that better respect our privacy or even gasp self-hosting. Word choice for social change is just as important for spreading the message.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

IIRC it might be on by default (tho this would hurt anonymity if you can request JXL files & stock Fx cannot), else open about:config & search for “jxl”. Upstream has kept this flag—toggle on or off—only working in Fx Nightly.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago


Microsoft social media: GitHub & LinkedIn

Which is it?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Hardening aside, I like that LibreWolf actually lets you turn on JPEG XL.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 4 days ago

If your free software communications can only be done thru US-based, proprietary options, then you are not free software. To think open source is ideal for your project, but not the tools surrounding it misses the point of trying uplift support & usage of these free sorts of projects (& this isn’t even starting with the privacy & lock-in concerns). Instead of coding around flaws in Microsoft GitHub or building Discord/Slack/Telegram bots, actually build & upstream integrations into the free options as you would like to see folks do unto your own project. Not saying you can’t have these services as an alternative, but as the only option (or the primary option to IIABH) should be shamed & definitely not considered the norm.

Also Matrix is pretty shit, where all the clients/servers run too heavy, & eventual-consistency means self-hosting storage often ballots into ‘too expensive’ which has led to de facto centralization the project cannot fix by design. Meaning Matrix is a better, but still bad chat option.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Both. If I can get up before lunch I will have a morning tea, then an afternoon coffee, & often an even tea—or if I have access to mate or guayusa (difficult here).

I used to be a heavy diet soda drinker, but my body hasn’t been responding well to it with stomach cramps in recent years. I used to hate tea since sweet tea & Nestea was all that was on offer where I grew up. I developed a highfalutin tea taste accidently when one of my old apartments was near a coffee/tea shop I would go to after work where due to free water to resteep, tea was a better bargain for the caffeine & they only had really good loose leaf (I would just have the staff recommend me something new each time). My face when I first went to the UK, known for the tea-loving stereotypes, on business after developing a taste. I rolled into a random café with my newly acquired tea knowledge & asked what sorts of teas they had to the response of “black & green”, Naïvely, “Umm, okay. Where is your green tea from?” She lifts an object, looks me in the eye with a vocal eyeroll “this box”. Working-class tea is very different to what I accidently became accustomed to.

Coffee was the same where it was gross instant Folger’s on the grandparents’ breath growing up. I would occasionally order a latte or mocha (no sugar) just to break up the monotony of tea now in Thailand where outside of the northern region, there is little understanding of good tea (just a flavor to add to your condensed milk lol). But the indie coffeeshops with friendly baristas slowly over the course of many years taught me how to taste the variety single-origin coffees offer. I would say I now slightly prefer coffee since the flavor gamut is broader & I found stuff I truly enjoy finally.

For that reason tho, I keep the kettle at home for tea only since I can buy the good stuff in bulk inexpensively to handle myself whereas I keep the coffee for the cafés so I have a good excuse actually leave the home when I work remote.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

If you want a rush, try gyukuro. Flavor of an umami green tea with the caffeine level of a cup of coffee & high L-thiamine to cut the jitters.

I lived it the UK briefly & my roommate never understood my fascination generally preferring his Yorkshire tea (trash). One day he asked about it so I made him a mug (we used coffee mugs). He said it tasted like yard clippings like other green teas before walking off continuing to sip to not waste it. He comes back in 15–20 minutes later over halfway finished, “Did you put drugs in this‽”. “Nope.” “I feel like I want to run a marathon. Okay, I see the appeal for your mornings, but this is the worst high ever.”

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Language on the broad scope doesn’t matter, but something with a niche—especially not another object-oriented framework as dominates video games but less so elsewhere in the last decade where encapsulation & state have been seen more as anti-patterns in most cases—can make it either a better tool for the job or at least a curiousity on how to construct a full application of the type in said language—which helps fans of this or adjacent languages have a repository of ideas to draw upon.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Sorry for clarity. The eventual consistency model is a result of wanting decentralization for Slack/Telegram/Discord’s design of thinking the entire history needs to be saved for chat rather than seen as ephemeral (which allows for better search & resilience, but at a major cost to storage, but also a knock-on effect of folks treating chat as permanent which is why we have huge, cut-off information silos on these chat platforms that the rest of the net can’t index & often trawling the search is difficult so the repeated questions/answers are common since a simple web search doesn’t yield good results). When you take away the concept that all text & attachments need to be seen from origin til the end of time, you would never bother in all the work of cloning the entire history & reassembling it on every server listening to the conversation. …Which is why many chat protocols forgo the more then enough history to keep you up to speed with a conversation & structured forums + feeds used to be the primary way to ask questions & make announcements (where simple programs could parse the data instead of needing gobs of natural language processing for chat soup when it is pulling multiple duties).

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